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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 77 The choice of hidden villages

After the shadows of each village return, the first thing they do is to summon their direct relatives, arrange tasks, and suppress all inappropriate voices in the village.

What’s inappropriate is that you and Ying are not from the same family, or that you don’t support Ying’s decision.

Tailed beasts are found in every village, blood stains are found in every village, and Yin Yang Dun is found in every village.

Now that we have it, let’s start the next step, research, crazy research.

There is nothing that cannot be studied.

There isn’t much else in the Five Hidden Villages, it’s just that there are a lot of people, so money is thrown at people and materials are thrown at them.

Konoha heard that there is something good in Kongyin Village, which is of great research value.

I sent someone to ask if we could have a chat and give us a share of Konoha.

No, this is our own research.

Very good, then there is no need to talk about it.

A Kage-level leader, with two quasi-kages, dozens of jounin, and hundreds of chuunin, formed a small force and slaughtered them directly.

Researchers and research materials were brought back, the Yamazaka clan searched their brains, the Kurama clan copied it, and Orochimaru studied and recreated it.

Just be direct, thinking that there is an Uchiha Madara wandering around outside, who might kill them at any time.

Sarutobi Hiruzen’s movements are quite crisp.

In Hidden Cloud Village, the Third Raikage looked coldly at the golden horn and silver horn in front of him.

“The time has come for you to contribute to the village.”

“Haha, if you say we should make a contribution, we will do it. Wouldn’t it be too shameful for us?”

Jin Jiao looked at the third generation with disdain, wondering if his brain had been damaged by physical training.

“Take it with you and study it yourself. If they can survive after eating the Nine Tails, it is of great research value.”

The Third Raikage waved his hand, saying that he was stupid for talking nonsense with these two guys.

“Father, they are our ancestors after all. It’s not good to do this.”

The son of the Raikage, the next generation Ai looked at his father hesitantly.

“Before Uchiha Madara takes action, if a ninja beyond Kage level doesn’t appear in our Hidden Cloud Village, we will be doomed.

Taboo, ban him, what a ghost. “

The Third Raikage glanced at his son with disappointment.

“Go find your match.

You don’t need to worry about the rest. “

The Third Raikage turned and left.

In Iwagakure Village, Ohnoki and Lao Zi faced each other. Although both of them had bad tempers and hard tempers, their hearts for Iwagakure Village were true.

“How about it? Four Tails agreed.”

Seeing Lao Zi open his eyes, Onoki asked hurriedly.

“I agreed, but the Fourth Tails has a request. We need to erect a statue for him so that people can know his achievements.”

Lao Zi said with an ugly face.

Onoki was stunned for a moment, then smiled up at the sky: “Tell the Four-Tails, it’s no problem. As long as he cooperates and our research is successful, let alone the statue, he will be the patron saint of Iwagakure Village.”

Ohnoki said that I am pedantic, but I am not stupid. Compared with life, a mere statue is a trivial matter.

In Kirigakure Village, the Third Mizukage was talking to the Six-Tailed Three-Tails.

“Uchiha Madara is still alive and I need your help.”

“Why should I help you? You humans have imprisoned us.” – Sanwei sneered.

“Yes, Uchiha Madara is alive, we are just living in a different place.

Another cage. ”—Vulpix

“Freedom, I can give you freedom. I will divide a piece of land for you outside Yunyin Village for you to survive.

We protect you, and you help us practice and study Tailed Beast Chakra and Yin Yang Escape. “

The Third Mizukage was also a ruthless person and directly gave big conditions.

Silence fell into silence between the three.

The ninjas of Kirigakure Village didn’t know what Mizukage talked about with the two tailed beasts, but they knew that the tailed beasts never hurt anyone again. On the contrary, they devoted themselves to teaching them water escape and yin and yang escape.

The bloodstained ninjas in Kirigakure Village also received orders and began to study the fusion of ninjutsu and bloodstains.

In the original work, the Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei has two kinds of bloodstains. If it is said that she is extremely talented and fused by herself, I am afraid no one will believe it.

Without the achievements left over from Kirigakure Village, she would not have been able to fuse the two bloodstains.

Therefore, the main research direction of Kirigakure Village is blood stain fusion and yin and yang escape, and tailed beast chakra is a trivial matter.

They believe in themselves a little more.

Konoha is different from other hidden villages. They have talents and resources, and they have to go in any direction.

When Konoha began to study chakra on a large scale, another genius emerged in Konoha, a genius in genetics.

In the Hokage’s office.

“Beiliuhu, don’t make trouble. You can really do it. That’s Mu Dun.”

Jiraiya gestured wildly at Bei Liuhu, telling him to stop talking nonsense.

“Don’t worry Jiraiya, I’m confident.

Hokage-sama, please look, this is my research report, which contains my research on blood stains. “

Bei Liuhu nodded to Jiraiya with a serious look on his face. It was good to have the concern of his friends.

The Third Hokage took it and looked at it seriously. He needed this kind of talent.

“Okay, you go to Orochimaru and Tsunade, and you also study Jiraiya’s senjutsu chakra.

Taking over Orochimaru’s work first, he is now studying the results obtained from Kongyin Village.

As long as there are results, I, Hiruzen Sarutobi, will never be stingy with glory. “

After reading Biruhu’s research report, Sarutobi Hiruzen made his decision.

They, Konoha, are currently short of research talents. For this reason, he, Koharu and Mito Kazuo, the three of them worked out a reward system overnight.

Of course, the application is from Sunagakure Village next door.

They now find that Sunagakure Village has many policies that are quite useful.

After using it and modifying it, it is very easy to use.

In the first year of the ninja calendar, the major hidden villages entered a period of crazy arms race. The research on ninjutsu and chakra in each major hidden village progressed very quickly.

After all, a hidden village could have tens of thousands of available ninjas, and even if it was only one in a few thousand, it could still find a lot of researchers.

At the same time, this year has also been cruel. On land, today this small hidden village was destroyed because of disobedience, and tomorrow any small hidden village will be destroyed because of disobedience.

There is not enough supplies here today, so go out and fight. If there is not enough supplies tomorrow, go out and fight again.

The only ones who can stop the Five Hidden Villages are the Five Hidden Villages.

Including Sunagakure Village in the Country of Wind, they also followed the trend and wiped out several countries.

On the ocean, many of the islands close to the mainland were destroyed by mainland countries.

Most of them were wiped out by Kirigakure.

Kirigakure Village did an even better job. They directly massacred the island and relocated it. Who is afraid of whom? After establishing a good relationship with Sanbi and Vulpix, Kirigakure Village is located on the ocean, so it really has no one to fear.

A Shukaku with one tail can cause a sandstorm in the desert, but it seems that we three tails can’t do that.

This year, it can be said that in the ninja world, the daimyo is happy and the hidden village is happy.

The only ones who were unhappy were Boss Madara and His Highness Black and White Zetsu with a yin and yang face.

Guys, today is Monday, a new week, please vote for recommendations.

Let my recommendation votes this week also exceed 100.

The collection will also increase. As for rewards, it depends on the mood of the big guys.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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