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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 505

As he flew, Marco’s heart gradually sank into his heart, and he was not so happy.

There are many strong people in such a huge battlefield, and all he can rely on is his own ability.

Just when Marco was about to fly into the bay, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him and punched him back.

“Oh, interesting ability, is it something like teleportation?

Simon, you hide so much. “

Yun Qing looked at Simon floating in the air and couldn’t help but sigh.

“Teleportation and floating are very practical abilities.”

Fia and Lei Luo next to them were also surprised.

They all knew that Marco could not break through. The three generals, Hero Garp and even Marshal Sengoku had all considered it, but they never expected that it was Simon who was fighting on the front line.

“This road is blocked.”

Simon, who had blue hair, a strong build, and was wearing a navy coat, stood indifferently in mid-air, his whole body bursting with momentum.

“I’m in a bad mood today, Whitebeard Pirates, you’re in trouble.”

Simon’s whole body exuded an extremely terrifying aura.

With Simon as the center, black clouds gathered in the sky, and strong winds began to gather.

Looking at the extremely dark sky, Yun Qing smiled bitterly.

“This is a big move.”

Yun Qing had already guessed something.

“I think I probably know what kind of fruit he ate.

What good luck. “

Yun Qing admitted that he was envious and jealous at this moment.

This Simon’s Yunqing is really amazing.

“All navies, all retreat, quickly widen the gap.”

Yun Qing took a deep breath and shouted loudly,

After hearing Yun Qing’s words, everyone in the audience was stunned for a moment.

“Everyone, step back.”

The Warring States Marshal on the execution platform also shouted.

As a wise general, Marshal of the Warring States Period had a very high IQ and understood the situation very quickly.

The most important thing is that he, who is well-informed and knowledgeable, has already guessed what Simon’s fruit ability is.

With the words of the Warring States Period, all navies quickly retreated.

“Is it the wind?

I never thought that a user with this fruit ability would be in our navy.

Our navy deserves to suppress the sea for another era. “

Chief Staff Officer He smiled.

“Good news comes one after another. I really don’t know how terrifying that kid is.”

Seeing Yun Qing standing alone in front, blocking the pirates, the Great Staff He was very emotional.

Her intuition told her that Yun Qing, who had not taken action yet, had more terrifying strength.

“Natural blocking.”

Fia roared loudly, clasped her hands together, and a strange energy emitted. Then, vines sprang out from under the ice to block the pursuing pirates.

When the navy makes a strategic retreat, the pirates will naturally pursue it.

“White Tiger Power – Ice Wall.”

Lei Luo also took action, freezing a large space instantly.

“One sword flow – crosscut.”

The saber cut across, Yun Qing turned around and backed away without even looking at it.

The rest of the navy’s masters also attacked.

It’s time to get ready.

Yunqing glanced at the sky that was already covered with dark clouds.

The dark clouded sky began to squeeze, forming a huge vortex.

Simon floated in mid-air like a god.

“Dragon’s Nest-Kamaitachi.”

Simon smiled ferociously, waved his hand, and countless wind blades rushed towards the pirates.

The overwhelming wind blade, the sharpness that easily cut through ice walls and vines, all told the world that even without the domineering covering, this blow was terrifying.

It just depends on who you are facing.

The Whitebeard Pirates had no shortage of good players, and each master quickly attacked and neutralized this attack.

“Natural type-Wind Wind Fruit.”

Marco, who relied on the characteristics of the phoenix to catch half of the wind blades, spoke word by word with blood at the corner of his mouth.

With just one move, they recognized the fruit’s ability.

“Pirates, if you have the ability, take the next move.”

Simon didn’t have any surprise when others recognized his ability.

As long as natural fruits appear, you can basically recognize them quickly, so there is nothing surprising.

“Dragon’s Nest-Dragon Roar.”

Simon raised his hand, and the wind in the sky formed a dragon’s head, rushing towards the Whitebeard Pirates.

The power contained in the dragon’s head makes everyone change their color.

All the navy are looking forward to it. If this blow containing countless natural energy can kill Whitebeard, it will be great news.

Facts have proved that the Navy thought too much.

Whitebeard took action, covering the domineering and shocking fruit with his right fist, and struck directly.

Aerial earthquakes collide with hurricanes in the sky.

The power is terrifying and the scene is shocking.

A terrifying blow that destroyed many things.

“Whitebeard takes action.

It’s really scary, the pirates are going to die. “

Yun Qing exhaled a puff of smoke and said calmly.

“Two armies are facing each other. Whichever side’s king goes down first will be unlucky.”

Lei Luo stood beside him and said the same thing.

The king of the pirates is Whitebeard, and the king of the navy is the Warring States Marshal and the three generals.

The most important thing is that the battle has just begun and Whitebeard has been forced to leave. This is a desperate thing. This means that the Whitebeard Pirates have lost the battle between the middle and lower levels.

“What a shame.”

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates looked ugly.

They saw Whitebeard panting.

In a hurry, even Whitebeard couldn’t bear to take such a move.

That was a charged blow from a master, and it would not be easy for anyone to rush it.

“Dragon’s Nest-Dragon Roar.”

Simon gritted his teeth and looked at Whitebeard, who was in a bad state, directly gathering the remaining wind in the air and launching another terrifying move.

“Let’s do it together.”

Yun Qing roared and jumped into the air first.


Fia clasped her hands together, gathered the light energy in the air, and performed changes.

“The roar of the fire god.”

Cloud clear black flames condensed, ready to spray.

“Tiger Roar – Ice Soul White Tiger.”

Lei Luo also jumped up and transformed into a white tiger form.

The four attacks fell together, and the members of the Whitebeard Pirates were filled with rage.

At this time, there is no such thing as despicableness. Since everyone has started a war, they must go for victory.


Whitebeard is not in good condition and cannot rush into the challenge.

“Diamonds shine.”

The captain of the third team, Jozi, was covered in diamonds to block Whitebeard.

“Anaconda Impact.”

A giant python suddenly appeared and hit Jozi to the other side.

“Dance of the Roses.”

“Dance of Two Swords.”

Before the captain of the fifth team, Bista, was stopped by the two young marines, they fought two against one, leaving Bista behind.

Marco, the captain of the first team, was also stopped. The opponent was a pure physical expert with muscles that made Schwarzenegger feel inferior.

The rest of the Whitebeard captains were also stopped.

“Gu la la la, you little devils, do you think you can defeat me like this?

I have a white beard. “

Whitebeard raised his fist and fired another air blast to meet him.

The sky collapsed.

Fortunately, the two moves met in mid-air. If they were on the ground, they would have destroyed the island.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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