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Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later — Chapter 176

After waiting for Yang Mi and Reba to leave, Su Wenhao breathed a long sigh of relief.

Isn’t this too testing?

For a moment just now, he almost couldn’t control the overwhelming power in his heart.


“Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva……”

Su Wenhao recited the Heart Sutra silently before walking towards the bathroom.

Showered, changed clothes, and then went to rest.

On the other hand, Yang Mi and Reba, after returning to the 8th floor, had several 1V1 SOLO games in the Canyon of Glory of Kings.。

“Best of three in five games, the score is now 3:2, I win! ”

Yang Mi shook her phone proudly.。

“If you want to take out Sister Mi’s palm, you’d better be tender! ”


Reba pursed her lips and put away her phone.。

“Let me ask you something. ”

Yang Mi operated her mobile phone and pushed out the game.。

““”Seven hundred and sixty” “You say it.”

After hesitating for a while, Reba finally plucked up the courage to speak:

“Do you like Su Wenhao? ”


This question caught Yang Mi off guard, and even made her panic:

“What? Do I like literary heroes?”

“Haha…ha…hahaha, you really know how to joke.。”

“What makes you think I’ll like him? ”

Yang Mi hurriedly denied it, her little hands waving wildly, and her breathing became a little quick.


Reba’s eyes lit up, and she suddenly became energetic:


“You don’t like him? ”


Yang Mi pursed her lips, and then nodded very vigorously.。

“Of course, why should I like him?”

“Who am I? Boss Yang!”

“The people chasing me have almost reached the beautiful country, and it’s not his turn!”

“What’s the matter, why do you suddenly ask this question? ”

Hee hee.

Reba suddenly laughed happily.。

“It’s nothing, good night, Sister Mi! ”

After saying that, she lay on the bed with a happy face, covering herself with the quilt and looking towards the ceiling with her beautiful eyes, wondering what she was planning.

Yang Mi also lay down and bit her lip gently.

Why was I so anxious to deny it just now?

Do I like him?

Do I?


the next day.

Yang Mi and Su Wenhao sent Reba to the underground parking lot.

At this moment, there was already a car parked next to Yang Mi’s car.

That was Reba’s pick-up car, with her agent and assistant sitting in it.。


“Sister Mi! ”

The agent and assistant said hello to Yang Mi. After all, this is Boss Yang from Jiaxing, and they are also from Jiaxing Company.

Yang Mi smiled back, and then looked at Reba:

“After you leave, Wen Hao and I will also go to the set.。”

“I will probably stay on the set for about a month, and then I will start working on other announcements. ”


Su Wenhao blinked in surprise:

“More than a month? Isn’t our filming period for “Sword and Sword III” three months? Reba

answered his questions with a smile:

“It is true that the shooting time of each TV series is about 90 days. Of course, there are also some TV series that do not follow this time.。”

“But, there are not only male and female leads in the play, but also male second leads, male third leads, female second leads, female leads three, and many extras, etc.。”

“The camera cannot only focus on the protagonist. Every character must be filmed within these three months, so being able to shoot a month’s worth of scenes on the crew is alr

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] eady a very high proportion of scenes. ”

Oh. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Wenhao nodded:

“I see。”

“I wonder how long my scene will take to film? Yang

Mi looked at him curiously:

“Didn’t you read the shooting plan? ”


Su Wenhao blinked in surprise:

“Shooting plan? What is that stuff? ”


Yang Mi patted her forehead gently:

“Oops, I forgot to explain this stuff to you.。”

“Before we officially started shooting, the crew sent each actor a booklet, which contained a shooting plan based on each actor’s schedule.。”

“What time, morning or afternoon, which scene was shot, and which actors were involved?。”

“Artists whose names are not included in the shooting plan for the day can do their own things according to their own circumstances, such as catching up with announcements, participating in commercial performances, etc.。”

“For example, if you are going to participate in “Tomorrow’s Son” on Friday, if there are still scenes to be filmed in “Sword and Sword III” that day, will you be filming, or will you be participating in the show? ”


Su Wenhao felt a little embarrassed….0

“Can I do both? Reba

smiled and nodded:

“Of course!”

“Just change the time. For example, shoot “Sword and Sword III” from Saturday to next Thursday, go to “Tomorrow’s Son” on Friday, and then come back to continue filming the film and television drama.。”

“In this way, there will be no delay. Yang

Mi added:

“I have already submitted your schedule to the crew, so your shooting plan has been arranged. You can then arrange your own affairs according to the time on the shooting plan.。”

“Of course, it’s all calculated and your role is actually only for a little over a month.。”

“You will know the specifics after you go back and look at the shooting plan given to you! ”


Su Wenhao suddenly understood, and then nodded:

“I see. After returning to the crew hotel tonight, I will look through it. ”

Actually, he can also go back to this community to rest after filming.

But filming is different from ordinary commuting. There is no scheduled commuting at a fixed time. He may still be filming in the middle of the night, or he may be scheduled for two nights. Therefore, it is

relatively For the film crew, the nearby hotel was a more suitable place to rest.

Reba’s manager put the luggage in the trunk of the vehicle and walked back with a smile.。

“We’re almost leaving! ”


Reba nodded, glanced at Su Wenhao for 2.1 seconds, and then said to her agent:

“You get in the car first, I’ll be right over. ”

The agent smiled and said:

“OK Reba

looked at Yang Mi again:

“Sister Mi, can I have a few words with the writer alone? ”


Yang Mi was stunned for a moment.。

“Talk alone? Why? ”


Seeing Reba’s pitiful eyes, Yang Mi shrugged helplessly.。

“I’m going to get something from the car. ”

With that said, she took the car keys and walked towards her business car. Later she and Su Wenhao would drive this car to the set. After

getting in, she started the car, then leaned on the glass and headed towards this I looked over.

This girl pushed me away directly. What did she want to do?


Asking for flowers, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for evaluation votes! .


Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later

Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later


Su Wenhao was only 8 years old when he traveled through time. It took 18 years for the system to be bound, and he was required not to leave the prescribed range during this period.

At this time, he received a donation from Yanjing, and the sponsor was named [Fox].

[Fox] supported him for 18 years.

After 18 years, Su Wenhao was finally able to leave the small mountain village, and he decided to find this kind man to repay his kindness.

Later, he signed into an entertainment company called Jiaxing Tianxia, ​​and later he was surprised to find that the person who had helped him for 18 years turned out to be the famous Yang Mi!

“Sister Mi, thank you for your help over the past 18 years. I am here to repay your kindness!”


Yang Mi asked breathlessly: “Is this what you call repaying a favor?”



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