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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 85 Madara enters the village

“Old man, you can rest here for a while while I go to unload the goods.”

The truck driver pointed to the rest area in front and said with a smile to Uchiha Madara.

In view of Uchiha Madara’s hatred and the terrifying theory of chakra elimination, the truck driver kept giving Uchiha Madara ideological education along the way.

Uchiha Madara miraculously listened in. Maybe no one had ever told him these words before, so they sounded novel to him.

Upon hearing that Uchiha Madara didn’t know anyone in Sunagakure Village, the truck driver became even more excited. He quickly said that he needed to stay here for a few days, so he would just take Madara to play here for a few days.

“No, I’ll go with you.”

Uchiha Madara said expressionlessly.

After finally meeting a fool, how could I just let him go?

What if he ran away?

When the truck driver heard that Uchiha Madara was unwilling, he shook his head. It was okay anyway, so he would just take Madara with him.

Looking at the warehouses on the roadside, the trucks of materials being unloaded, and the specially built parking passages at the entrances of the warehouses.

“Stop, which family are you from?”

Soon the truck drove to a gate, and a beautiful woman with yellow hair stepped forward to stop it.

Seeing this young beauty, Uchiha Madara’s eyes flashed.

With that scorching chakra and the qualities he showed, Uchiha Madara guessed that this was the weakest chuunin.

“Hello, Miss Ye Nan, my name is Tuhao. I am from the Kingdom of Earth. I am delivering a batch of goods to the Matsubara family.”

The wealthy man saw the beauty, that is, Ye Nan, and smiled quickly.

Ye Nan flipped through the records in his hand, and there was indeed a record on it that the Songyuan family wanted a batch of goods today.

“Okay, go in, Matsubara family, their warehouse is the one inside.

They have special signs and someone will unload the goods later.

The rest area of ​​the big car is outside. You can take a rest wherever you put the car. “

After Ye Nan made sure it was accurate, she gave him directions.

“Thank you, Mr. Ye Nan. You’re busy, I’ll go deliver the goods first.”

The wealthy man nodded and bowed, looking like a villain.

“You’re afraid of her.”

Uchiha Madara raised his eyebrows. He was so arrogant that he looked down on people who were inferior to others.

“Old man, you don’t know, she is Ye Nan, one of the five deputy directors here, her cousin is Ye Cang, Master Kazekage’s secret technique, and her husband is the boss of the Uzumaki clan and the deputy director of the Uzumaki Hospital , whirlpool inflammation.

The Ye family is still a ninja, and she herself is also said to be a jounin. “

The wealthy man shook his head and explained to Madara Uchiha.

It’s not that I’m spineless, it’s that the person opposite me is really awesome.

He comes from a good background, has a high position, marries a good person, and is willing to work hard.

After hearing what the rich man said, Uchiha Madara couldn’t help but look back.

Everyone wants to take a second look at the winner in life.


“It’s so prosperous. That Kazekage is very political, even better than Tobirama.”

Uchiha Madara was walking in the market in the storage area, looking at the various goods and the people coming and going, Uchiha Madara sighed.

“Hey, old man, I don’t know who Tobirama you are talking about, but Lord Kazekage, that’s really awesome.

In the past, the poor people in Sunagakure Village had nothing to say, but now, they are richer than anyone else. “

The wealthy man next to him heard Uchiha Madara’s words and quickly answered.

He didn’t know who the name Tobirama was.

Uchiha Madara had no intention of explaining.

No matter how much Uchiha Madara refused to acknowledge or even be hostile to Senju Tobirama, he would never deny his talent and strength.

Even Senju Tobirama didn’t manage Konoha very well.

Konoha became truly wealthy during the three generations of governance.

In Uchiha Madara’s memory, the only person who managed the Ninja Village was Senju Tobirama. As for the others, he did not think that the other person could manage the Ninja Village well.

But now, the changes in Sand Hidden Village, and even the changes in the Kingdom of Wind, made him look at it with admiration.

At the same time, the status of Qianju Tojian in his heart was completely gone.

If you can’t fight, and governance is no longer good now, what’s the use of him.

“Let’s take a walk around. I don’t know what the inside of Sunagakure Village is like, but it’s very prosperous here.”

Uchiha Madara thought to himself and followed the rich man towards the bus stop.

“What is this place for?”

Looking at the crowd under the bus stop sign, Uchiha Madara looked at the rich man in confusion and asked.

“Wait for the bus. It’s quite a distance from Sunagakure Village. If you walk there, it would take an ordinary person two hours. The bus will take a short time. It’s very convenient.”

The wealthy man replied with a smile.

He is a good man, and his father died young. When he sees the elderly, he always wants to help.

After waiting for a while, Uchiha Madara saw a car with 1 written on it driving over.

Next, he got on the bus under the guidance of the rich man.

“It’s really easy and convenient.”

Looking at the shadows flying away outside the window, Uchiha Madara sighed again.

Because he was an elderly person, someone automatically offered him his seat on the bus.

Originally, Uchiha Madara wanted to persevere. After all, he never accepted old age.

However, he couldn’t resist being old, so he took out a mirror and asked him to take a look.


“what is it call?”


“from where?”

“Fire Nation.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I’ve heard about the grand scene of Sunagakure Village for a long time, so I’m here to travel. If I have the chance, I’ll plant some trees by the way.

I heard that Kazekage likes to plant trees. “

“Okay, this is your temporary ID card, you can go in.”

Hearing Madara talking about planting trees, the young ninja who was responsible for recording entry and exit and issuing temporary certificates couldn’t help but take a look at Madara.

Uchiha Madara was really not joking, he really wanted to plant trees by the way.

After all, there is no place for revenge, and it would be inappropriate not to avenge it.

“Old man, as an elderly person, you can go to the Whirlpool Hospital for a physical examination to see if you have any symptoms.

Moreover, there is no charge for physical examinations for the elderly, and it is a benefit. “

Seeing the gray hair and age spots, the young ninja who applied for a temporary ID card gave me a reminder out of kindness.

“Hey, sir, don’t worry, I will definitely take Madara over. This benefit is a symbol of Sunagakure Village.”

The rich man came over and said with a smile.

Seeing the familiar wealthy man with a smile and a mean look on his face, the young ninja who applied for a temporary ID was stunned for a moment and looked up and down carefully.

“Are you a rich man? From the Kingdom of Earth.”

The young ninja asked with confusion and certainty.

“Um, sir, do you know me?”

The rich man was confused. He was just an ordinary person who had a little luck and made a little more money.

“Well, I know you. Who doesn’t know your name?

Mr. Kakuzu, the news has spread all over the place for you. He asked me to tell you that he saw you and asked you to go to him and that he has a big deal to discuss with you. “

The young ninja shook his head and said softly.

He studied in the adult class of Sunagakure Ninja School and was a student of Kakuzu.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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