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Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later — Chapter 086

Yang Mi couldn’t help but said happily:

“I’m all ears, Mr. Su, what’s your advice? ”

Her attitude at this time was just to tease a child.

Yang Mi admitted that Su Wenhao was indeed talented, and the four songs he sang were very good in their own way.


having talent in singing and investing are two different things.

The former costs nothing, and the latter The number can easily reach millions or even tens of millions!

But she had no idea at this moment. Let’s see what Su Wenhao, a handsome guy who lives in the mountains, has to say.

Su Wenhao thought for a moment, and then said with a very serious expression.。

“《Isn’t the production budget of “Sword and Sword III” 30 million?”

“Now there are two investors who have shouldered 10 million of it, leaving a gap of 20 million, right? ”

Yang Mi nodded, but didn’t speak.。

“My opinion is “three three three”, our Jiaxing Company will swallow the rest! ”


Yang Mi was surprised, and then laughed dumbly:

“are you kidding me?”

“What I just planned is to invest 5 million, and let Long Jie and the others find ways to attract other investors with the remaining money.。”

“Now, how about you just let me swallow the missing 20 million? ”

Aren’t you here to repay a favor?

Why do I think you are here to take revenge?

If the investment fails, 20 million will be wasted, but it will be enough for Yang Mi to drink a pot.

Su Wenhao is not surprised at all by this reaction.。

“Let me ask a question first。”

“If “Sword and Sword III” is broadcast and the ratings are huge, how will you invest? Yang

Mi replied with a smile.。


“Well, if this drama can really be broadcast and get good ratings。”

“It doesn’t have to be a record number like Changhong, as long as I can get my investment back, let alone 20 million, I’ll have no problem swallowing the entire 30 million budget! ”

Everyone who has watched movies and TV series knows that at the end of the film, there will be many companies in the investor section, and there are rarely one or two companies. The reason is very simple. Whether the movie and TV series can be

broadcast and whether it makes money, these are all It is an unknown quantity. Investors want to make money but are unwilling to take risks alone, so they have no choice but to stick together for warmth.

If a film and television drama can guarantee 100% profit, only a fool will be willing to share it with others!

“now it’s right!”

“I think “Legend of Sword and Fairy III” is a genre that at least won’t lose money and can even make money!”

“It’s definitely okay to invest in this show! ”

Su Wenhao said categorically, with a very firm tone.


Yang Mi asked curiously:

“How can you be so sure? ”

Su Wenhao thought for a moment, then clasped his fingers。

“Let me analyze it for you. Although it has never happened before to remake the plot of a game, it also has several advantages.。”

“First of all, Fairy Sword is a golden signature in the history of Xia Kingdom games. It has gained many fans over a long period of time. These are the basic audience base after it is remade into a film and television drama.。”

“Secondly, you just said that you really like the plot of “Sword and Sword III”. From your perspective, Boss Yang, the plot that makes you like it must be excellent.。”

“Furthermore, “Immortal Sword 1” has been filming for more than a month and will be completed in more than a month. This drama will accumulate a wave of popularity for the following “Sword and Sword 3”

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] 。”

“the last point. The market for palace dramas, main themes, and other themes has become saturated. I believe that many viewers are already tired of aesthetics. At this time, the emergence of dramas that are different from the past will inevitably lead to a viewing craze.。”

“In other words, we have the right time, location, and people to shoot “Legend of Sword and Fairy III” now. If we don’t attack now, when will we wait? ”

After hearing some of Su Wenhao’s well-founded analysis, Yang Mi actually felt that it made sense.

Thinking about it carefully, it was right.

There are too many palace dramas nowadays, especially those of the Qing Dynasty. They are all the housework of the emperors. , not to mention the audience, the people filming are almost tired of it.

The same is true for other popular themes. Popularity means saturation.

And the themes adapted from the game plot have indeed never been filmed. (Read Baoshuang novels, just Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Can’t you see that this child who grew up in the mountains has such an opinion?

Yang Mi hesitated for a while。

“What you said makes perfect sense, but I still have some concerns.。”

“After all, investment is risky, so you need to be cautious when investing! ”

Su Wenhao thought for a moment…………


“Didn’t I just sign a 9 million contract today? It is estimated that after the song is released tomorrow, the full payment will be sent.。”

“We will split it 50-50, which means I will have about 4.5 million. This money does not need to be given to me, it will be directly invested in this drama.。”

“I want to be an investor too! ”

Just kidding, I have no reason not to participate in this drama that is destined to be a hit!

Moreover, I also received 1 million in cash from today’s system lottery. I am already considered a petty bourgeoisie and have the ability to make money from money.


Yang Mi ate it. startled。

“Are you serious? Why do you approve of this drama so much? ”


I can’t tell you that I am a time traveler, right?


Su Wenhao coughed lightly, and then said confidently:

“Because when I was in the mountains before, I read some books about investment management. ”


Yang Mi was a little confused.。

“Have you even read this kind of book? ”

Su Wenhao nodded.。

“Yes, I have read all kinds of books!”

“I also invested in it and tied it up with you. We will advance and retreat together, so you should have some confidence. ”

Yang Mi pursed her lips, turned over the script in her hand, and fell silent for a moment.。

“Why are you doing this?”

“I have finally made money, and it is still a huge sum of millions. Isn’t it too stupid to join 2.9 in making venture capital with me before I am warm? ”

Su Wenhao responded with a smile.。

“Because I said, I will protect you and fully support you in winning the gambling agreement! ”

The words made Yang Mi stunned again.

She was moved, and her eyes began to twinkle. Did

the people she once raised really start to feed her back?

Yang Mi picked up the water on the table and took a few sips, and then He said cheerfully:

“Literary man, just based on what you said, Sister Mi, I will be impulsive once!”

“I invested all the remaining 20 million budget!”

“You don’t need to participate. It’s not easy to make some money. Keep those millions. It would be bad if they all go down the drain.。”


Asking for flowers, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for evaluation votes! .


Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later

Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later


Su Wenhao was only 8 years old when he traveled through time. It took 18 years for the system to be bound, and he was required not to leave the prescribed range during this period.

At this time, he received a donation from Yanjing, and the sponsor was named [Fox].

[Fox] supported him for 18 years.

After 18 years, Su Wenhao was finally able to leave the small mountain village, and he decided to find this kind man to repay his kindness.

Later, he signed into an entertainment company called Jiaxing Tianxia, ​​and later he was surprised to find that the person who had helped him for 18 years turned out to be the famous Yang Mi!

“Sister Mi, thank you for your help over the past 18 years. I am here to repay your kindness!”


Yang Mi asked breathlessly: “Is this what you call repaying a favor?”



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