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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 69 The Path of Change

If it is poor, it will change, if it changes, it will be general, and if it is general, it will last.

This is an eternal truth. Konoha’s wealth is really not something that can be built on.

The countries in the ninja world also have the same system, but why is the Fire Country rich and why can Konoha be defeated?

Because the name of the Land of Fire is diligent and loves the people, and because the Hokage is wise and powerful.

Stop making trouble, maybe only the two of them believe this.

The most comprehensive reason is that there is only one reason, and that is that we are blessed by nature.

The Kingdom of Water is isolated overseas and has inconvenient transportation. The Kingdom of Wind is full of fools. The Kingdom of Earth is full of stones. The Kingdom of Thunder is surrounded by steep mountains and it is inconvenient to travel.

As for the Fire Country, the mountains are too high, the land is fertile, and the plains are thousands of miles away.

Deserts, deserts, rocky lands that cannot be cultivated.

Not at all, I am just so rich.

As long as the war between the ninja world does not reach the land of fire, the land of fire says that there is no problem at all, and they should eat and live.

Like in the Land of Fire, some remote areas may not even know that there is such a thing as a Ninja World War.

In this situation of affluence, it is simply impossible for those senior executives to change things.

The feudal dynastic system, at its peak, and the early stages of living capitalism were fine, no joke.

Especially under the small-scale peasant economy, as long as the weather is good and the weather is good, life will be nourished.

If you let them go out to work, they probably don’t want to smell farts.

What’s more, there are many thieves in the ninja family in Konoha. No one can tell how many thieves there are, large and small.

If you pick out a ninja at random, it may be a declining ninja clan.

Mito Uzumaki had lived for a long time. Looking at the lamented Hatake Sakumo, he said: “Unfortunately, the situation in Sunagakure Village is almost impossible to happen to us in Konoha.

Unless Hiruzen had the guts, all the kage levels and fifty percent of the jounin in Konoha would stand firm on his side.

Otherwise, the situation in Sunagakure Village can only be their own situation. “

Uzumaki Mito knew very well that the fundamental reason why Konoha is strong and there are so many ninjas is that the Fire Country is too rich.

Especially her husband, Senju Hashirama planted trees under the trees without restraint, violently transformed the environment, and flew bricks with great strength, everything was wiped out.

It was blocked there. Uchiha Madara Susanoo slashed it down and it became unblocked. The mountain was about to collapse. A piece of wood escaped between the Senju Hashira, and everything was OK.

For the rest, the Fire Country Daimyo sent people to cut down the trees and create a passage.

The trees are cut down and a house is built on the spot. A village is built here and a village chief is appointed.

As for the land, you can cultivate it at will. As long as you are not lazy, you can have enough food.

After Uzumaki Mito finished speaking, Hatake Sakumo fell silent. He knew that what Uzumaki Mito said was right and there was nothing wrong with it at all.

Regarding the political situation in Konoha, no one can say what will happen, there are too many ninja clans.

If Hiruzen Sarutobi didn’t have a few classmates to help him, his three apprentices were very helpful, and his eldest son was also strong enough. The Sarutobi clan he came from was a big clan, and there were three families of Ino, Deer and Butterfly to cooperate with him.

He is also a disciple of the Second Hokage and has studied with the First Hokage.

Senju and Uchiha are entangled with each other.

Even Sarutobi Hiruzen cannot secure his position as Hokage.

In this bullshit situation, all we can do is wait for the Hokage line to come up with a real boss, strong enough to overwhelm everything.

Think about the Hokage of Konoha in the original book, which one has nothing to do with the rich clan.

Not to mention the first generation, second generation, and third generation.

The so-called Fourth Hokage, who was born as a commoner, has the support of commoner ninjas. His master is Jiraiya, his wife is from the Uzumaki clan, and the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki has something to do with the Senju, so it has something to do with Tsunade.

The master is the third generation Hokage and has the support of the Sarutobi and Inokacho families.

The Fifth Hokage Senju Tsunade, not to mention the Sixth Hokage Hatake Kakashi, are themselves members of the Hatake clan. Although they are not big, they are also a ninja clan.

The seventh Hokage, the Crown Prince, his wife is from the Hyuga clan, his gay friend is from the Uchiha clan, and his confidant, Nara Shikamaru, is a descendant of Ino Shikacho.

Konoha said that there is really no problem if Naruto and the Ninja clan share the same world.

“If one day Konoha wants to reform, or needs to reform, the interests of the Ninja clan must not be touched. As long as they are used well, the Ninja clan will be the best supporters.

Sharing the world is not a bad thing. “

After Hatake Sakumo figured everything out, he said quietly.

“To share the world? You really dare to say that.”

Uzumaki Mito looked at Hatake Sakumo in surprise.

Little devil, do you know what you are talking about? Which ruler can allow the existence of a common world?

“I just said it casually. Please forgive me, Mito-sama.”

Hatake Sakumo smiled and didn’t say anything.

“Okay, I know that the Uzumaki clan is doing well, so that’s fine. I don’t have any expectations, old lady, so I’ll leave first.”

Uzumaki Mito smiled and said that she didn’t care. She was not in power, so why did she want to do this.

Moreover, if the world is shared, the Thousand Hands Clan will also have vested interests.

What’s wrong with her?

Hatake Sakumo looked at Uzumaki Mito who disappeared in an instant, his eyes twitching.

Boss, before you say you are an old woman, can you think about our situation.

I’m afraid I can’t keep up with your body skills. If you were an old woman, I should be buried.

Come quietly and leave quietly.

After Uzumaki Mito left, Hatake Sakumo thought for a while, hesitated, and wrote down everything he said when he met Uzumaki Mito.

Looking at the scroll he had written, Hatake Sakumo hesitated for a moment, and then wrote down everything he saw and heard in Sunagakure Village, including the conversation with Inoue in the middle of Sunagakure Village.

After writing it, I found a member of the Hatake family and sent it to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In the Hokage’s office, Hiruzen Sarutobi smoked a cigarette and looked at the scroll sent by Hatake Sakumo.

“Change is not easy to change.

However, we can still learn from some things in Sand Hidden Village.

We have money, so we don’t need to make such big moves, we can do it bit by bit. “

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled.

He has long been greedy for seeing some things in Sunagakure Village.

Picking up a scroll, Sarutobi Hiruzen began to write.

Write out your thoughts.

In the original work, Hiruzen Sarutobi made many mistakes, but this man’s ability cannot be denied.

The system of Sunagakure Village has never been hidden, so he can naturally know it.

“Tsunade can be responsible for the medical ninjutsu aspect. We have Mito-sama, so the process will not be too slow.

Pharmacy should also be brought up. The Nara family is professional and can teach low-level medicine to civilians so that they can grow it and then buy it at a low price, which can solve some problems as soon as possible.

It can also improve life, and give high-end products to the Nara family, which can win people’s hearts.

Let other ninjas take a look.

As for scientific blades, let Orochimaru give it a try.

We have a lot of uncultivated land and we should make some for civilian use.


Having money is good. “

Thinking about the situation in Konoha, and then looking at the situation in Sunagakure Village, Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled. Losing is not scary for a while, but the scary thing is that he can’t afford to lose. He is afraid of losing. He is rich in Konoha and a famous name in the Land of Fire. There is money everywhere.

He does not dare to carry out large-scale reforms, but he can start from other aspects to let everyone see the benefits.

When it comes to playing politics, Hiruzen Sarutobi can still do it. At the very least, he has surpassed Danzo Shimura in his life.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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