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Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later — Chapter 199

“Ahhhhh! ”

Reba’s screams came from the mobile phone.。

“I just saw Daji disappear from the middle, and I planned to ambush them in the grass.。”

“Unexpectedly, the other party was already in the grass and was taken away immediately! ”

Then, she remembered again what she asked at the beginning, if she was killed by Da Ji, would Su Wenhao avenge her? In fact, the

implication was what her position was in Su Wenhao’s heart.

She didn’t expect that she was crow Damn it.

After Fang Daji killed Sun Shangxiang, he didn’t forget to send a taunt。

【All] Leader of the FFF group (Daji): Hahahaha, Liu Bei, your wife has been killed by me, you should come and die too!


daughter in law?


After seeing this chat record, Reba couldn’t help but blush. Fortunately, no one could see it through the phone screen.

I just handed over a love letter, I haven’t thought that far yet!

emmm…it’s not that I can’t consider it.

Originally, I was quite depressed when I was killed by Daji.

After seeing the message sent by Da Ji, my mood suddenly improved, and I even wanted to praise the other party for his good vision!

【All] Yujia personally conquered (Liu Bei): Smelly Daji, how dare you hit my Xiangxiang! You’ve caused trouble, you’ve caused big trouble! Die!

My 423 is fragrant?

Reba became even happier after seeing this reply.

From today on, my name will be Xiangxiang!

After Su Wenhao sent the message, he began to manipulate Liu Bei to prepare to kill Daji.

But the enemy teammates were not vegetarians either. Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu immediately came to support them.。

【All] Zhuge Liang: Today we rise up and rebel. Goodbye, my lord!

【All] Guan Yu: Brother, I’m sorry!

【All] Daji: I’m here to help too!

A three-on-one situation suddenly emerged.


Su Wenhao also got popular.

This is too bullying!

It is tolerable, but what is unbearable!

He looked at his reputation: 3260, 9986

and then his mind moved slightly.。

“Ding dong, after deducting 5 million, congratulations to the host for his [Intermediate E-Sports] has been upgraded to [Advanced E-Sports]】!”


Su Wenhao’s mind suddenly became clear, and his understanding of the game “Honor of Kings” improved to a higher level.

Finger operation speed, computing power, strategy formulation…

these factors related to the level of e-sports have all been greatly improved.

Seeing Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, and Daji rushing over, Su Wenhao quickly formulated a response strategy.

He immediately saved two shots, and then ran into the grass and blocked the sight.

The moment Zhuge Liang approached the grass, he used his skills to attack him.

Bang bang bang bang!

Originally, Su Wenhao’s Liu Bei had the best economy in the game, and his equipment was better than his opponent’s. In addition, he had just saved two guns in advance.

This time he rushed out and killed Zhuge Liang with four shots.。

【Liu Bei] killed [Zhuge Liang]!

The battle report appears on the public screen。

【All] Yujia’s personal expedition (Liu Bei): Rebellion? Just you? Go back to your thatched cottage and stay there!

With this kill, Liu Bei not only rose to a level, but also gained just enough money to make a big purchase.

Su Wenhao immediately made the defensive equipment [Ominous Omen] and rushed towards Guan Guan who was charging towards him on horseback.

Bang bang bang bang.

After several rounds, Guan Yu’

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] s head was replaced with three-quarters of his health bar. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Liu Bei] killed [Guan Yu]】。

【Liu Bei is on a killing spree]!

Two consecutive broadcasts appear。

【All] Yu Jia’s personal expedition (Liu Bei): Second brother, you have no horses!

【All] Yujia personally conquers (Liu Bei): As long as the eldest brother is here, you will always be the second child!

【All】The leader of the FFF group (Daji): Don’t be so rude, I’ll send you to see your wife right away!


A quarter of the blood and a set of skills are taken away.

When Liu Bei was close at hand, Daji threw out her second skill. (daeb) A heart of love goes straight to Liu Bei.

Then three skills and one skill were all released.

As long as Liu Bei is hit, he will definitely die!

While Reba was waiting for Sun Shangxiang to be resurrected, she had been watching the battle on Su Wenhao’s side and couldn’t help but become nervous.

He has already killed Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu, which is already very powerful.

But if you can escape from Daji’s attack, that would be even more perfect!

Reba no longer expects Liu Bei to fight back. If he can leave with a trace of blood, he will win.

But when she saw Daji’s set of skills thrown away, she sighed silently, still unable to escape.

One for two is worth it.

However, Su Wenhao had no intention of leaving just like that. On the contrary, he had already planned how to kill Daji. When Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, and Daji rushed over, the development of the situation was in his calculations.

Daji’s three skills cannot be hit immediately after being released. Su Wenhao used this time to quickly sell [Ominous Omen] and change his equipment.。


Before the skill thrown by Daji arrived, Huiyue turned on.

Liu Bei was instantly surrounded by golden bodies.

Daji’s skills were all drained.


Reba couldn’t help being surprised when she saw it.

Dress up in seconds!

This is a skill that only a very powerful master can master. The average player doesn’t even know which row Huiyue is in the equipment column.

After the time of Huiyue Golden Body was over, Su Wenhao made a quick operation and sold Huiyue and replaced it with a vampire knife. At this time, Liu Bei’s first skill had cooled down and he shot at Daji twice.

Liu Bei’s health bar increased from a quarter to more than half, and Daji was a crispy one, so three-quarters of it was knocked out by these two shots.

When Daji saw this, he just wanted to run away, but at this time Liu Bei’s second skill was also ready, and he rushed directly towards Daji, and then added two more shots.

Bang bang!

【Liu Bei] killed [Daji]】

【Three consecutive wins】

Three kills won。

【All] Fairy Balabala (Sun Shangxiang): Haha, you stinky fox, are you done with it?

In the room, Reba was lying on the bed. Her beautiful exotic face and fairy-like figure were so exciting to watch.

After watching the announcement of the three kills, Deyi sent out a general message.

How could Su Wenhao be so angry after I was bullied?


Then can I ask him about the love letter later?

Reba was thinking with charming eyes. Her beautiful eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky. Just one glance could arouse the endless reverie of many men.。


Asking for flowers, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for evaluation votes! .


Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later

Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later


Su Wenhao was only 8 years old when he traveled through time. It took 18 years for the system to be bound, and he was required not to leave the prescribed range during this period.

At this time, he received a donation from Yanjing, and the sponsor was named [Fox].

[Fox] supported him for 18 years.

After 18 years, Su Wenhao was finally able to leave the small mountain village, and he decided to find this kind man to repay his kindness.

Later, he signed into an entertainment company called Jiaxing Tianxia, ​​and later he was surprised to find that the person who had helped him for 18 years turned out to be the famous Yang Mi!

“Sister Mi, thank you for your help over the past 18 years. I am here to repay your kindness!”


Yang Mi asked breathlessly: “Is this what you call repaying a favor?”



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