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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 499

Yunqing didn’t know whether Hatake’s 55-year-old love to look at contraband had anything to do with whether someone named Jiraiya lived next door.

Yun Qing said that he just likes to speculate, but it does not mean that he likes to explore secret answers.

If the exploration really succeeds, whether Hatake Sakumo will kill Jiraiya or kill him 50-50 is a question.

And it’s still a very serious problem.

All the Ninja bosses who came to attend the wedding left on the third day after the wedding.

Everyone is aware that staying for three days is Konoha’s limit.

Unless you swear to the entire ninja world in public and to the Sage of Six Paths that you will be loyal to Konoha forever, Sarutobi Hiruzen will not dare to let you stay.

Moreover, for others, staying in Konoha for three days is already the limit.

If Hiruzen Sarutobi was willing to stay any longer, they were not willing either.

In everyone’s world, Konoha is a symbol of conspirators, oh, and violent maniacs and idiots.

In the eyes of many big figures in the ninja world, Konoha is a village where conspirators, idiots and violent maniacs coexist.

Idiots will lower everyone’s average IQ, conspirators will make everyone feel uncomfortable, and violent maniacs will make everyone fear that they will be beaten at any time.

Anyway, after everyone thought about it, it was better not to stay in Konoha and leave as soon as possible.

If Uzumaki Mito and Uchiha Madara get into a fight one day because of their love rivals, should everyone watch the show or go up and help?

This is a problem.

The bigger question is, what should I do if Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara don’t like me at the same time at the same time? Should I try to resist, or should I surrender.

No matter which method it is, it doesn’t seem very decent.

Therefore, after everyone completed their tasks, they chose to leave and leave happily.

As the saying goes, hello, me, hello everyone.

Hello everyone, this is really good.

Yunqing sat in the car leaving Konoha and the Country of Fire, looking at the scenery along the way and feeling very good.

“Let me go, what is this, what is Konoha doing?”

Yunqing, who was enjoying the scenery along the way, suddenly discovered a strange sight.

He vaguely saw a statue standing in the middle of a city.

That statue was very familiar to Yun Qing, and it was carved by the Immortal of Six Paths.

“What the hell is this? What is Konoha trying to do, to forcefully recognize their ancestors and bring them back to their clan, and bring the Sage of Six Paths into their own camp?”

Yun Qing was helpless. He felt that everyone in the ninja world was so good at playing. Was he trying to do some moves that he didn’t know about?

Faced with this kind of life, Yunqing chose to remain silent.

However, curiosity killed the cat, but Yunqing was not a cat, but a giant dragon in human skin, and curiosity could not kill him.

Yun Qing opened the dark plane and read about it carefully.

The more I look at Yun Qing, the more I want to laugh.

In the dark plane of Yunqing, Konoha is really not to blame for building a statue for the Six Paths Sage.

The Land of Fire is a country with a lot of religious activities. Even after Konoha took over, there was no way to stop the existence of religious activities.

Everyone still likes to turn to religion to solve any problem.

Later, some great god suddenly asked us why we worship some unknown god. Isn’t there a living god in the ninja world?

In this way, the Immortal of Six Paths was pushed to the front of the stage. Everyone felt that worshiping the Immortal of Six Paths was not bad.

There is another question of whether other gods exist or not. The Immortal of Six Paths does not exist. The Immortal of Six Paths just exists like this.

Besides, the Sage of Six Paths is obviously related to them in Konoha.

You see, Asura and Indra are the sons of the Sage of Six Paths, and Senju, Uchiha and Uzumaki are the descendants of the son of the Sage of Six Paths.

Based on this calculation, aren’t we Konoha and Fire Nation the direct descendants of the Sage of Six Paths?

With this thought, everyone became more energetic in worshiping the Immortal of Six Paths.

If this is considered normal, the thinking of a group of worshipers is abnormal.

There is a group of people who pray purely for forgiveness.

Because the legend of Six Paths Sage has always existed in the ninja world, a group of people often swear by it for no reason.

Things like swearing to the Sage of Six Paths often happen in the ninja world.

Now, the person you swore to is resurrected, should you say something or do something?

In this way, in order to prevent people from coming to our door and make it convenient for everyone to worship the Immortal of Six Paths, we built a statue of the Immortal.

Then there was the above scene that Yun Qing saw.

The situation was simple and things were going smoothly, but someone still found traces of Konoha.

In addition to Yun Qing, others discovered traces of Konoha.

Yun Qing saw it from the dark plane, but others did not have the ability to peep from the dark plane. How did they discover it.

In the words of a certain boss who did not want to be named, I just don’t trust Konoha, I just don’t trust Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo.

The words are very simple, but they speak directly from the heart and get to the root of the topic.

In this situation, Konoha couldn’t say anything. He could only be dumb and eat Coptis chinensis, unable to express his suffering.

According to legend, after someone pointed out that Konoha was shameless and had to have a relationship with the Sage of Six Paths, the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen decorated his office the next day, and the root leader Shimura Danzo also renovated his office.

It was because of this rumor that the gossips in the ninja world suddenly discovered, oh, it turns out that Konoha is really such a shameless existence.

But the people of the Fire Country said openly, we Konoha, our Fire Country, we are so direct.

What’s wrong with us wanting to hug Dad Liudao’s lap? Do you dare to say that you don’t want to hug Dad Liudao’s thigh?

Me, we also want to hug Liudao’s father’s lap.

For no other reason than Liu Dao’s dad’s thighs are thick and beautiful, better looking than ours.

It is for these reasons that the matter was settled in the end. However, various countries in the ninja world, including the Kingdom of Wind, have built many statues of the Six Paths Sage.

There is no other reason than to curry favor with Liu Dao’s father.

Everyone thinks that Dad Liudao is a good man with ideals and dreams.

We just need to hold on to Liu Dao’s father’s lap, and we will definitely be able to live a good life.

Rokudo’s father didn’t think so. Faced with the sudden appearance of statues from various countries in the ninja world, Rokudo’s father felt very ashamed. He was so ashamed that I had better go out less if I had nothing to do.

Faced with the shyness of Liu Dao’s father, everyone felt that they still needed to deal with him more. Liu Dao’s father was not a shameless person. As long as he was thick-skinned, sooner or later he would be able to lick Liu Dao’s father to pleasure.

As long as I lick Dad Liudao to pleasure, I’m guaranteed for the rest of my life.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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