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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 504

Time passed in the blink of an eye. The time for Ace’s execution was getting closer and closer, and more and more marines gathered at the Navy Headquarters.

All the lieutenant generals of the headquarters have returned. Except for the lieutenant generals and the permanent navy who guard various bases all year round, all the others have returned.

Not to mention, all the 100,000 naval forces recruited from the New World, the Grand Line and the Four Seas are in place.

Similarly, two days ago, King Shichibukai also arrived.

The atmosphere in Marinfando is becoming more and more solemn, and more and more masters and war machines are gathering here.

It’s scary.

Standing at the front of the bay, Yun Qing unconsciously lit a cigarette.

Exhaling a puff of smoke, Yun Qing also felt the pressure.

Yun Qing felt the mentality of those who were preparing to fight with him.

Facing the strongest man in the world, anyone would be frightened.

Yun Qing was also scared, not because he was afraid of death, but because anyone on this battlefield could die.

To put it simply, just like Haki, the Grand Line and the Four Seas are rarely used, while basically everyone in the New World can use them.

Once you master your domineering power, you have the ability to hurt anyone.

A strong person may die here.

One hundred thousand navy troops are on standby, ready for battle at any time.

All the vice admirals of the navy headquarters are in place, and the giant vice admiral stands in the center of the navy.

The king’s Shichibukai also stood in his own position.

The three navy generals also sat in their own seats.

The navy is all in position.

Ace, who needed to be executed, was escorted to the execution platform.

Then there was an explosion of life experience.

After the explosion of his life experience, the world was shocked, and the strongest man in the world, who was also the strongest monster, appeared.

Looking at the four pirate ships that appeared in the bay, Yun Qing narrowed his eyes.

“The formation was directly breached.”

Fia murmured beside her.

This group of people didn’t have any work assigned to them, they just stood up on their own.

This is how non-staff strong people are treated.

“There’s no way. The other side has been at war with the navy for decades, so it’s impossible for them to have no brains.”

Yun Qing looked at the formation of the Whitebeard Pirates and sighed.

Putting the pirates under his command outside to face the ordinary navy, the pirates under his direct command rushed into the bay and faced the three generals directly.

“No matter what, when this old man comes, there is only death.”

Although Whitebeard disrupted the formation, it was not a big problem.

The Navy doesn’t care about that.

In the face of absolute strength, everything is nonsense.

When Whitebeard came to the Navy Headquarters, he was greeted with a big gift and a tsunami rising into the sky appeared.

However, no one is afraid of the strong.

Just a tsunami.

“It’s terrifying that such a huge tsunami can be caused in a stable place like the Navy Headquarters.”

Chirping, Yun Qing felt that Whitebeard was indeed a monster.

The area where Marine Headquarters Marine Fando is located is a calm area within the Grand Line all year round, and there are basically no huge tsunamis here.

The crust here is solid.

Whitebeard completely relied on his own power to cause the tsunami, and the strength required was too terrifying.

Facing such a huge tsunami, Yun Qing originally thought that he would take action like the general Qing Zhi in the original work, only his ability was more convenient.


A tiger roar resounded throughout the world.

I saw a huge white tiger appearing on the sea.

Next came the bay, tsunami, and ice one after another.

“Lei Luo, that cold man from the South China Sea. I can’t believe that he actually ate the phantom beast species.” Yun Qing looked at the white tiger that was dozens of meters in size and introduced subconsciously.

Lei Luo transformed into a white tiger, and after freezing the sea, he jumped up and rushed towards Whitebeard.

“Tiger roars.”

A roar mixed with ice cubes rushed towards Whitebeard.

“Little devil, go home and nurse.”

Whitebeard chuckled, and punched forward. The atmosphere shook, the roar was blown away, and the white tiger transformed by Lei Luo was smashed onto the ice from mid-air.

The white tiger form was released, and a handsome silver-haired man appeared on the ice.

As Marshal Sengoku roared, the war began, and all the navy rushed towards Whitebeard.

All the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates also started fighting.

“Return him to your subordinates. This young man is very promising and his abilities are similar to yours.”

Sakaski said to Kuzan intentionally or unintentionally.

“Ah, yes, the abilities are about the same.”

Qing Zhi replied lazily.

“Hey, young people today are so scary. They freeze the sea at will.” Kizaru said ambiguously.

“Grandma He, the formation is wrong, do you need to make adjustments?” Kong Ming came to He’s side and asked.

“No, it’s not necessary. Whitebeard thought that he could rush into the bay and set foot on land. It was too simple.

We have a group of young people taking action. “

He looked at the young people on the battlefield who had opened up the situation and said happily.

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates were stopped, and it was only a matter of time before the remaining elite pirates were defeated.

At the same time, the king went to Qibuhai.

“The Navy has indeed hidden its strength. It is indeed the strongest force on the sea. If there are no young people, it is completely fooling people.”

Doflamingo said with a solemn expression.

Looking at the young people who were on the front line and blocking the attack of the Whitebeard Pirates, their expressions were very bad.

In this war, everyone has a plan.

What everyone hopes most is that Whitebeard can weaken the navy on his own.

The navy was too strong, and the four emperors nominally controlled the entire new world, but they were not limited to the new world.

A huge slash suddenly appeared on the battlefield and went straight towards Whitebeard.

The one who wielded this slash was the world’s greatest swordsman, Hawkeye.

However, this slash was intercepted.

“It’s really scary. The Whitebeard Pirates are so powerful.

Wipe your mouth, there is blood at the corner of your mouth. “

Yun Qing handed Lei Luo a handkerchief and motioned for him to wipe it.

“Aren’t you going to take action?

Those who do not perform meritorious service quickly and are careful not to rise or fall will be left in the headquarters. “

Lei Luo glanced at Yun Qing, took the handkerchief, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

“Oh, oh, oh, you all don’t want to stay at the headquarters, but I do. Isn’t it quite relaxing here?”

Yun Qing smiled.

Yun Qing smiled brightly.


Fia came over and killed a pirate with one finger of her gun, showing great disdain.

Yun Qing glanced at the battlefield.

Except for the two brats who were major generals, the rest of the group they came had elite strength among generals in the water.

Lei Luo, Simon and Fia are even closer to the strength of the backup generals.

And he, Yun Qing, was already at the peak of his combat power.

As the pinnacle, how could he take action easily?


There was a scream, and a big blue bird with dead fish eyes wanted to cross the battlefield and rush towards the execution platform.

“This is based on your ability bug. Are you really not afraid of death?”

Yun Qing felt that this big boss was a very talented person and very bold, and he was really not afraid of death.

“Won’t you intercept?”

This is what everyone is thinking.

The navy was angry and the pirates were happy, expecting the Phoenix to rush to the execution platform.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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