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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 76 Change, Qualified Shadow

Later generations used the Five Kage Conference after the Second Ninja War as the dividing point, which was called the Ninja Calendar.

In the first year of the Ninja World Calendar, major events occurred in the Ninja World.

The news that Uchiha Madara was still alive spread like wildfire.

What is surprising is that in the entire ninja world, no one has organized an army to defeat the demon king Uchiha Madara. On the contrary, every hidden village has entered the incubation period.

In other words, you should live your own life and not care about it at all.

In the conference room of Konoha Hidden Village.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, Uzumaki Mito, Shimura Danzo, Koharu Koharu, Mito Kadenen and other senior officials, as well as jounin ninjas, all sat together for a meeting.

With a bang, Shimura Danzo jumped up and roared: “Sarutobi, why, Uchiha Madara is still alive, where did this news come from?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen opened his eyes and glanced lightly: “The Third Kazekage Yun Qing, he fought against Uchiha Madara.”

“You actually believe the words of a defeated general. Even if Madara Uchiha is still alive, we shouldn’t go to attack him. Why are we having a meeting here?

Sarutobi, you have become weak. “

Shimura Danzo jumped up and pointed at Sarutobi Hiruzen and cursed.

It can be said that there is no mercy.

“Shimura, you are decadent. After the war, you fell too fast.”

After turning to bed, Koharu looked at Shimura Danzo coldly, thinking to himself, and looked at each other with Mito Kadoyan, and the two of them lowered their heads together.

The ninja clan leaders sitting below all lowered their heads, not wanting to interfere in the family affairs of these two gay friends.

Some jounin actually support Shimura Danzo’s idea. If you don’t accept it, do whatever you want. Just Uchiha Madara, there’s nothing to be afraid of.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked coldly at the excited Jonin below, with a flash of disappointment in his eyes.

These idiots have never experienced that era, how can they understand the power of cheating?

“Lord Hokage, let’s not say whether the Third Kazekage is lying to us. If Uchiha Madara is really alive, there are so many of us who are still afraid of him. Let’s beat him.

Let’s all come together and take him away in one wave. “

A Jonin in his twenties stood up and said excitedly.

“Yeah, yeah.”

“Don’t be afraid, Hokage-sama, let’s go together.”

“Uchiha Madara, just fight him.”

Seeing the excitement of the crowd and the jonins with a blaming attitude, Shimura Danzo was excited. I have supporters. These people are all my supporters.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was angry. For the first time, he was at full strength in a place other than the battlefield.

At the peak of the shadow level, he can temporarily surpass the shadow level’s combat power. At this moment, his momentum is fully unleashed, directly crushing some ninjas who are not heart-warming to the ground.

Everyone looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi in horror and fear. In their eyes, Hiruzen Sarutobi was like a natural disaster.

The first thing people do when they see a natural disaster is to run away. They want to run away too, but they can’t because their legs are a little weak.

“We will wait until you reach my level to conquer Uchiha Madara.”

Orochimaru said very highly of Sarutobi Hiruzenba.

That pale and cold smile, that weird big tongue, coupled with Sarutobi Hiruzen’s aura that once again strengthened, frightened several people on the spot.

Danzo Shimura looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi in horror. For the first time, he realized for the first time that he was nothing in front of his gay friend.

His gay friend had unknowingly surpassed him in strength.

“Everyone, if anyone has any objections, if so, you can raise them and discuss it together.”

What students do is to cheer them up. After Orochimaru stepped back, Jiraiya spoke and continued to cheer him on.

“The Third Kazekage disclosed some training methods beyond the Kage level, and I decided to study them specifically to achieve breakthroughs.

I think there is only one reason why we are afraid of Uchiha, and that is, we are too weak.

We are so weak that we are already trembling before the strong one even looks at us. “

Sarutobi Hiruzen regained his momentum and spoke word by word.

“Haha, old man, I think you are right. If we are strong enough, we can just pick Uchiha Madara.”

Tsunade smiled unbridled, and the ridicule on her face didn’t know who she was mocking.

“Jiraiya went to Mt. Myoboku to learn senjutsu chakra and study the sage mode.

Sakumo and I will jointly lead the team to study the fusion of the Five Release Ninjutsu and the practice of Yin and Yang Release.

Orochimaru and Tsunade studied wood escape and continued the research of the second generation Hokage.

Mito-sama, leads the team to study tailed beast chakra.

Does it make sense. “

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at everyone present and said seriously.

Everyone can hear the tone of voice that cannot be refuted.

Those young ninja clan looked at the Senju and Uchiha clans, as well as Shimura Danzo and other senior officials, wanting to see what they meant.

Shimura Danzo was already frightened, with an expression like “Where am I? What’s wrong with me?”

The Uchiha and Senju clan leaders were counting ants with their heads down.

No one spoke.

Everyone is looking at the people around Sarutobi Hiruzen, one, two, three, and four, a total of five Kage levels, and Uzumaki Mito, the tailed beast jinchuriki.

Sarutobi is from a wealthy family, and comes with three hanging items: pigs, deer, and butterflies.

The Senju and Uchiha didn’t do anything, so the matter passed in a muddle.

Seeing that no one had objections, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with satisfaction and said, “No one has objections, so I am here to announce good news.

After our research, we found that there were many mistakes in the basic training in Hidden Village. I teamed up with Orochimaru and others to write a training guide for everyone.

It contains shadow-level training experience. “

The heads of the major ninja clans didn’t want to talk, they were autistic and autistic.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is stable, this time, he is as stable as an old dog.

Look at the group of Jonin who are getting excited again. Damn it, with Kage-level experience, I’m still young. With practice, I might be able to break through.

Even if you can’t, if you break through to the quasi-shadow level, you can still be powerful.

“What a plan.”

The heads of the ninja clan sighed inwardly, and then felt a burning sensation in their hearts.

Most of their families have never been to the film level, they are only at the level of quasi-film.

There is a hurdle that cannot be overcome by life or death.

This is also the reason why everyone wants to learn from Naruto, so that they can learn from experience.

Seeing that everyone was satisfied, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with the same satisfaction, “Very good, very good, I am indeed a qualified politician.”

Meet everyone’s needs.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also thought about this decision for a long time.

Come to think of it, there is a book like this in Sunagakure Village, but it’s just not mentioned explicitly.

Each ninja clan will find out sooner or later, so why not take the first bite of crab in Konoha first.

Moreover, he will most likely face Uchiha Madara next. To deal with such a big shot, the most basic strength must be at the Kage level.

At this time, every extra strength means an extra chance of winning.

One more shadow level means one more person who can study and break through the shadow level.

Good morning, I wish you all a good mood.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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