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Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later — Chapter 203


Reba sat up from the bed like a zombie, and the pillows in her arms rolled aside.

Damn it, what kind of songs are these?

Tomorrow I will get a response from the person I confessed to, but all the recommendations in the music software are lovelorn songs.

What about “Happy Breakup” and “A Lifelong Loneliness”.

Forget it.

What the hell is that at the back?


Sister, I have been cuckolded before I even responded to my confession?


This piece of shitty music software must be jealous that I’m going to have a boyfriend soon, so it’s deliberately trying to piss me off!


She grabbed the pillow next to her and hugged it, lowered her head and smelled the pillow.

It was as if he was holding Su Wenhao in his arms.

What song are you going to sing tomorrow?


“Haha! ”

Yang Mi lay on the bed and yawned.

After passing the plane and the car, she finally arrived at the hotel in Yanjing at one o’clock in the morning.

After washing, she lay on the bed in her pajamas and watched on her

mobile phone . It is a comic book called “Fox Demon Little Matchmaker”.

The male protagonist Dongfang Yue said to a fairy sister:

“Have you ever heard of a child breadwinner? ”

Tong Yangfu?

After seeing this word, Yang Mi put down her phone, lay on her side on the bed, holding her chin in one hand and lost in thought.

This posture looked very enchanting, very tempting.

Child Yangfu?

I started from 10 I have raised Su Wenhao for 18 years at the age of 18.

Is this considered a child adopter?

Is it right?

Yang Mi reached out and touched her lips gently.

The scene of the kiss scene that day emerged in her mind. There

will be another one in a while A longer kissing scene.

But this bastard actually told me that he wanted to fall in love!

What kind of love?

Isn’t Sister Mi not attracted to you?

Who will you like?

It can’t be some ugly guy, right?


Ah sneeze!

Reba, who was sleeping soundly, could not help but sneeze, but she did not wake up, but hugged the pillow in her arms tighter.

He was still murmuring:

“Writer, don’t be like this…~…”


Yang Mi pursed her lips and told the thinker.

As a child adopter, can’t you be a little self-conscious?

What’s wrong with me, Boss Yang, that I actually let you have no idea?


Yang Mi knew very well that she just liked Su Wenhao!

There are so many people chasing me, but I have never been tempted by this boy who I raised.

What is this called?

This is called fate!

The fate was decided 18 years ago!

Therefore, he is my sister’s child foster husband, and anyone who intervenes will be cuckolding me!


It seems a bit overbearing to think so.

Does that guy really have someone he likes and is planning to confess his love to him?

Even if not, we will definitely fall in love in the future. How should I appear then?

Thinking about Yang Mi, I fell asleep。


That night, Yang Mi had a very environmentally friendly dream.

She was wearing a green dress, standing on a green grass, and everything was green as far as the eye could see.

The sky is light green.

The clouds are dark green.

Even the sun is green.

Yang Mi took steps to run on the green grassland, as if she wanted to escape from this place. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As she was running, she saw a girl wearing a floral dress standing not far away. The girl was standing with her back to her at the moment.

As the only non-green color in the dream, Yang Mi walked ov

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] er curiously.

Before she could say anything, the girl in the floral dress turned around.


It turned out to be Reba!

Reba was holding a green sunhat in her hand, and she gently raised her hand to put the green hat on Yang Mi’s head.。

“Be good, keep your hat on and don’t put it on its side!”


No coincidence.

Reba also had a similar dream.

But in the dream, it was Yang Mi who cuckolded her!


the next day.

Yang Mi opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling.

It seemed like I had a dream last night.

What is the dream?

I can’t remember it at all.

There seems to be someone else in the dream, who is it?

It always feels very familiar, but now I can’t remember it.

The only thing I can think of is that yesterday’s dream was very environmentally friendly and healthy!

It should be a sweet dream, right?

She looked at the time again.


It’s already ten o’clock in the morning!

Because she slept too late yesterday night, she got up late at night.

Fortunately, the recording of “Tomorrow’s Son” was done in the afternoon, which gave her plenty of time, allowing her to sleep until she wakes up naturally.。


After Su Wenhao woke up, he logged into the King of Glory invisibly.

This is what Reba taught him yesterday.

After logging into the game, select [Stealth], just like being invisible in Penguin. In the eyes of others, he is not online, but in fact he is already galloping in the canyon.

I just upgraded to [Advanced E-Sports] yesterday. If I don’t go to the canyon and play some games, I won’t be able to afford the 5 million reputation points I spent!

Before upgrading, his ability was already invincible once he changed to another rank.

Now there is no opponent for the king rank below 50 stars!

For him now, anything below 50 stars is a low-end game.

So for him to play in the gold rank now is like entering a no-man’s land!

Since Reba was manipulated by Su Wenhao last time, her rank has dropped from King to Star. She has never moved up since then and has been wandering between Star One and Star Two.

Su Wenhao is determined to make up for his mistakes, but he is only in the golden rank now and is not qualified to compete with Reba in the rankings.

You must at least be promoted to diamond or above before you can form a team with Xingyao.



After a morning of hard work, his rank finally reached the golden level.

Although he now has the king’s 50-star ability, each game takes too long, from the beginning of matching to the settlement screen after the battle.

It takes about 20 minutes.

Otherwise he would be a diamond by now.

Now that we have just reached the golden level, we only need to win three more games to advance to the promotion round.

If you win the promotion match, you can be promoted to diamond rank, and then you can team up with Reba to play ranked!

If your rank is higher and you can reach Xingyao, you can also bring Sister Mi in.

In the beginning, I was still a newbie in the game, and I was killed in various ways by the people on the opposite side.

After how long, he already has the 50-star ability of the King, and as long as he is willing, he can upgrade to [Top E-Sports] by spending another 10 million.

By then, no professional team will be his opponent!

From now on, he will lead Yang Mi and Reba to form a star team and kill all the professional players!


Asking for flowers, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for evaluation votes! .


Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later

Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later


Su Wenhao was only 8 years old when he traveled through time. It took 18 years for the system to be bound, and he was required not to leave the prescribed range during this period.

At this time, he received a donation from Yanjing, and the sponsor was named [Fox].

[Fox] supported him for 18 years.

After 18 years, Su Wenhao was finally able to leave the small mountain village, and he decided to find this kind man to repay his kindness.

Later, he signed into an entertainment company called Jiaxing Tianxia, ​​and later he was surprised to find that the person who had helped him for 18 years turned out to be the famous Yang Mi!

“Sister Mi, thank you for your help over the past 18 years. I am here to repay your kindness!”


Yang Mi asked breathlessly: “Is this what you call repaying a favor?”



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