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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 510 Chapter 508: Don’t read this chapter. It’s poisonous. If you read it, don’t scold me. I

“Pirates are indeed chaotic.”

Looking at the Whitebeard Pirates who were fighting with Blackbeard again, Yun Qing frowned.

He had a bad feeling.

Just when Yun Qing had a premonition that something bad was about to happen, a shocking overlord-like aura suddenly appeared.

The appearance of this overbearing and domineering energy stopped the war.

A boat with a dragon’s head in front suddenly appeared.

Looking at the red-haired man walking on the battlefield holding a knife in one arm, Yun Qing could only sigh to himself that his premonition had come true.

Red-haired Shanks, one of the Four Pirate Emperors, has the most mysterious identity.

He has no fruit abilities, and his physical strength is not abnormal, but he is still among the four emperors. All he can rely on is his earth-shattering swordsmanship and domineering power.

An overlord color that can cause physical attacks alone.

The appearance of red-haired Shanks silenced the battlefield.

Yun Qing sighed secretly, the world has indeed changed, now it is no longer a matter of whether to execute Ace, the current situation has affected the balance of the world.

Yunqing glanced around and found that He had secretly commanded a part of the navy to board the warship from behind.

The three generals also got off the execution platform and walked to the front.

A four-party confrontation, oh, no, a three-party confrontation. Whitebeard and red hair are standing together. Whitebeard is already dying.

In the battle with Blackbeard just now, Whitebeard, who was already exhausted, was completely exhausted.

“Hey, Navy brat over there.”

Just when everyone was silent, Whitebeard suddenly called out to Yun Qing.

Yun Qing looked around and found that Whitebeard was looking for him. He looked at the faces of the three generals and found that they were fine, so he took the initiative to come out.

“Is something wrong?”

Looking at Whitebeard who was in trouble, Yun Qing pointed at himself and asked.

Why is this old man looking for me at this time?

“Let me ask you, did Roger really do something wrong?”

Whitebeard stared at Yun Qing under everyone’s shocked eyes.

No one in the world understood what Whitebeard meant.

Yun Qing was also silent. He knew that his words had affected Whitebeard after all.

“I don’t know what the Pirate King was thinking before he died.

Everyone with some status in this ocean knows that the Pirate King has plotted against the entire world.

However, I personally feel that he did something wrong.

I don’t know what happened in history and what the government wants to hide. I only know that excessive freedom will breed endless disasters, and the government is always thinking of ways to prevent disasters.

Without a world government, I don’t know how many people in this world would be kings and emperors, let alone how many countries would engage in conquests.

What’s more, I don’t know how many people will cause turmoil for their own ambitions. “

Yunqing explained his thoughts.

“I am a marine, and I know exactly how many people a fight between two peerless masters will affect.”

“Whitebeard, I think you understand, I know what you think.”

“Whitebeard, I promise you that you will die peacefully. The Whitebeard Pirates will be disbanded on the spot and everyone will go into hiding. Ace will not die, and we will not be here to hunt down the Whitebeard Pirates.”

Yun Qing didn’t know what he was thinking, so he just said it like that.

Yun Qing’s words completely shocked everyone.

Especially Whitebeard, he was even more shocked. He didn’t understand, how could this kid say this? Didn’t he see that the red dog next to you was already angry, and he was about to be unable to suppress his anger?

“Oh, how can you promise.”

Whitebeard stared at Yun Qing.

Yun Qing didn’t know how to guarantee it.

“I and others can guarantee it.”

Just when Yun Qing didn’t know what to say and White Beard was disappointed, an old voice sounded.

Then, five men wearing black suits and white robes from the World Government appeared. The leading man even held a phone bug in his hand.

From the outside, the phone bug looks like a high-end product.

“I promise, Whitebeard, how about this promise?”

An old voice rang on the phone.

“Just like that kid said, there are many damnations in this world, but there is no damnation called the damnation of birth.

The purpose of this war is to destroy the Whitebeard Pirates.

If you Whitebeard dies, we will be happy. It doesn’t matter if Portkas dies or not. “

The old voice changed, but it still continued.

The Wulaoxing’s assurance made Whitebeard close his eyes.


Whitebeard died peacefully. This time, there was no such thing as the true existence of the great secret treasure.

Yun Qing breathed a sigh of relief, but he glanced at the phone bug in confusion as to why these five old guys were there.

In a room in Mariejoia, five old men watched the war overhead on TV. There was a telephone bug on the table in the room.

The phone bug on the battlefield rang again.

“Phoenix Marco, since we promised Whitebeard, then you can leave. If you go into seclusion, we will not hunt you down. If you continue to be ungrateful and continue to be pirates and carry out various pirate criminal activities, then we The hunt will continue.”

“Warring States, lock Portcas into Impel Down City and imprison him for life.”

The phone bug continues.

When the Five Old Stars spoke, neither the red-haired nor the black-bearded ones dared to move, not because they respected the Five Old Stars, but because the positions of the three generals were so clever that they were suppressed.

No one who has become famous wants to test the strength of the three generals.

“Garp, Portcas is not dead, and Straw Hat has escaped. You know what to do with the rest.”

“I don’t want to see the balance of red hair on the head of a navy and a deceitful world government with black beard leaving Marinfando intact.”

“As long as the Shichibukai dare to move, they will be killed.”

The voice fell, the phone was hung up, and Wulaoxing’s decisive killing was vividly displayed.

The people present and those relayed through the phone bug also heard Wulaoxing’s words.

This is an order from the highest level of world government.

“I went to chase Straw Hat. How could such a heinous person escape from him?”

The Pirate Empress broke the embarrassment and boarded a warship to leave first.

“I am Shichibukai, so I will naturally attack the enemies of the government.”

Doflamingo smiled bitterly and expressed his stance.

Hawkeye turned away and Moriah pointed the scissors at Blackbeard and the others.

The red-haired man looked at Garp who was walking towards him, and his face suddenly turned dark. It was over, he was about to be attacked.

Blackbeard looked at Aokiji and Akainu who were coming to protect them, and his expressions were not very good.

The war was about to break out. Akainu faced off against the red-haired pirates alone, and Garp faced off against the red-haired pirates with full firepower.

He and the red-haired man have a deep grudge. If this grudge is not avenged, he, Garp, will not be happy.

Aokiji faced off against the entire Blackbeard group by himself, while Kizaru faced off against the escaped prisoners from Impel Down City who had not had time to escape.

Not far away on the sea, the Shemale King led his younger brother and stood together with the Empress.

“Fortunately I left early, otherwise it would have been over.”

The Demon King was glad that he listened to Yun Qing’s words and ran away with Luffy.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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