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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 502

It took Yunqing fifteen minutes to solve the supernova.

Nine supernovae encountered violent attacks from across latitudes.

During these fifteen minutes, veteran actor Kizaru General was having an acting exchange with another actor, Rayleigh.

The two of them were quite happy with each other, but no one took action with all their strength.

When Yun Qing received a call from Lieutenant General Kong Ming and came here, the scene he saw was a group of PX besieging the Straw Hats. At the same time as him, Lieutenant General Kong Ming and Momomaru were watching.

Yun Qing felt that these people were better at acting than he was.

“Hey, isn’t this Yunqing? I heard that you captured all the other supernovas.”

Feiya saw Yunqing arriving and greeted him with a smile.

“Well, yes, I saw that those brats were not pleasing to the eye, so I dealt with them.” Yun Qing said casually, as if what he had just dealt with was not a supernova, but garbage.

“Well done.” Kong Ming casually glanced at Yun Qing and praised it.

“What’s going on? Why don’t you take action?” Yun Qing didn’t understand why Kong Ming didn’t take action.

With a group of actors who are at least capable of major generals, plus a powerful lieutenant general, and a bunch of PX series, it shouldn’t be a problem to catch the Straw Hats.

“Where is Pluto Rayleigh? If we take action rashly, we may end up fighting two legends.”

Fia explained with a smile.

Yun Qing was speechless. In other words, you are all blatantly acting. As long as it doesn’t turn into a war with two legends at the same time, you can let the Straw Hats go.

Yun Qing feels that the World Government has such a group of subordinates who have not been destroyed yet. It can only be said that they are too powerful.

The revolutionary army is watching from the outside, and there are all kinds of corrupt elements inside. The top thugs under his command are still a group of gangsters.

In this case, world government affairs still exist. Yun Qing can only sigh, Mr. Yimu and Wulaoxing, you have worked hard.

Then, the steps that Kong Ming and Kizaru were waiting for came.

In the original version of the PX series, the bear arrives in person, ready to slap the straw hats away one by one.

In the original work, the bear also did this, but unfortunately, he couldn’t do it this time.

Just when the bear appeared, Mr. Kizaru broke out and suppressed Rayleigh.

“Kong Ming, stop the bear.”

The voice of Mr. Kizaru came, and everyone who was watching the show immediately rushed forward.

Yunqing, Kongming, and Feiya stopped Xiong.

“Bear, how about you just stay here.”

It can be seen that Kong Ming does not want to fight Xiong.

This Shichibukai, before he was recruited, was a real boss.

It doesn’t have the strength of a general, but it is still at the level of a quasi-general, not to mention that it has been transformed by Vegapunk.

By swallowing the glove, the bear showed his feelings with practical actions.

Open the Annihilation Eye, pull out the saber, black flames wrap around it, fully open the domineering force covering the blade and arm, take a deep breath, and step forward to fight in close combat.

Kong Ming covers, Feiya and Yunqing fight in close combat.

The three of them didn’t have any big demands. They just needed to stop the bear. The rest was left to the others. Catching the seriously injured Straw Hats was not a big problem.

Unfortunately, as I thought well, Xiong is not the kind of person who is easy to deal with.

He detonated the air cannon around himself, forced his way through the three-man circle, and hit Yun Qing’s slash and Feia’s finger gun with his back.

Yun Qing could tell that Xiong was a ruthless person and used the sacrifice style to forcefully send the Straw Hats away.

Looking at the bear whose body was already filled with electricity and whose hat was crooked, everyone present did not understand.

This man must be sick. He must send the Straw Hats away despite everyone’s attacks.

You know, if Xiong didn’t send one away, he would have to face the siege of one more person. In the middle, Kizaru came to give him a blow.

“If he wasn’t a robot, he would be dead by now.”

A navy man from the West Sea sighed.

Yun Qing glanced at him, he knew this person, Lei Tian, ​​a big bastard from the West Sea, a pure physical expert, a person who ate the animal type – snake fruit – the form of a python.

He is very strong, at least he is a major general.

This is also an actor.

Yun Qing’s group was small, only a dozen or so. Except for the three young men of fifteen or sixteen who were passionate young men, the others were all bastards, people who were hanging around in the navy.

The following days were calm and nothing major happened.

They followed Kong Ming and continued to the Navy Headquarters.

In the navy headquarters, the big guys in the navy received them.

In the marshal’s office, the current marshal Sengoku, the three generals, the hero Garp, and the chief staff officer met with them.

“You are all talented and powerful. You have been maintaining peace in the four seas and have made great contributions.”

No, boss, we just want to mess around.

“I know you all have your own justice, and I won’t force you.”

Don’t force me, big boss, just let me go home. I just want to go back to the world.

“But now that crisis is here and justice is challenged, the Navy needs you.”

No, we are not needed at all. The three generals can kill that old man together.

“I hope you can use all your strength to win this war.”

We don’t want to fight, we just want to mess around.

“Yes, Marshal Warring States, we will definitely follow justice and win this war.”

That was the meaning, and everyone agreed.

It’s just that the young people in their twenties headed by Yun Qing had a perfunctory attitude, while the two fifteen-year-old boys looked like they were desperate for justice.

Seeing the excited look of the two young men, Yun Qing didn’t like it very much.

However, the Warring States Marshal and other big guys like it.

After the boss finished his lecture, everyone left.

“Warring States, can they really do it?” Chief Staff Officer He asked with worry.

Why didn’t she know there was such a group of talents in the navy?

The three generals and Garp also had the same attitude.

They have no idea that there is such a group of people in the navy.

According to the Warring States Period, among this group of people, the weakest ones had the strength of major generals, namely the two fifteen-year-old boys, and the rest ranged from lieutenant generals to junior generals.

Faced with their questions, Sengoku took out a box from under his desk.

“Here is their information, take a look for yourselves.”

“They have been in the Navy for a long time, the shortest is three years.

Those older ones basically started in eight years. “

“What they all have in common is that they have no sense of security, and they have secretly killed countless pirates.”

“Centered in the sea area they guard, the number of pirates is decreasing.”

“He is ruthless, yet has a righteous heart.”

“A few of them even wandered under Zefa’s nose.”

The Warring States Marshal was in a bad mood.

“Did you just find out too?” He chuckled softly.

Judging from the way Seng Guo gritted his teeth, he knew that Seng Guo hadn’t known about it for long.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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