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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 496 Chapter 494 This chapter was written in vain, please don’t subscribe.

Regarding the side effects of Sharingan, this really depends on the person.

Uchiha Madara was fine with it, Uchiha Fugaku was fine, and Uchiha Obito was always on, so everyone was fine. However, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke developed blood stain disease. This is a more interesting thing. .

But think about how crazy these two brothers are.

After Uchiha Itachi opened his eyes, he used his ultimate move to instantly kill everyone, staring at whoever was pregnant.

Uchiha Sasuke also glanced at him. After opening his kaleidoscope eyes, he used Susanoo everywhere.

The two people didn’t consider their physical condition at all, and didn’t estimate the body’s endurance. They just talked nonsense. In the end, who was blind if they weren’t blind?

If you think about it carefully, Madara must have changed his glasses after Izuna died. Before Uchiha Izuna died, Madara had always used the original glasses.

Generally speaking, Sharingan has side effects, but they are very small and mainly depend on the user’s physical condition.

It is normal for Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke to be unlucky because their eyes were opened for too short a time, their age was too young, their bodies were too weak, and they were used too much.

This is the reason why Yunqing disdains the Sharingan. You may still be tired of your own user. What’s the point of using you?

If Yunqing was asked to choose bloodstains, Yunqing thought Ice Escape would be good.

The reason why Wood Release is so strong is because Wood Release has been integrated with too many things, such as Indra’s chakra and senjutsu chakra. It was only then that Senju Hashirama played tricks on it, and its power became so apparent. big.

Therefore, Yun Qing felt that even if he had Wood Escape, he wouldn’t be that strong.

All the big guys present heard Yun Qing’s disdain for the Sharingan.

But no one said anything.

Even the Uchiha clan had no attitude when they heard it.

They enjoy the benefits of the Sharingan, but they have to accept the disadvantages of the Sharingan.

The Uchiha people at this period were still very peaceful. Of course, it does not rule out that they accepted the colorful entertainment industry and looked away from it long ago.

Besides, it’s not like the Uchiha clan doesn’t have the idea of ​​focusing on taijutsu and ninjutsu, with the Sharingan as a supplement.

Not only that, there are many more, such as the Uchiha Mirror.

Uchiha Mirror does not have a kaleidoscope. The reason why he became a Kage is that the Ninja Phantasm is too balanced. He is a Kage who is good at everything. The existence of the Sharingan allows him to face various situations.

So everyone’s disdain for the boss is very indifferent. Whatever you like to view, that is your business and has nothing to do with us. We, the Uchiha clan, are quite indifferent.

We ourselves don’t know how to view the Sharingan. You can view it however you like. We just accept it with a smile.

The people next to Yun Qing all smiled. Among these first-generation Kage, none of them had ever fought like Uchiha. Everyone had fought since the Warring States Period, and everyone had encountered all kinds of enemies. , have a firm mind, mature beliefs, and are not easy to change, that’s what they are talking about.

The simplest point is that ordinary ninjas don’t dare to look into the eyes of the Uchiha clan when fighting with them, but this group of people is different. It’s time to look at it. It’s just an illusion, and it can be dispelled easily.

What’s more, the Uchiha clan’s genjutsu may not affect them.

To be honest, if something like illusion is not a particularly powerful illusion, it will become less useful the further you go.

One of the common abilities of the Sharingan is the blessing of illusions.

However, unless you can enhance illusions to the level of Tsukuyomi, Izanami, and Izanaki, it won’t really be of much use to a shadow-level powerhouse.

Just look at Senju Tobirama’s lifelong battles, and you’ll know that even illusions at the level of Darkness were rarely used.

Master Ban is even more the same.

The only illusions that can be used in the later stages are the Kurama clan’s five-sense manipulation. For the rest, I’m really sorry.

In fact, even Uchiha Shisui, who is known as the genius of Uchiha genjutsu, used only other genjutsu in the end, and the rest of him relied on instantaneous body to become famous.

All in all, illusion is quite nonsense.

Yunqing analyzed the Sharingan’s early abilities in his heart, and finally discovered one thing. The blood stain was just like that. Except for the longer evolutionary chain, which was prepared for the Destiny’s Child, the rest of it was just like that. For ordinary people, the Sharingan is really not friendly enough.

Evolve through stimulation. Under huge stimulation, coupled with the affirmation of Sharingan evolution, even people with a good mentality can easily go astray.

Therefore, Yunqing thought about it again and again, and felt that the Uchiha clan deserved to be targeted in the original work.

Anyone who has a group of subordinates who can go berserk at any time will go crazy.

It’s not that Senju Tobirama can’t see the future or the strength of the Uchiha clan. In fact, anyone will be angry when they think about the Uchiha situation.

What if one day a strong Uchiha man suddenly thinks that Konoha is too bad and not good enough, so I should defect, or in other words, there are too many dead people in the war and he cannot accept it, and he thinks that Konoha is wrong. .

In short, it is a sentence to prevent Uchiha from going berserk and nip the Uchiha who will go berserk in the bud.

And, from a practical perspective, this is true.

The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to laugh. In the end, Yun Qing felt that he was holding back so much pain.

The more he thought about Uchiha’s situation, the more he thought about it. They were just a scammer.

It’s not bad to be proud of the Sharingan, but deceived by the Sharingan. It’s not bad to even say that you want to bury the chaos-type destiny protagonist with you.

Yun Qing felt that if divided according to the nine palaces of good and evil, the second pillar was absolutely chaotic and neutral, while the prince was purely lawful good.

The Uchiha clan is rich in such chaotic and neutral gadgets.

Yun Qing feels that neither the loving clan nor the hated clan can be used to summarize the Uchiha clan, only the word “unlucky” is enough.

It’s not like there aren’t some normal people in the originally good clan, but as a result, some bad luck always happens because of the Sharingan.

Going up to Madara Uchiha and going down to the Second Pillar, you are either cheating the tribesmen or walking on the road of cheating the tribesmen.

Normal tribesmen cannot defeat them, and abnormal tribesmen will not fight them. This has become a vicious cycle. There is no way to correct it. The best way is to destroy it from the root.

The one-size-fits-all policy completely destroyed the Uchiha clan.

Otherwise, the Uchiha clan must be integrated into the entire world, so that everyone can accept it.

Sighing, Yunqing felt that the Uchiha clan was really unlucky, and they were so unlucky that they couldn’t be saved.

The Uchiha clan is the kind of clan that can really give up treatment.

It’s so tragic, so inhumane.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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