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Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later — Chapter 123

It was already very late after recording the song. After returning to the hotel, Su Wenhao booked a flight to Hengdian for the next morning and went to sleep.

That night, topics related to him hit the hot search list。

【New children’s songs, new atmosphere! Su Wenhao sends blessings for Children’s Day!】

【《”Young Xia Guo Shu” Su Wenhao uses his singing to show the new power of young people! 】

The first article was posted by some self-media as a joke.

The second article is released by the national Taiwan official WeChat account.

Some netizens didn’t know about this and clicked in with a confused look on their face.。

“Su Wenhao? Children’s Day? Children’s song? What the hell are these words connected with?”

“Haha, I knew some people would be confused. I was also full of questions when I saw it.。”

“To put it simply, Brother Hao fished a sonar from the sea before. Today, he was given an award on the national children’s channel and he was allowed to sing a song, which attracted the attention of the central media.。”

“Is there such a thing? I totally missed it!”

“People who watched the party said that although “Hear Me Say Thank You” was sung by a child, the songwriter was Brother Hao. Now many kindergarten teachers are looking for this song.。”

“I just discovered today that Brother Hao is really a powerful singer. He can sing both gloomy songs and positive and sunny songs, and he can control them very well! It’s not a loss to fall into the trap!”

“For those who missed the live broadcast on the TV station, please pray for the studio version of these two songs. When will they be released?”


Perhaps after hearing the voices of netizens, the children’s channel’s official WeChat account posted a message。

“Tomorrow at 10 o’clock in the morning, “Young Xia Guo Shuo” and “Hear Me Say Thank You” will be launched simultaneously on all platforms! And it’s free to listen to! ”

As soon as the news came out, it immediately attracted likes, reposts, and comments from netizens.

This Weibo has also become the one with the best data in all aspects since the official Weibo was launched! At

ten o’clock the next morning, in the expectation of many people , two songs were finally released online.

Half an hour later, the song hit the hot search list。

“Wow, what a great song! Listening to it together with “Big Fish”, “Easing Sorrow” and “People Like Me”, it is completely unimaginable that “Listen to Me and Thank You” and “Young Xia Guoshuo” are both works by Brother Hao~!”

“《”Listen to me and say thank you” was not sung by Brother Hao, but it was written so well that it felt very casual and could be sung. I decided that I would sing this song to the nurse when she came to check the ward!”

“It’s very hard for nurses to do ward rounds, so don’t retaliate and just let them go!”

“Strictly speaking, “Young Xia Guo Shuo” is not a children’s song. It is a song full of positive values. Even adults will feel passionate when listening to it!”

“As a student preparing for the college entrance examination, this song was played in school this morning. After listening to it, I felt full of energy! The college entrance examination is coming soon, strangers please cheer me up! ”

Netizens are commenting on these two songs very enthusiastically.

Only one person is particularly depressed.

That is Hua Chenyu!


He smashed a teacup to pieces!


What a bully!

Now Su Wenhao All of Hua

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] Chenyu’s songs are on the music charts, and they are all ranked before him, which is already very irritating. What makes

Hua Chenyu the most angry is that the song he published right above the ranking is actually ” “Listen to me and say thank you” is a song written by Su Wenhao.

Children’s song?

A children’s song can defeat me?

This is bully opening the door for bullies. Bullying is complete!

Su Wenhao!

Don’t ever let me give it to you. vote!

……(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The next morning, Su Wenhao took a plane and headed towards Hengdian.

He didn’t care about releasing songs. Anyway, he signed a contract with the national channel, and they would handle all subsequent matters.

With nothing to do, he mentally opened the system panel and drew two prizes for fun.

Host: Su Wenhao

Skills: Top singing voice, top fitness, top cooking skills, top musical instruments, top ventriloquism, intermediate driving, basic acting skills

Items: System upgrade fragments (3/10)

Reputation: 1822.5653


After the draws two days ago, his reputation value was just over 14 million.

Unexpectedly, after performing the program on the children’s channel yesterday, the number actually increased to 18 million, which means that the reputation value increased by 4 million.

Sure enough, children are very innocent. If you can make them like it, you can gain a lot of reputation points.

When I redeemed the song, I chose “Hear Me Say Thank You” because I hoped to gain prestige in the kindergarten by taking advantage of the children’s songs.

And it’s a long-term gain.

Because Su Wenhao remembers very clearly that in the original world, “Hear Me Thank You” and “You Look So Beautiful When You Smile” simply dominated the kindergarten!

During the art performance, the small class danced “Baby Baby”.

The middle class danced “Hear Me Say Thank You”.

The big class danced “You Look So Beautiful When You Smile”.

As long as there are kindergarten teachers teaching and children dancing, he can gain reputation points.

Although the harvest effect is reduced by half because I am not singing by myself, this is a long-term investment and is still very cost-effective.

When I was redeeming it, I thought about exchanging the other two songs as well. When I thought about it carefully, including my own song “Young Xia Guo Shuo”, it seemed too monstrous to release four songs in one night.

The days ahead are long, so take your time and plan for them.

I will exchange it if I have the chance (if I can get it) in the future.

Su Wenhao now focuses on reputation value. After the song is released today, I believe the number will continue to rise.

Adhering to the principle of neither being a miser nor a prodigal, Su Wenhao chose to spend 3 million reputation points in a lottery。

“Ding dong, congratulations to the host for getting: system upgrade fragment*1!”

“Ding dong, congratulations to the host for getting: advanced makeup!”

“Ding dong, congratulations to the host for getting: system upgrade fragment*1! ”


Su Wenhao couldn’t help but get excited.

I’m so lucky today, the winning rate is actually 100%!

Not only did I get two fragments, I also got an advanced ability!

【Advanced makeup: You are now a master in makeup and have deep knowledge in makeup! Compare】


Asking for flowers, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for evaluation votes! .


Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later

Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later


Su Wenhao was only 8 years old when he traveled through time. It took 18 years for the system to be bound, and he was required not to leave the prescribed range during this period.

At this time, he received a donation from Yanjing, and the sponsor was named [Fox].

[Fox] supported him for 18 years.

After 18 years, Su Wenhao was finally able to leave the small mountain village, and he decided to find this kind man to repay his kindness.

Later, he signed into an entertainment company called Jiaxing Tianxia, ​​and later he was surprised to find that the person who had helped him for 18 years turned out to be the famous Yang Mi!

“Sister Mi, thank you for your help over the past 18 years. I am here to repay your kindness!”


Yang Mi asked breathlessly: “Is this what you call repaying a favor?”



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