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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 494

Suddenly there was another big shock in the ninja world, and the news exploded.

This time it was even more explosive.

If the previous entertainment gossip news was a three-magnitude earthquake, then this one is an eight-magnitude earthquake, the kind that makes you unable to stand still.

This earthquake was very severe.

It shook the entire ninja world.

If you ask why, it’s just one sentence, Shura Uchiha from the ninja world has officially announced that he is getting married.

Uchiha Madara, accompanied by the Uchiha clan, publicly announced that he was getting married.

At first, everyone didn’t believe it, but then the newly appointed leader of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku, personally led a team to the Kingdom of Ghosts to propose to Uchiha Madara Miko and give her a gift.

With the beating of gongs and drums, he wanted to let the entire ninja world know the scene, so that everyone in the ninja world had to believe that Uchiha Madara, who had always been extremely arrogant, was getting married.

Lone Wolf Spot wants to find his other half.

What’s more important is that the other half is still very beautiful, has good abilities, and is still a white and rich girl. The dowry he brings is enough to make the Uchiha clan richer.

Envy and jealousy cannot be expressed in words.

Of course, if Uchiha Madara is the happiest person to get married, it is of course Uzumaki Mito.

After confirming that Uchiha Madara was married, Uzumaki Mito happily let Tsunade go, and then prepared a generous gift overnight and sent it in the name of repairing the relationship between the two clans.

Seeing the big gift from Uzumaki Mito, Uchiha Madara was very angry.

He wanted to yell at Uzumaki Mito, you are the mistress, your whole family is the mistress, there is no formal rule in this world about mistress prevention.

Anger, boundless anger filled Uchiha Madara’s chest.

Although extremely angry, Madara endured it.

For this kind of thing, the more you struggle and debate, the more you will suffer in the end. The best way is to be patient.

However, Uchiha Madara’s marriage still shocked the entire ninja world.

Everyone never expected that Shura from the ninja world would actually get married.

As for the wedding scene, anyone who went there when the prince got married will know it.

Because Uchiha Madara is a character, he is also famous in the ninja world, and now he is also the boss among the bosses, just worse than the top two giants.

Therefore, all the big shots in the ninja world sent congratulatory gifts, and some big shots were even present in person.

In order to receive guests, the Uchiha clan summoned all their clan members back.

There is no way, otherwise there are really not enough manpower.

The big stars who debuted in the Uchiha clan are currently doing tasks such as serving dishes and delivering fruits.

A little better is to be responsible for the reception on the wedding day.

There is no way, the people who come are very powerful.

Either those first-generation Kage, or the big bosses of various ninja clans, or the scattered Kage-level, or the leaders of various hidden villages.

Facing these people, the Uchiha clan has to give face.

This is not the era of fighting and killing during the Warring States Period. Everyone is now a civilized person.

As civilized people, we will not mess around.

Besides, the Uchiha clan is arrogant, but they are not fools.

The entertainment industry is a big dyeing vat, which dyes these young guys who used to be extremely arrogant and wanted to cause trouble all day long.

In short, in one sentence, they have realized that the Uchiha clan is awesome, but they have never been so awesome that they can challenge the entire ninja world alone.

Although the people who come now cannot represent the entire ninja world, they can represent the famous forces in the ninja world.

Facing this scene, the young Uchiha members only felt that they were awesome, but they were not so proud that they looked down on everyone else.

For example, at this moment, facing the first-generation Tsuchikage Ishikawa who came to congratulate him, the young Uchiha felt very uncomfortable.

There was no other way. As soon as the boss stood there, he exuded an aura of calmness and authority. He was just a small jounin, how could he withstand it?

There were so many big guys coming that the young Uchihas couldn’t bear it anymore.

There was no way, the superiors paid too much attention to this incident, and all the Immortals of Six Paths came over.

In the words of the Sage of Six Paths, this can be regarded as an event for the entire ninja world.

“It seems like this is the first time since the establishment of Hidden Village that all the Kage have gathered in one village.”

At the wedding venue, Yun Qing held a wine glass and said with a smile.

The Uchiha clan is very thoughtful, and the wedding is a self-service mode. Everyone eats and drinks on their own without special attention.

Everyone who came to congratulate them walked around casually and talked to each other.

“Let down your guard, let down your guard, and just talk to each other.

Not a bad start. “

Shi He said with a smile.

Yun Qing glanced at Shi He, old man, don’t you know how bad you are?

Why don’t you just let down your guard and eat shit?

“To be honest, it’s really hard to imagine that everyone would put down their guard and gather in a hidden village like this.”

The first generation Mizukage Byakuren also sighed while holding a wine glass.

A man who established a hidden village in the midst of turmoil to protect an entire country. No matter what he has experienced, he has one thing in common, and that is the desire for peace.

Their desire for peace is unmatched by others.

In other words, they long for peace from the bottom of their hearts.

Facing the sighs of these first-generation shadows, Yun Qing didn’t want to speak anymore.

They are obviously a bunch of old yinbi. They just open their mouths and sigh about life with their mouths shut. Isn’t it interesting?

It turns out that it is conscious, very conscious, and the big guys find it very interesting.

Faced with all this, Yun Qing could only sigh along with the boss’s wishes.

Yunqing didn’t like this situation where everyone was bragging together.

It was supposed to be the first Kazekage.

Such matters for the older generation should of course come from the older generation.

But in Lie Dou’s words, this time must be boring, it must be a situation where everyone is bragging to each other, and he doesn’t want to come.

Yunqing, who didn’t want to work but just wanted to retire, took the initiative to help the boss solve the problem after hearing that Liedou didn’t want to come.

The two hit it off immediately, one came to attend the wedding on behalf of the other, and the other handled government affairs for the other.

Yunqing regretted it after he came. The people who came to other hidden villages were all first-generation shadows, a group of old Yin rivals. They all brag to each other. He would look out of place if he didn’t follow, but if he did, he felt disgusted.

In the end, Yun Qing could only say that he had committed the evil he had done, and he would go on gritting his teeth.

Yun Qing could only comfort himself by saying that he had fallen.

However, Yunqing felt that it was not bad after everyone was bragging. At the very least, he felt as if he was really living in a peaceful and happy environment.

Yun Qing felt that everyone liked to brag, and it was probably related to this.

For example, blow out a peaceful and prosperous age.

Another example is to blow out a world-class figure.

Just like the Crown Princess laughingly telling her silly son that Jiraiya is better than the Crown Prince.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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