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Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later — Chapter 030

《”The life you long for”?

After hearing this name, Su Wenhao raised his eyebrows slightly.

He knew the show before time travel and loved it.

Unexpectedly, Reba would take him to participate。

“Do you really want to take me there? Reba

asked with a smile:

“do you want to go? ”

Su Wenhao nodded immediately:

“I think, of course I do!”

《”The Longing for Life”, this program has a huge base, maybe it can gain a wave of reputation for itself.

Moreover, many people want to be on this show. Of course he is not willing to miss it if he has this opportunity.。

“But you also have to prepare for the “Tomorrow’s Son” audition. Going on the show will distract you, right? ”

Yang Mi asked worriedly.

As the celebrity promoter of the Shengshi Beauty Track, she is very clear about the competition system of the show.

Starting next week, there will be PK competitions in three tracks, and someone will be eliminated in each game.

Yang Mi very much hopes that Su The literary giant can go to the end of the show, which will increase his exposure and make more people like him.

If he neglects to prepare because he participates in “Longing for Life” and ultimately affects the competition, then it will be more than worth the gain.


Hot Ba Ye looked at Su Wenhao with some confusion:

“The song “Big Fish” you sang is so nice. Where did you learn to sing? ”

Su Wenhao’s lips moved slightly:

“Self-taught. ”


Reba took a breath and was shocked in her heart. She

is so good at cooking, she is self-taught. She

is so good at singing, she is also self-taught.

Did Sister Mi sign a singer? She is obviously a sweeper!

“So do you want to go with me? Reba asked.

Su Wenhao pretended to think, and then replied to。

“I think there’s no problem。”

“《The “Children of Tomorrow” game is very important, of course I know about it。”

“But I am a creative player. Instead of singing in my room, I might as well go for a walk in the vast world, which may increase my inspiration. ”

Preparing for the game?

Does it need to be so strenuous?

As long as he has enough reputation points, he can redeem various classic works.

What he has to do now is to show himself more and gain more reputation points.

Yang Mi chewed rice and thought for a moment。

“You are right. In short, “Tomorrow’s Son” should be taken seriously. Sister Mi hopes to see you on the highest podium! ”

Su Wenhao nodded:

“Don’t worry, I’m measured! Reba

sneered and said:

“That’s a happy decision, you come with me tomorrow afternoon!”


After dinner, Yang Mi and Reba enthusiastically helped wash the dishes.。

“Sister Mi, I’m going back, good night! ”

After all, these are two girls. Even if Su Wenhao really wants to stay here, it’s not suita

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Tsk tsk tsk tsk。

“What a handsome guy!”

“Sister Mi, you have found a treasure this time. ”

After closing the door, Reba said with emotion.

Yang Mi showed a proud smile on her face:

“Of course, my sister has been so discerning since she was a child!”

“But why don’t you leave yet? Go back to your room and rest! ”

The two of them go upstairs and downstairs. They have about the same space and their relationship is like best friends, so they bought a house together.

Yang Mi lives on the 8th floor and Reba is on the 7th floor. No one originally lives on the 9th floor. , now here comes Su Wenhao。

“Hee hee, I won’t go back tonight. I’ll sleep on your bed here.。”

“Not much to say, hurry up and log in, continue to play black, we just won a game, this time we will pursue the victory and win a few more stars! ”

As she said that, Reba kicked her little feet and ran into Yang Mi’s bedroom.。


After Su Wenhao returned to his room on the ninth floor, he began to tidy up the room.

Although Yang Mi did not plan to live in this house, she still prepared bedding and pillows in the cupboard, probably in case someone needed to stay overnight.

After Su Wenhao made the bed, he opened the suitcase and took out everything inside.

Just a few clothes, toiletries, and a drawing book.

Holding the picture book, he sat down by the bed and flipped through the pages.

Although the outside was wrapped in a cover, the paper inside inevitably turned yellow.

The paintings inside include pencil drawings and colored pen drawings.

It looked very attentive, but Su Wenhao still didn’t see what he was painting.

The only thing that is recognizable is the fox head on the first inside page.

At first, Su Wenhao thought the painting was a dog, but after thinking about the nickname “Fox”, he guessed what it was.

There was also a large envelope in the suitcase. He took out the contents. There were more than a dozen envelopes, all sent by [Fox] in the past 18 years.

Su Wenhao placed these on the bookshelf in the bedroom, looking at the drawing books and envelopes。

“【Fox], although I may not be able to find you, your kindness to me will definitely be kept in my heart.。”

“One day in the future, if you need my help, I will definitely do my best! ”

Downstairs from the bedroom on the 9th floor is the bedroom on the 8th floor.

Yang Mi took advantage of the gap between the loading of the game screen and looked up.

If one day, [Tiger] discovers that I am actually the [Fox] he has been looking for, What’s his reaction?

Hehe, I must record that surprised expression for him!

Repay the favor?

What can you do to repay the favor?


Asking for flowers, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for evaluation votes!


Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later

Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later


Su Wenhao was only 8 years old when he traveled through time. It took 18 years for the system to be bound, and he was required not to leave the prescribed range during this period.

At this time, he received a donation from Yanjing, and the sponsor was named [Fox].

[Fox] supported him for 18 years.

After 18 years, Su Wenhao was finally able to leave the small mountain village, and he decided to find this kind man to repay his kindness.

Later, he signed into an entertainment company called Jiaxing Tianxia, ​​and later he was surprised to find that the person who had helped him for 18 years turned out to be the famous Yang Mi!

“Sister Mi, thank you for your help over the past 18 years. I am here to repay your kindness!”


Yang Mi asked breathlessly: “Is this what you call repaying a favor?”



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