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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 97 Rumors after rumors

Akai is not a fool, Akai is very smart.

He developed a small stronghold into the small city it is today.

What it relies on is just a battle relic.

What is needed to develop a temporary base that relies on the relief of Sunagakure Village into a self-sufficient town is not that simple.

Therefore, after receiving Lei Kai’s prompt, Akai looked at the group of people below who were doing afforestation work, with constant disillusionment in his eyes.

Looking at Akai with disillusioned eyes, Lei Kai nodded. He knew that Akai already knew why.

Know what Yun Qing’s order is for.

“Although our development speed is already very fast, we still cannot fill the population and work needs of Sunagakure Village and the Country of Wind.”

Lei Kai looked up at the sky and murmured in his heart.

Question, there are many people in Sand Hidden Village and the Land of Wind who rely on tree planting to survive.

Lei Kai didn’t know what it was like in other places. He only knew that 80% of the people in their small place relied on this.

Lei Kai guessed that even in Sand Hidden Village and Daming City, 30% of the population depended on this work for their lives.

This is a scary thing.

Even in the two most developed places, there are so many people living on one job. So, as for other places, those new towns established by absorbing refugees from the war period, they must have at least half of the people. , living on the job of planting trees.

Once the Thousand-Hand Rope Tree really completes the greening work of the Kingdom of Wind, then half of the population of the Kingdom of Wind will be employed.

The land that had just been greened was not allowed to be reclaimed by the daimyo of Yunqing and Wind Country to plant food on the land.

The Senju Rope Tree is not the Senju Hashirama. It cannot directly change the land. Changing the land requires time.

The evolution of soil cannot be solved in a short time, it requires a lot of time.

Even the power of ninjutsu and mystical testing cannot do this, at least, not yet.

“A frightening fact, but also the most real situation.

Lord Kazekage is a good person. “

Akai’s eyes flashed, as if he had made some kind of decision, he muttered, turned around and left.


“I heard that the reason why Master Kazekage drove away Master Naoki is because he is afraid that after the desert greening is completed, at least half of the people will be unemployed.”

“I heard about it, but don’t we have a large factory where we can go to work?”

“No, I asked someone to inquire. Many factories are no longer recruiting workers.”

“Oh, my God, my cousin is a landscaping worker. If the factory doesn’t recruit workers, he will be unemployed.

He has several children at home. “

“Yes, yes, thank you Kazekage-sama for your foresight.”

“Yes, thank you Kazekage-sama.”

Sometimes, the distortion of reputation only takes a moment, and recovery only takes a moment.

A piece of news spread out from somewhere.

It is said that once the greening of the Kingdom of Wind is completed, half of the people will not be able to afford food and will lose their jobs.

Will go back to the days of eating sand.

People are afraid of unknown situations, and at the same time, people are also an existence that goes from luxury to frugality.

Who wants to go hungry when you have already eaten enough?


In a secret base in the Kingdom of Wind, a Scarface once destroyed the organization’s daily necessities, making the organization’s financial statements look ugly.

“Continue to spread rumors, just say that after the greening is completed, the land can be reclaimed and people without jobs can grow food to eat.

You can live the life of a landlord. “

Deep in the base, a pair of eyes that turned red due to anger spoke fiercely.

“Yes, chief.”

The younger brother responded quickly and ran out as soon as possible.

There seemed to be some monster behind him that would eat him.


On this day, Lei Kai came home from get off work and passed by a small teahouse. He went in to drink tea and heard rumors that he shouldn’t have heard.

“Hey, everyone, you know, after the greening is completed, not only will everyone not lose their jobs, but on the contrary, they will get a lot of land and become landlords.”

“It’s impossible. Look at me. I’ve planted several acres of trees and I still haven’t become a landowner.”

“How is it impossible? Master Shengshu has completed the greening and there will be a lot of land. We have lost our jobs. How can we live without farming.

Therefore, Feng Ying is still jealous of Xian Neng. “

When the others heard this, they thought, damn, this is really true. In this case, Feng Ying should indeed give land to these “heroes”.

A group of refugees who had just rented land from nobles were excited at the thought of owning their own land.

It can be said that this rumor successfully hit the weak point of this group of people and successfully aroused their anger.

Listening to the rumors, drinking tea, and then looking at the common people who were already indignant, with the anger in their eyes that could burn the world, Lei Kai’s brows furrowed deeply.

He always felt that something was wrong, and he didn’t think that Yun Qing, who lived in the shadow of a village, would not know this solution.

Now that he knows, he still has no choice. He can only say that this method is wrong and cannot be used.

Once used, irreversible and horrific consequences will occur.

Therefore, Lei Kai frowned and walked towards Akai. He needed to find his own professionals.

Ask some questions to resolve your doubts.

In the small teahouse, a middle-aged man with scars at the corners of his eyes looked at the excited crowd around him with a proud expression.

“Haha, I have made such a big contribution. This time when I go back, I will definitely have a share of the meat. I’m so happy.”

What the middle-aged man didn’t know was that in the dark corner, a little sand snake was watching everything.

The inverted triangular eyes stared at him. As long as he made the slightest movement, they would continue to watch quietly. At most, they would just send the news back.

As for hurting people violently, he, a little brother, doesn’t have the strength yet.

In the Fengying Building, Ye Cang watched the news from all over the world about the rumor reversal.

She must now definitely confirm that there must be someone behind this incident who is causing trouble and will follow them to oppose her.

“Don’t let me know who you are, otherwise, I will definitely roast you into a mummy.”

Ye Cang said through gritted teeth.

Her ferocious face made it impossible for anyone to tell that this was the first secretary of Sunagakure Village. The usually capable, decisive and charming first secretary now looked like an evil ghost.

Not only Ye Cang, but also the administrative officials in the Fengying Building basically have this attitude.

It’s not that they have a strong sense of glory, it’s that their performance is not good.

Ask, what is the best result of building a successful career?

That is, the troublemaker only exists once. As long as you are connected, you have mishandled it and left behind a backup plan.

Rather than performing meritorious services multiple times.

Chapter One


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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