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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 81 Knocking on the Mountain and Shocking the Tiger

My name is Ling Tian, ​​I am the son of the left prime minister of the Kingdom of Wind, and a speedster.

I don’t have many hobbies in my life, except for speed.

At first, driving a horse-drawn carriage at such lightning speed was really enjoyable.

Later, when I got tired of playing in the carriage, I rode alone and felt the wind brushing my face. At that moment, it felt like the wind was flying.

Now, I drive a chakra car, and the energy is chakra, which is full of power.

Listening to the rumble at the rear of the car and the turning of the steering wheel, there was a beautiful and exposed young lady sitting in the passenger seat.

My hair was blown flying again, one hand was holding the steering wheel, and the other hand was stroking my thigh, speeding like lightning. Forgive me for my poor vocabulary, I used you again.

Only a Chakra car can highlight your name.

The above is how Ling Tian felt before. Today, Ling Tian was arrested.

Just now, when he was racing with his friends, a figure rushed out and forced him to stop his car. Then, a group of people rushed out, and amidst a series of young ladies’ screams, he and his friends were driven out together. Caught.

Shatu from the First Law Enforcement Team of the Sunagakure Village Traffic Bureau led his team and arrested the largest night driving gang in Sunagakure Village on his first night in office.

“You know who I am, I am Ling Tian, ​​and my father is the left prime minister of the Kingdom of Wind. If you arrest me, my father will not let you go.”

Ling Tian roared at the sand.

Ling Tian’s words were very effective. At the very least, the arresting traffic policemen were stunned for a moment.

Damn it, the son of the left prime minister of the Kingdom of Wind, this status is a bit embarrassing, it seems that he can’t control us.

After slapping him with his mouth, Shatu replied impatiently: “Don’t say that the left prime minister of the Kingdom of Wind can’t control us.

Look at the few people racing with you over there. They even have the grandson of the elder of Sunagakure Village. Look at how rampant they are. “

After receiving a slap, he woke up. Lingtian turned his head stiffly and looked at the young people behind him. He saw a few of his “old friends” smiling awkwardly.

It’s not okay to accompany the traffic police with a look of remorse.

Obviously, Shatu was right.

They didn’t dare to make mistakes. Their parents directly managed Sunagakure Village, but the traffic police still looked down upon them.

“That, this big brother.”

Ling Tian quickly smiled flatteringly.

“No, don’t call me brother, I don’t have a brother so young.”

Shatu shook his head with goosebumps and quickly waved his hand to stop.

“Oh, that’s called uncle, uncle, real uncle. We are just racing and we didn’t hit anyone. Can we let him go?”

At this moment, Ling Tian’s desire to survive was overwhelming.

“Don’t worry, your problem is not serious. At most, you will be detained for ten and a half months. When you come home and have someone visit you, you will pay a fine. It will be no big deal.”

Considering the identities of this group of people, they did not resist law enforcement at this time, they just shouted a few words at first.

Thinking again, this group of people have contributed to him since the beginning. Shatu said, I am also a good person, so I will tell you a few words in advance.

As soon as Shatu’s words came out, the group of second-generation ancestors headed by Ling Tian immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

But they knew that if Feng Ying really killed them to scare the monkeys, then their deaths would be in vain.

“Huhu, thank you, uncle. I’ll treat you to dinner when you get back.”

As soon as Lingtian heard the punishment, he immediately became energetic, nodded and bowed quickly, and if there was a cigarette, he had to light a cigarette for Shatu.

“No, you are the left prime minister’s son, I can’t afford it.”

Shatu waved his hand, indicating that he was born low and could not afford this meal.

“Hey, uncle, don’t be like this, I’m studying in a ninja school, and I might work under you in the future.

Moreover, I am a speedster, and I know best what that group of people likes to do. It will be no problem if you ask me to help you. “

As the son of the left prime minister of the Kingdom of Wind, Ling Tianna is also a battle-hardened being.

After such a short period of time, he had clarified a lot of things, and knew that as long as the man in front of him was taken care of well, it would be very helpful for his family to integrate into the ninja world.


Narrowing his eyes, Shatu looked the second-generation ancestor up and down. Not to mention, his figure and chakra reaction were really good.

“Really, truer than gold.”

Lingtian nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, fearing that Shatu wouldn’t believe it.

“Okay, chat back.”

Shatu saw that the traffic police he had brought had already tied up the group of second-generation ancestors. He waved his hand and led the people to stop the group.

Lingtian looked at the shocked eyes of his friends and snorted disdainfully.

You idiots, right away, I will no longer be a player in the same channel as you.

I’m going to take my lap and pursue an official career in Sunagakure Village.

Ling Tian said that his premonition and vision were correct.

A department that dares to come up and attack these second-generation ancestors has no idea how much energy it has behind it.

Just like Shatu said, among their group, there are descendants of Shayin Village elders, descendants of nobles, and descendants of merchants. Those who can come in are all from well-established families.

Whether the effect is good or not is another matter. How many people will be harmed if you operate on them?

Come as usual, do the same surgery, knowing clearly that there are tigers in the mountains, but go to the tiger mountains instead.

He’s not a fool, he’s just confident.

The next day, Sunagakure Village announced a major event.

The Transportation Bureau was formally established yesterday, with Fenfu as director.

Just last night, the largest speedster gang in Sunagakure Village was successfully arrested under the ideological leadership of Master Kazekage, the wise command of Director Fenfu, and the hard work of Captain Satu.

As soon as this news came out, the entire Sunagakure Village was shocked.

Damn it, the newly established Transportation Bureau was so confident that they arrested a group of second-generation ancestors.

This group of people is either the second generation of forbearers or the second generation of officials, the second generation of nobles and the second generation of Shang, I don’t know how many there are.

Although this circle is small, it cannot hold the “preciousness” of the people in it.

This news was sent out, and the effect of knocking on the mountain and frightening the tiger, and killing the chicken to scare the monkeys was directly apparent.

The entire Sand Hidden Village was quiet.

There are no obstacles to the implementation of traffic laws.

It’s not that there are no fools who don’t believe in evil, so they have to go against the traffic bureau forcefully.

The result is to be detained and arrested. They will first be detained for ten days and a half. Those who disobey will be sent to reform through labor.

As for those who say parents are causing trouble, first discuss the subtleties of Buddhism with Master Fenfu.

If you think that’s not enough, you can discuss the secrets of ninjutsu with Master Kazekage.

If you can continue to protest, then you will be the boss of Sunagakure Village and you will be the god.

It’s just that there are too many smart people and not so many idiots. Everyone is a young man who abides by the law.

Under the severe crackdown by the Transportation Bureau, the traffic safety of the entire Sunagakure Village has been improved.

As a result, even the traffic security in the Kingdom of Wind has been completely improved.

The residents of the Land of Wind discovered that since the right minister visited Sunagakure Village, the remains of the Kazekage’s battle were undergoing river channel engineering maintenance.

The tacit understanding between the Country of Wind and Sunagakure Village is getting higher and higher.

As long as there are any changes in Sand Hidden Village, the Kingdom of Wind will follow immediately.

The life of ordinary people is getting better and better.

Um, sorry readers, there should be no more tonight.

There are too many things going on today, so I may not be able to update. I’m really sorry.

The author has to go to the city to do business tomorrow, so there should be updates, and it should take a lot of effort to update.

This book will be on the shelves tomorrow, so I won’t write any author’s remarks.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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