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Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later — Chapter 132

On the way back, Yang Mi sat in the passenger seat and stared at Su Wenhao with smiling eyes.

It made Su Wenhao feel a little uncomfortable.。

“Is there something on my face? Yang

Mi smiled and said:

“I’m just looking at what kind of monster you are! ”


Su Wenhao stepped on the accelerator and passed a car:

“What does it mean?”

“Are you going to accept me? ”

Hee hee.

Yang Mi smiled but said nothing, sister really wants to take you in!

“Did you also learn your acting skills from books? ”

Su Wenhao nodded seriously:

“Yes, there is no end to learning!”

“When I bought those books and read them, I thought I would learn something and pass the time, but in fact I had forgotten many of them.。”

“Unexpectedly, after going down the mountain, many things happened, and I gradually recalled what I had learned.。”

“How did you say that?”

“You now will definitely thank yourself for your hard work in the past!”

“I am very grateful for the time when I was in the mountains and did not listen to books or study.。”

“Now if you give me another book to study, I’m afraid I won’t have the energy! ”

Su Wenhao was making up random things in his mind as he spoke.

Although he was lying, his expression was serious.

Yang Mi finally believed Su Wenhao’s statement and looked at him with admiration:

“Writer, you are really a genius! ”

Perhaps, he really came to repay his kindness!


After returning to the community, Yang Mi caught up with announcements as usual, and Su Wenhao also played with his mobile phone as usual.

Two days later, Su Wenhao arrived at the airport with his bag on his back. He was going to fly to Yanjing. Tomorrow would be the recording of “Tomorrow’s Son”.

He prefers to travel light, so a backpack is more comfortable than a suitcase.

Taking the VIP issued by Jiaxing Company, he passed through the VIP channel and entered the lounge without being disturbed by tourists.

While drinking the free drinks, he took out his mobile phone and opened chess.

Su Wenhao, who was playing with his cell phone, received a call from Yang Mi.。

“What are you doing?”

“Play…I am preparing to go to Yanjing to participate in “Tomorrow’s Son”. I am in the lounge。”

“《The casting for “Sword and Sword III” has ended and all the actors have been selected. You are also one of the investors. I think it is necessary to tell you about this matter.。”

“so fast! We have only been away from director Wu Zhiqiang for two days, and the actors have been found?”

“After all, Director Wu is a great director, and many artists want to work with him. Before, I had no direction and didn’t know who to choose. After I got the list you gave me, all that was left was to make a phone call.。”

“I finally saw the director’s ability.。”

“How are you preparing for tomorrow’s game?”

“Everything is OK! Arch pawn! ”

Su Wenhao put the call on speakerphone, left it running in the background, and then chatted with Yang Mi while playing chess.。

“I am currently attending a business event in Yanjing, so let’s meet tomorrow and play less games! If you return the pawn, I will return the general! ”

After saying that, Yang Mi hung up the phone.


Su Wenhao gave him a light slap on the mouth. He was so fascinated by the game that he actually said it. The

past week has been the most fulfilling period of his life, almost every day I have something to do.

I only have time to wait for the plane today. It’s rare to have a little fun.。

【Dear passengers, your flight to Yanjing is about to take off.……】

After hearing the voice broadcast, Su Wenhao

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] put away his mobile phone and walked towards the cabin。


With the landing buffer, the plane landed safely on the runway on time and on time. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Wenhao took his backpack and headed for the airport exit while humming a tune.

Click, click, click!

As soon as I came out of the exit, the flashes of countless cameras flickered like electric welding.。

“Brother Hao, it’s really Brother Hao!”

“Brother Hao, I am your fan, please take a photo with me!”

“Shake my hand!”

“Come hug me! ”

Su Wenhao’s eyes were so dazzled by the flash of the camera that he could hardly see the road. He quickly took out his sunglasses and put them on his face. His eyes finally returned. At this moment,

he finally understood that celebrities wear sunglasses not just to show off, but also to protect their eyes. .

Just now, there was a burst of clicks from long guns and short cannons, which almost blinded his eyes.

After regaining his sight, Su Wenhao saw a group of people running towards him!


Su Wenhao took a deep breath, then turned around and ran away.

What the hell, are you going to gang up on me?

“Brother Hao, don’t run away!”

“I’m a huge fan!”

“Brother Hao, Brother Hao, stop!”

“Brother Hao, we are the program team of “Tomorrow’s Son”, stop it! ”

Su Wenhao, who owns [Top Fitness], is like a rabbit. He quickly disappeared.


This group of fans, holding light signs and banners in their hands, bent down panting.。

“What the hell? Is this running too fast?”

“Not only does she have good looks, she also has such good physical fitness, I love her so much!”

“Program team, what’s going on? Why is it different from what was agreed in advance?”

“That is, we waited at the door for more than three hours, and then we just ran away? ”

They asked a staff member.

The clothes this staff member was wearing and the peaked cap on his head were all printed with the words “Tomorrow’s Son”.

He was sent by the program team to organize fans to support the contestants. Not only Su Wenhao

, but also several other contestants were picked up by fans

at the airport. At this stage of the competition, the top eight have been selected, and each contestant has gained a large number of fans.

In order to highlight the star-making ability of this talent show, The program team asked for each contestant’s itinerary information, and then organized a pick-up event for fans at the airport. The pick-up at the airport for the

other seven contestants was normal. The fans happily interacted with their idols, signed autographs, took photos, and gave gifts. It was a great time. Huh.

However, when it comes to Su Wenhao’s painting style, the style is different.

The fans just shouted twice, but the guy ran away. By the time the fans reacted, he had already run away.

Looking at the missing Su Wenhao, Fans, photographers, and staff were all messed up in the wind.

What happened?

It was the first time I saw a fan picking up an idol at the airport, and then scaring the idol away!

When Su Wenhao was not picked up, the fans ran away. The staff launched an investigation to find out

why someone else’s brother gave fans all kinds of benefits, including autographs, handshakes, and hugs.

Our brother ran away! He ran away! He ran away!


I finished writing the chapters I owed yesterday, but didn’t post them because it was too late. I’ll finish them all in the ninth update today!

Asking for flowers, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for evaluation votes! .


Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later

Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later


Su Wenhao was only 8 years old when he traveled through time. It took 18 years for the system to be bound, and he was required not to leave the prescribed range during this period.

At this time, he received a donation from Yanjing, and the sponsor was named [Fox].

[Fox] supported him for 18 years.

After 18 years, Su Wenhao was finally able to leave the small mountain village, and he decided to find this kind man to repay his kindness.

Later, he signed into an entertainment company called Jiaxing Tianxia, ​​and later he was surprised to find that the person who had helped him for 18 years turned out to be the famous Yang Mi!

“Sister Mi, thank you for your help over the past 18 years. I am here to repay your kindness!”


Yang Mi asked breathlessly: “Is this what you call repaying a favor?”



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