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Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later — Chapter 037

Reba looked over curiously:

“Can you still fish? ”

Su Wenhao shrugged:

“It’s just fishing, what’s the technical content?”

“The only thing required is patience, and of course more importantly, luck。”

“With luck, you can still catch the bait even without bait!”

“Bad luck, even if you build a nest, you will still be in the Air Force! ”

He Jiong thought for a moment, then nodded:

“That’s right, you need to wait for time to catch fish. It would be a waste of opportunity if you don’t experience sea fishing.。”

“Our program team has special fishing tools, bring them with you when you go there later。”

“Let’s go, the sooner we go to sea, the sooner we can come back! ”

After that, he led them towards the beach.

Kun Kun followed at the end:

“Going to sea? Will you get tanned? ”

He Jiong thought for a moment and turned around:

“Kunkun, how about you stay in the mushroom house and help Teacher Huang and Pengpeng?”

“Just a few of us can go to sea. ”

After hearing this, Kun Kun was just about to agree.

But with his limited IQ, he realized one thing. Teacher Huang and Peng Peng were both in the mushroom house.

Doesn’t that mean that Reba, Deng Ziqi, and Zifeng were all together? There are two girls and Su Wenhao on the boat?

And this is the first time Moguwu goes out to sea for fishing, so he will probably get a lot of shots. She

is a beauty, and she is the one who takes the camera. How can Su Wenhao take all the good things?

Thinking of this, Kun Kun immediately replied:

“Although the ultraviolet rays at sea are very strong, it would be a pity not to experience such a great opportunity!”

“Teacher He, please wait for me. I’ll bring a bottle of sunscreen and go right away.。”


Several people followed He Jiong to the beach, where a medium-sized fishing boat was already parked on the shore.

The fishing boat was rented from the local area. In addition to the staff of the program team, there were several fishermen on the boat. They assisted them in fishing and also acted as safety officers.

After all, fishing at sea is very risky.

After everyone boarded the boat, the fishing boat started heading towards the sea.

Reba took out sunscreen and sprayed it on herself:

“You really need to pay attention to sun protection when you go to the sea. Don’t go out to sea and get eight degrees darker when you get back. That will really make you cry to death.。”

“Junior brother, you should spray some too! ”

As he said that, he sprayed sunscreen on Su Wenhao very carefully, with that considerate gesture just like a girlfriend.。



In a lounge, Yang Mi looked at the scene in the live broadcast room and couldn’t help but puff up her cheeks.

She was here for business and took advantage of her break to open the “Longing for Life” live broadcast room to see how Su Wenhao performed in his first variety show.

As soon as she opened it, she saw Reba spraying sunscreen on Su Wenhao again.


[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] inally, this kind of thing was nothing. Senior sister was just taking care of junior brother.

But for some reason, Yang Mi just felt uncomfortable.

Am I jealous?

Just kidding!

I saw some fruit next to me, so in order to distract myself, I picked up a banana, peeled it and ate it.。


The fishing boat sailed in the sea for more than an hour.

Su Wenhao and others were standing on the deck, looking at the scenery outside with excited expressions.

I have seen the sea, but there are not many opportunities to see the scenery in the sea.

Looking back, I can no longer see the shadow of the mushroom house.

Everything you can see is the blue sea, the blue sky, and the seagulls flying following the fishing boats.

The fishing boat floats along with the waves, and it feels like a lone boat in the world.

Reba suddenly thought of something and walked to Su Wenhao with a smile:

“Junior brother, what do you think of in this situation? ”


This question made Su Wenhao a little confused.。

“What comes to mind? Thinking of the sea, you are all water! ”

The main reason is that this question came too suddenly and there was no time to think about it.


Reba asked with a smile:

“Have you seen “Titanic”? ”


Su Wenhao was stunned for a moment, then nodded:

“Have seen it!”

“How come you haven’t seen such a famous film? ”

Reba asked again:

“Which clip made the deepest impression on you? ”


Looking at Reba’s eyes seeking knowledge, Su Wenhao pursed his lips and did not dare to speak.。


His lips trembled a few times, but in the end he still didn’t tell the truth.。

“What I like best is the emotional interaction between Jack and Rose! ”


That’s right.

I’m extremely impressed!

Especially the later 3D reset version, tsk tsk tsk!

The netizens in the live broadcast room were very happy.。

“Hahaha, this is indeed a difficult question to answer!”

“I bet that when “Titanic” is mentioned, the first image that comes to mind is the same as mine!”

“Tsk, what do you know? That’s called art!”

“Ahem, as a good person who does good deeds and accumulates virtues in daily life, my opinion is that there should be more art like this!”


Reba said happily:

“There are many favorite moments in this movie, especially this one. ”

While talking, she opened the mobile phone software and searched for a video and handed it to Su Wenhao.

It was still within the coverage of mobile signals, and there were signal amplifiers on the fishing boats, so there was no problem in using the network.

Su Wenhao looked at the video on the phone Picture, you can tell which clip it is without playing it.

Because this picture is so classic!


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Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later

Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later


Su Wenhao was only 8 years old when he traveled through time. It took 18 years for the system to be bound, and he was required not to leave the prescribed range during this period.

At this time, he received a donation from Yanjing, and the sponsor was named [Fox].

[Fox] supported him for 18 years.

After 18 years, Su Wenhao was finally able to leave the small mountain village, and he decided to find this kind man to repay his kindness.

Later, he signed into an entertainment company called Jiaxing Tianxia, ​​and later he was surprised to find that the person who had helped him for 18 years turned out to be the famous Yang Mi!

“Sister Mi, thank you for your help over the past 18 years. I am here to repay your kindness!”


Yang Mi asked breathlessly: “Is this what you call repaying a favor?”



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