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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 526

The world was shaken, a big shake.

On this day, the whole world was shaken.

The headline in the news paper that day was that the Kingdom of Edward was established and joined the World Government.

Marco and others are very fast.

The large fleet was dispatched, and it only took three days to gather people who admired and respected Whitebeard.

Originally, there were abandoned palaces on some islands under Whitebeard’s banner.

Generally speaking, once a large framework is built, everything will be enough.

The World Government Marin Fando and the Five Old Stars met with Sengoku.

“No need to ask, we will not agree to your resignation report.”

“Why? Isn’t it just right that the old and new eras are changing?

Moreover, I have agreed before that I will resign when the war is over. “

Warring States felt that he had been cheated. Everyone had clearly said that he would resign when the war was over. It is not allowed now. Aren’t you lying?

The five old stars collectively glanced at him and threw him a newspaper.

“See for yourself.”

Warring States picked up the newspaper and looked at the headlines, and he was shocked.

“You are going to march into the new world and completely crush the Four Emperors.

What if they counterattack, and what will happen to the King’s Shichibukai? “

Warring States roared anxiously.

He felt that Wulaoxing was too anxious.

“That’s why we won’t let you resign.”

“You are responsible for commanding the overall situation. Akainu and Aokiji will each target one of the four emperors, and the CP organization will target one of the four emperors.

Peach Rabbit and Tea Dolphin sent one person to suppress Fish-Man Island, and the other lieutenants began to sweep across the new world. “

“Relax, the world government will fully support your naval operations.”

“The era of great pirates has come to an end.”

“That lord will personally inspect it.”

Wulaoxing said calmly.

The five of them had expected all this.

They had expected Sengoku’s reaction, or the reaction of the entire navy.

“This is a big project, once we fully enter the new world.

All those underground rats will come out.

Those dangerous people in the Shichibukai will not stand on our side.

Most importantly, this would force all the pirates together. “

Warring States still expressed his worries.

“We agree that Nine Snakes will join the World Government and become a franchise country. Moria only needs to give him a chance to fight Kaido. That guy Doflamingo, the Tianlong people have long wanted to kill him. Jinbei has been killed by us. Restricted to Fishman Island.

Mihawk, we’ll take care of it.

Before we proceed, we will have Magellan secretly execute some of the criminals in the underwater prison.

Let Garp personally lead the team to intercept Dolag. As long as he captures it with his own hands, we can promise not to execute Dolag. “

The door to the room was pushed open, and Im, who had been sitting on the sky throne, walked in.

Im came in, Wulaoxing stood up and stood aside, and Warring States also saluted respectfully.

“If these high-end combat capabilities are not enough, you can ask your questions and we will provide solutions.

In short, the result we want is that the era of great pirates disappears. “

“In this era, we need a different opponent, but we definitely don’t need pirates to be the dark side.”

Im stared at Seng Guo, trying to see if he had any questions.

“Five, we need at least five general-level combat forces.

At the same time, the military strength also needs to be expanded for at least one generation.

Once a war breaks out, it will require too much manpower and material resources.

Moreover, we are at a disadvantage in one-on-one situations, and we have to smash the pirates with thunder. “

Warring States lowered his head and was silent for a moment, then raised his head and said solemnly.

“Tell me?”

Im said indifferently.

He wanted to know what Warring States’ considerations were.

“The Shemale King has escaped. The revolutionary army will definitely gather together soon and let the CP organization keep a close eye on them.

When the time comes, Garp, Crane and Peach Rabbit will go out to arrest them in one fell swoop. “

Warring States is also a ruthless person. Now that he has found out that it is possible and Im has come out, it is obvious that he is not fooling him, so it is not impossible for him to do something big before he retires.

As the old man in the original work who is over seventy years old and dares to knock the whole black-bearded group on top, he said that it is not a problem for him to live for another twenty years.

Im nodded, feeling good, and motioned to continue.

“Start the world conscription. There are many people in this world who dislike the Shichibukai and the Four Emperors, as long as they are clean.”

“This one is fine too.”

“I suggest that we either don’t take action, or we use thunder to defeat them in one fell swoop.

For example, Kaido and Lingling have fixed bases, and we can send people to destroy them directly.

Didn’t Lingling hold a tea party every once in a while?

We served them directly.

When the time comes, we must gather five general-level combat forces and more than twenty lieutenant generals, and destroy them without any regard.

Whoever he is, just kill him. “

Im looked at Warring States, this old man is capable, he is very cruel.

Directly sacrifice a Yonko.

“I suggest that if that doesn’t work, we should prepare explosive rocks and secretly disguise them as ancient weapons.”

“this is not OK.”

“You can move anything, but you can’t pull out ancient weapons or the like.”

“The government can provide three general-level combat forces, the Tianlong people can provide three, and they can recruit one or two.

Coupled with the navy, I think it should be enough. “

Im speaking out his bottom line.

“What about Marie Joa, who will protect her? Although she doesn’t like it, this is the center of the world after all, and many people are watching.”

Sengoku frowned.

Everyone knows that the chaotic organization of the World Government has three general-level combat capabilities. Everyone can guess how many general-level combat capabilities the experts who protect the Celestial Dragons have.

But after taking it all out, what to do with Mary Joa? This is the problem.

Big question.

“World government officials, as well as the royal families living in Mariejoia, each of them has more or less strength and influence. Protecting Mariejoia is not a problem.”

Im said calmly.

“Okay, then I’ll get ready.

In one year, we can probably send the pirates to their death in one year. “

Warring States left decisively. He felt that he might be exhausted for a year.

But when I think about the result, it’s all worth it.

Send all pirates to die.

This has been his dream all along.

Once the great pirate era is over, he will be complete.

Moreover, if the pirates disappear, Aokiji will become the marshal, which is what all the navy and government officials hope for.

For world peace, neither the navy nor the government would want a military leader with a strong personality.

Warring States felt that he was paving the way for Qing Pheasant.

It’s not that Akainu is bad, it’s just that the situation calls for it.

Just like in the original work, facing the turbulent era of great pirates and the violent sea, it is necessary to let Akainu take the stage.

In troubled times, everyone can accept this.

It would be too ugly to use benevolence and righteousness in troubled times.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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