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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 518

The New World is a strange place. The most strange thing here is the weather. One second it was a cloudless and clear sky, and the next second it could be a thunderstorm.

Thunder falls in the sky, fire breaks out on the ground, and snow falls all year round. These are all normal things.

In Yun Qing’s eyes, the new world is really too miserable.

It’s so tragic that the whole world is in a strange state.

It may be because he has practiced God-Destroying Magic, or it may be because the Annihilation Eye can absorb all energy. In short, Yun Qing feels that he may be invincible when sailing in the new world.

By opening the Annihilation Eye, you can absorb energy freely.

Yun Qing knew very well what this meant. It meant that the entire new world was in an energy riot.

Standing at the bow of the ship, Yun Qing smacked his mouth. Just now, he used his Annihilation Eye to “eat his fill.”

Yun Qing really liked this state.

Being in peak condition anytime and anywhere is what he likes about his stubbornness.

Sighing, Yun Qing looked further into the distance.

Yun Qing had a guess that the reason for this situation in the New World might be the legacy of countless masters from the New World War countless years ago.

Think of a battle between Akainu and Aokiji, directly changing the weather on the island.

Yun Qing felt that his thoughts were true.

There is no way, is Akainu and Aokiji strong?

Strong, admiral, there are only a few in the whole world.

But has it reached its peak?

No, really not.

Not to mention Whitebeard, Garp and Roger were definitely better than the two at their peak.

It seems that it is not impossible if there are countless natural powerhouses fighting in the new world, resulting in weird weather conditions in the new world.

What if there really were some people with water-water fruit abilities who once made huge waves in the new world without restraint.

Or maybe those with the ability to burn fruits are burning like crazy in the new world.

There is also the continuous heavy snowfall of Xuexueguo.

Yun Qing had a feeling. He felt that when the world government was established eight hundred years ago, it was definitely not a peaceful coup. It might have been twenty kings working together to defeat the tyrant.

However, the tyrant still left some means behind.

“It’s really unimaginable that the whole world is riddled with holes. How powerful it is.”

Yun Qing opened his eyes of annihilation, looked at the strange world, and sighed.

In Yun Qing’s eyes, if Ravdru, where the great secret treasure is located, is the center of the world, then the New World is the closest place, followed by the Grand Line, and beyond that are the four seas.

And there must have been a war over Ravdru before.

The radiation range of the war and the combatants are very strong. At the very least, there must be a lot of people who can change the weather.

These people fought, and what was left behind was the strange weather in the new world.

“Hey, what is Mr. Yunqing thinking about, so serious.”

Looking at Yunqing standing in the heavy rain, Spangdine asked with a smile while holding an umbrella.

Yunqing glanced at Spandyne, raised his head, opened his Annihilation Eyes, and instantly absorbed the energy in the air.

The heavy rain disappeared instantly and did not scare the others.

They all think this is a normal situation. In the pirate world, especially the new world, it would be abnormal if this situation did not exist.

“Sir Spangdine, do you know that if a nature master has a continuous battle and reaches the peak of his fruit ability, he can change the environment?

I’m talking about radical change. “

Yun Qing added at the end, Yun Qing guessed that as a senior government official, Spangda should know something.

Spangdine was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: “Of course I know, there are records within the CP organization.”

“Then, Chief Spangdine, do you think there is a possibility that there were countless masters fighting in the New World and completely changing the environment of the New World?”

Yun Qing didn’t know what he was thinking, so he just expressed his thoughts to Spangdine.

Spangdine was completely stunned this time. Is this possible? Yes, it must be.

The Navy has three top natural-type ability users. In addition to these, the World Government has no idea how many natural-type ability users there have been in the world government for 800 years.

They all know that nature can change the environment.

However, none of them thought about how the weather in the new world came about.

Suddenly, Spangdine thought of something. Twenty years ago, he had been ordered to investigate O’Hara’s research on historical texts, and there seemed to be some records about a war that affected the whole world.

Thinking about some of the fragments of World Government, Spangdyne felt as if he had learned the truth.

There’s no way, I’m not stupid to begin with, plus there are some associations with it.

“Haha, Mr. Yunqing is joking. How are those things possible? If so, how many people would be required to participate in the war.”

Spandaine smiled awkwardly.

As a loyal person, Spangdyne did not dare to think further.

Some things just need to be turned over in your mind. If you insist on thinking about them, you are making yourself uncomfortable.

Spangdine felt that he had not lived enough and could live well for a while longer.

Thinking about what would happen to O’Hara, Spangdine shook the things out of his mind.

Only as a participant at the time, he knew how many big figures there were on O’Hara at that time, and what price the World Government paid to solve the aftermath of the O’Hara incident.

You know, there were many scientists from the participating countries on it at that time.

The weight of any one of those people is not much lower than that of Spangdine. Note that it is him now, not him twenty years ago.

Looking at Spangdyne’s face that changed color instantly, Yun Qing smiled. Is this old guy very powerful? Know many things.

In other words, he is very rich in association and knows many secrets.

Yun Qing smiled, but it had nothing to do with him.

“Mr. Yunqing, do you know about the O’Hara incident? What do you think of that incident?”

Spangdine’s head twitched and he suddenly asked.

Hearing this, Yun Qing was stunned for a moment, and then said indifferently: “No matter how you look at it, standing and watching, they are just a group of mentally ill people who have nothing to do when they are full, so they have to do some taboo things.”

As for those archaeologists, Yun Qing felt that they were mentally ill. They were paid by the World Government to poach the World Government.

Yunqing felt that the world government was already very merciful. If this were the case in the ninja world, those archaeologists would be killed as soon as they went to sea.

This group of people is no different from the Erwuzi. If there is any difference, it is just that they shout some nice words.

No matter what it is in history, you have to put in a good word for the boss when you are paid by the World Government.

Moreover, why didn’t you report it in advance and find a good excuse to do it secretly?


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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