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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 65 The Changed Jiraiya

Sandstorms, lightning, and flames are all intertwined.

Shukaku and Bunfuku, relying on their large amounts of chakra and the home field advantage in the desert, were able to forcefully suppress Hatake Sakumo and Jiraiya.

Jiraiya and Hatake Sakumo, both of whom were Kage level, were surrounded by a team of Jonin level ANBU to provide cover.

It stands to reason that anyone can resist this lineup, but it happened to be a blessing.

With the jinchūriki who perfectly cooperates with Shukaku, and the home field advantage, you can really play however you want.

“Sakumo-senpai, cover me, I’m going to open up.”

Jiraiya roared, jumped back, crossed his legs, tried to communicate with the natural chakra around him, and prepared to enter sage mode.

When Shukaku saw Jiraiya about to retreat, he swung a huge sand slash.

Sakumo gritted his teeth, chakra circulated, and the short sword was attached with thunder attribute chakra, and he hit it hard.

“Water escapes, water breaks waves.”

The surrounding Anbu used ninjutsu to interfere with Shukaku.

Without Jiraiya, the situation on Konoha’s side becomes even more difficult.

The pressure that originally belonged to Jiraiya was shared between Sakumo and Anbu.

Especially Sakumo, Shukaku recognized him and chased him.

“Well, I’m an assassin-level movie-level guy, and you force me to fight head-on. I’m not a human being, so you’re just kidding me.”

Sakumo wielded his short sword to chop off one sand slash after another, waiting for the opportunity to strike Shukaku hard.

At this time, Hatake Sakumo was very grateful to his ancestors for the swordsmanship training method left behind. He usually used swordsmanship training as a physical training, and now he has not been beaten head-on.

“Go back. After I go back, I must practice my sword skills and strive to become a swordsman.”

Hatake Sakumo roared inwardly.

At the same time, he made a sneak attack on Anbu who attracted Shukaku’s attention to feel his own chakra, and at the same time made up his mind to go back and practice Taijutsu properly.

Otherwise, if he meets an opponent like this who doesn’t use chakra to his advantage again, he will definitely die miserably.

“Back away, Senbatsu, Goemon.”

After hearing Jiraiya’s words, Sakumo and the ANBU ninja left instantly, leaving Shukaku alone to face the sea of ​​fire.

Damn it.

Hatake Sakumo and Anbu only had these two words in their minds.

“Tsk, Xian Shu, what a bad memory.

Shukaku’s Shield. “

Shukaku clicked his tongue disdainfully, clasped his hands together, and used his own protective technique.

A huge sand crane stood in front of him.

How about the power of immortal magic?

Just look at the gravel that is now gradually melting.

“It’s really scary, it actually melted most of Shukaku’s shield.

It seems that you have practiced hard after being beaten by the boy Yunqing.

Gahahahaha. “

Shukaku’s harsh voice rang in the ears of everyone in Konoha.

“The Immortal of Mt. Miaomu?”

Hatake Sakumo looked at the two old toads standing on Jiraiya’s shoulders in confusion.

“Little Jiraiya, and this kid, you have provoked something terrible. Prepare to retreat.”

Fukasaku Sennin heard Shukaku’s voice and tried to persuade him.

“Master Immortal, we also want to retreat, but the other party won’t let us, so we can only retreat first.

Look for opportunities again and wait for an opportunity to retreat. “

Hatake Sakumo said helplessly.

He had wanted to leave for a long time, but reality didn’t allow it.

“You use water escape, we and Jiraiya use earth escape, limit Shukaku’s performance, and then retreat.”

Fukasaku Sennin thought for a moment and said.

While everyone in Konoha was discussing, Shukaku chose not to take action.

It’s not that he is stupid, but because Fenfu told him that it was enough and there was no need to continue fighting.

Thinking about how good the fight was today, Shukaku was ready to stop, find a step, and go down.

“Water escape, combined ninjutsu, super waterfall.”

“Immortal magic, the magic of earth and mire.”

Hatake Sakumo personally led the ANBU to perform the Great Waterfall Jutsu.

No matter how little chakra he has, he is still much stronger than the ANBU jounin, and he can also change the properties of water attributes.

A Kage level plus a team of jounin jointly used water escape to create a huge wave in the desert.

Jiraiya’s mud swamp, with the blessing of senjutsu, created a swamp.

Seeing the huge waves hitting him and the swamp sinking deeper and deeper under his feet, Shukaku didn’t panic at all.


Seeing that Shukaku didn’t move, Hatake Sakumo said hello and left first.

“This is giving you steps, hurry up.”

Jiraiya understood for a moment and left quickly.

As for the ANBU jonin, when they saw their boss leaving, they did not hesitate and left quickly.

The Shuishui Technique was used one by one, as if they were possessed by golden flashes and Shisui Shisui.

The speed made Shukaku tremble with fear, fearing that they would be speeding and rear-ended, and would be fined and detained by the ninja traffic police.

Seeing the lightning flashing under his feet and being able to keep up with his own speed in the immortal state, Jiraiya had a MMP in his mind, not sure whether to take it seriously or not.

Boss, senior, your personality is broken. Aren’t you running low on chakra? You’re not going to be able to hold on anymore.

But your current running posture is very handsome.

Feeling Jiraiya’s gaze and the deep meaning in it, Hatake Sakumo pointed to the ANBU behind him without changing his expression.

Jiraiya looked back and quickly turned around.

Each one has their own unique secret skills, and they run away faster than the last.

If he wasn’t in the immortal state, he really wouldn’t be able to compete with them.

“I’m still too young and there’s still a lot to learn.”

Jiraiya had to lament that compared with these veterans in the ninja world, he was still far behind.

On the other side, Shukaku calmly looked at the gifts left by everyone in Konoha.

“Magnetic Escape, the sea of ​​sand surges.”

Shukaku’s calm voice sounded like a king’s order.

The desert surged, and the dry gravel underground surged up. In a few breaths, the swamp turned into a desert, and then continued to surge, combining with the huge waves.

In just a few breaths, all the water in the huge waves was absorbed.

“Dry deserts like moisture very much. Unfortunately, I, the king of the desert, don’t like it very much.”

Shukaku looked like a lonely master.


“Monk, what do you mean? I am not the king of the desert.”

“Yes, you are the king of the desert, but this desert king is begging me to find a place with underground water to live.”

“What’s wrong with needing water? I also need to take a shower.”

Shukaku said that I am a tailed beast who likes to be clean, unlike those guys who don’t like to be clean.

“Yes, you love cleanliness. Just now a certain desert king said that he doesn’t like moisture.”

“Yeah, I don’t know which fake guy said it. It’s really annoying.

Don’t let me know, I will beat him to death. “

Shukaku finished speaking without blushing or heartbeat, and then exchanged control of his body with Fenfu.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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