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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 50 Yun Qing is inexplicably deified

Hearing Yun Qing’s words, Uzumaki Yan scratched his head and said with a silly smile: “You are flattered, hahahaha.”

Don’t laugh if you can, Yun Qing looked at Uzumaki Yan speechlessly.

“To be honest, in the 21st century, the two of them are still two civil servants who share dividends from the family business, and one of them is a shareholder.

If you don’t live well, it’s really God’s fault. “

Yun Qing muttered in his heart.

Thinking about the situation of Ye Nan and Whirlpool Yan, Yun Qing had to sigh that no matter how difficult it was for these two guys, their lives were much better than others.

On the other side, Ye Nan and Ye Cang were also chatting about the same thing, and naturally discovered the underground organization here.

After taking a walk and wandering down the road, Yunqing and Ye Cang met many acquaintances.

Sand Hidden Village is neither big nor small. If you really want to meet someone, there is no one you can’t meet.

It’s not difficult to meet someone if you don’t want to.

“Master Kazekage, sometimes, I think you are really great.”

The two of them were eating and walking, and Ye Cang suddenly spoke.

“It’s not bad. In terms of strength, among all the heroes of the past, I can indeed be said to be the greatest.”

Yun Qing was stunned for a moment, then chewed some unknown snack he bought from the roadside and said vaguely.

Ye Cang smiled and shook his head: “No, I’m talking about other aspects, you are really great.

The changes in Sand Hidden Village are enough to prove your greatness. “

Ye Cang said, “Although I am not old, I have been working as Kazekage’s assistant for a year, and my political IQ has improved a bit. Moreover, I have also experienced the previous environment of Sunagakure Village.”

As a ninja, I feel that Sunagakure Village is too poor. What about the lives of the lower class people and ninjas?

I don’t read much, so don’t fool me.

“Haha, great? Not great at all. I just did what I should do.

Ye Cang, you have to remember that we are mortals and we will make mistakes. Don’t be too afraid and worshipful of someone.

Otherwise, when “greatness” collapses, your faith will also collapse. “

Yun Qing smiled to himself and said strangely.

“The Great Collapse?”

Ye Cang was immediately frightened.

She has been in contact with Yunqing for a long time and understands Yunqing’s preferences, knows that Yunqing is responsible, knows that Yunqing also has desires, knows that Yunqing attaches great importance to Shayin Village, and knows that Yunqing can also have a small temper.

She never thought about the great collapse.

“Don’t believe it, do you think Senju Hashirama is great?”

Yun Qing said with a smile.

“It’s great. Create a one-country-one-village system, so that we don’t have to fight each other since we were born, and we don’t have to worry about the annihilation of our clan at any time.”

Ye Cang raised his head, with stars in his eyes, and said with “slightly” admiration.

Yun Qing was speechless. His assistant, Jia Mi Shu, actually worshiped the enemy village’s shadow.

No wonder you were killed in the original novel. Given your ideological consciousness, it would be difficult for you not to die.

Yun Qing thought viciously, then sighed and continued: “The first Hokage Senju Hashirama was addicted to gambling. If it weren’t for Uzumaki Mito and Senju Tobirama, the Senju clan would have been wiped out by gambling.

Moreover, Senju Hashirama has a weak personality and is a joke. During the Five Shadows Conference, he bowed to other shadows and harmed many people. “

“He is addicted to gambling and has a weak personality. He is a joke and has harmed many people.”

Ye Cang felt that his world view had collapsed a little.

It’s impossible that the god of the ninja world that he worships is actually a gambler and a joke.

The God of the Ninja World, shouldn’t he be a cold and handsome guy who can make the other Ninja Village Kages surrender with just one glance at the Five Kage Conference? Why are you bowing your head?

Looking at Ye Cang’s expression of disbelief and the look in his eyes that begged Yun Qing to admit that what he just said was a lie.

Yun Qing nodded harshly and told her, I’m sorry, although it’s unbelievable, it’s all true.

“So I say, don’t worship a certain person too much, let alone deify him. Otherwise, when you really understand him, you will find that faith is really fragile and can be broken if you touch it.”

Yunqing smiled and re-established correct values ​​​​for Ye Cang.

“Also, what you said today made me think of a question, that is, how many people in Sunagakure Village will deify me and make me great like you.”

Yun Qing’s eyes changed and he said in a serious tone.

He is really afraid of deifying or making a person great. That kind of impact is too terrifying.

The person who was deified was fine if he didn’t make a mistake, but once he made a mistake, it would be devastating.

Force can destroy the human body but not the spirit.

The deified person will truly destroy the entire world.

Think of a certain forest in the former Soviet Union, that is a living example.

The result of deification directly laid the foundation for the disintegration of the alliance.

“There should be quite a few. I remember that in the ninja school, someone even summed up three ideas, two correctnesses and so on.”

Ye Cang said something that frightened Yun Qing.

Girl, what are you saying again, three thoughts, two correct, my mother, what exactly happened, which boss dares to play this?

Are you trying to push me into a pit of fire?

Think about it, decades later, after his “death”, someone in Sunagakure Village used his ideas to stir up troubles. Although he was beaten in the end, he stepped down safely, and he shouldered the big pot.

Yun Qing suddenly lost his composure and began to wonder how to solve this problem.

“Master Kazekage, did I say something wrong?”

Looking at Yun Qing’s gloomy eyes and the terrifying aura emanating from all around.

Ye Cang asked weakly, she found that she seemed to have triggered some bad G-spot.

Hearing Ye Cang’s words, Yun Qing came back to his senses in an instant, regained his aura, and his face turned gloomy. He gently replied: “No, you did a good job. Some people triggered tasks that should not be touched. .”

“By the way, Ye Cang, what kind of gold and silver jewelry do you like?

As a reward, I can give you some. “

Yun Qing asked with a smile while looking at the jewelry store opened by Luo Sha and Jia Ruo in front.

The words that came to Ye Cang’s lips, after hearing the gold and silver jewelry, instantly changed to: “I like it, of course I like it. Let me tell you, last time I saw a gold jewelry, I really wanted to buy it, but I didn’t have enough money. “

Looking at Ye Cang, who had stars in his eyes and was already addicted to the fantasy world, Yun Qing had to sigh.

Women, you are indeed born in the year of the dragon. You can’t walk when you see shiny things.

Thinking about his huge savings that he had nowhere to spend, Yun Qing took Ye Cang and walked in directly.

Seeing that it was the Kazekage, Garura personally received him, with Rasa accompanying him.

Especially after hearing about buying something for Ye Cang, Garuru even took out his treasured gold and silver jewelry.

What a destined bracelet for three lives, a ring for seeing you again in the next life.

There was everything, which made Ye Cang blush and choose for a long time. Yun Qing looked like an adult.

That’s too much. The price with several zeros is just to trick fools.

Who doesn’t know that Luo Sha is a ninja from the Magnetic Escape Sand Gold series? When you are looking for gold, you only need to walk into the sea of ​​sand.

As a result, you sold it so expensively. Are you trying to increase taxes?

Chapter 3 is here. Dear readers, please help me.

Recommend and collect, feel free to come.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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