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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 54 Scary Thunder

My name is Lei Kai, and I am a cloud ninja (self-proclaimed) who has been preparing for more than thirty years.

When I was a child, I saw the handsome figure of the first Raikage once, and I always dreamed of becoming a man like him.

It’s a pity that my system is too weak, and the chakra I have refined for decades has not reached the level of a genin. Therefore, I did not successfully graduate and become a Kumo ninja.

Naturally, there is no way to become a man like the first Raikage-sama.

However, you must pay attention to the twist here.

My determination to serve the country with Yunyin Village has never changed.

After persisting for more than thirty years, finally, my former classmates and today’s adults found me.

Ask me if I am willing to devote myself to Yunyin Village and the Kingdom of Thunder.

My answer is yes.

Then, I pretended to be a disaster victim in the Kingdom of Thunder and came to the Kingdom of Wind to work.

My mission is very simple, which is to trigger a riot among the victims, causing them to cause trouble for Sunagakure Village and the Kingdom of Wind, making life difficult for them.

In order to successfully complete this “ninja” task, I tried my best to fool the victims on the way here.

Because of my outstanding abilities, I actually fooled a large number of fools into following me.

The most important thing is that in this short period of time, I also met many other “people” from the hidden village like me.

I suspect that they are not ordinary people, but ninjas who use transformation techniques.

Otherwise, why would it disappear after a while?

However, I don’t care. My patriotism for Yunyin Village is not something they can match. I will stick to it to the end.

After arriving in the Country of Wind, to be honest, the Country of Wind and Sand Hidden Village treat the victims quite well. The food is not good, but they keep you well fed, and the clothes are not good, but they are also clean. Although they work every day, the wages are indeed not high. Poor.

Every month, a businessman passes by who still attends on time.

To be honest, most civilians in the Kingdom of Thunder cannot live such a life.

I also like this kind of life, but I can’t forget the mission.

After observing for a period of time, I started to stir up trouble, making the victims angry and starting to gather in crowds to cause trouble.

As the saying goes, what are you doing when you are full and warm? In short, you are just idle and bored with nothing to do, nothing to do without causing trouble.

To sum it up, these idiots are pretty easy to fool.

In the end, I thought about the beginning of things, but not the end of things.

This group of barbarians from Sunagakure Village were so unreasonable. A ninja threatened them and scared these idiots out of their wits.

I was so frightened that I had no choice but to go up on my own. As a result, these barbarians, no matter what, took me as a model and severely punished me as a warning to others. If nothing happens, I get out alive. , under the protection of the laws and regulations and the ideological and political program of Sunagakure Village a hundred times, become an excellent Sunagakure Village resident.

In the confinement tent, Lei Kai looked at the ideological and political program he had written silently again and sighed slightly.

It’s so difficult. It’s so difficult for me. I actually passively memorized this damn Sunagakure Village Ideological and Political Programme.

I actually memorized this thick book after copying it for the thirtieth time.

Outside the tent, the steward and Zong Kai were also discussing Lei Kai.

“This is a mental illness, he didn’t run away.”

The steward shrugged and said to Zong Kai casually.

“The key is that this is a capable psychopath. It is the first time I have seen someone able to write down an ideological and political program silently.”

Zong Kai looked impressed.

This is a real boss. Even a person from Sand Hidden Village like him couldn’t memorize it, but in the end, Lei Kai did it.

You have to admire this kind of person.

“Haha, what’s more important is that after writing it down silently, he is not crazy or completely brainwashed. This person is not a direct descendant of other Ninja Village Shadows, or he is a lunatic.”

The steward said with a sneer.

During this period of time, they have caught a lot of traitors, and Lei Kai’s affairs are not hidden. If you want to investigate, you can find out. After checking and reasoning, you can know that this is a person who is here to cause trouble.

They used this method to punish many people. Most of them were brainwashed before they even finished copying the ideological and political program. They were completely stupid and whatever you asked, you got it.

There were a few strong-willed ninjas who, because their will was too strong and their love for the village was too high, were brainwashed by the ideological and political program for a long time. Finally, they went crazy due to the direct conflict of thinking and logic.

This was the first time they met. They all memorized the ideological and political program and wrote it down over and over again without going crazy.

They only have one evaluation: this kind of boss is either the other party’s true confidant, or he is a lunatic himself.

“Forget it, we don’t need to worry about people like him, someone will come to take over, we just need to ensure his safety.

After all, no matter what kind he is, he is a precious product.

Things are rare and valuable, and we need to cherish them. “

The manager waved his hand and told Zong Kai to go to work, and then left.

After Zong Kai asked people to take good care of him, he turned and left.

In the Kingdom of Wind, Sand Hidden Village, in the Wind Shadow Building, Yunqing looked at the documents sent from various engineering offices.

“Tsk, tsk, I’m afraid he’s a fanatical believer.

As expected of this world, anyone who kills your whole family will be forgiven.

There are really all kinds of weird things. “

When Yun Qingfan saw the record about Lei Kai, he was stunned.

My God, after memorizing it and writing the ideological and political program silently, this person has not gone crazy. How terrifying is this?

The most important thing is that my thoughts have not been distorted, and I have not become a distorted monster who talks about ideological and political programs.

Nor did he become a lunatic because of his confused will and thinking logic.

On the contrary, I can write silently over and over again with my mind clear.

It’s really a crazy world.

Yunqing knew better than anyone else what the ideological and political program compiled by Ebizo and others was.

There is no shortage of experts in interrogation and simulated thinking in Sand Hidden Village. The ideological and political programs they write are not meant for people to read at all.

That is a pure ideological weapon.

It is used to distort people’s thinking. To escape from the thought trap book of an entire ideological and political program, you must be a direct descendant of a ninja village and a person with a high enough status.

Only in this way, after experiencing the darkness of the Ninja Village, will your mind not be distorted.

Only then can we live well.

Otherwise, you must be crazy.

Having experienced the darkness of the Ninja Village, you recognize the Ninja Village in your heart, and you will not risk your life for someone.

Just like Jiraiya in the original work, after experiencing the darkness of Konoha, he will no longer fight for Sarutobi Hiruzen, he can only fight for Konoha.

Otherwise, in the original work, during the Chunin Exam, he should have faced Orochimaru instead of just a big snake.

There was no way Konoha was short of people to the point where a big snake could act unscrupulously.

Lei Kai successfully shocked Yun Qing.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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