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Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later — Chapter 208

After a while, the third and fourth place were competing.

Zhang Xiaoxiao said:

“First of all, let us congratulate these two players!”

“Then the two players who advanced to the championship and runner-up battles will be invited to appear again! ”

Accompanied by passionate music, Su Wenhao came to the stage, and another contestant also followed.


After seeing Su Wenhao on stage, the audience burst into warm applause again.。

“Brother Hao is great. He has advanced to the championship and runner-up competition, which means that he has locked in a runner-up seat in advance!”

“Tsk, what does runner-up count? Since our brother Hao is participating, he must be aiming for the championship!”

“The vote share says it all!”

“Let us look forward to next week, when Brother Hao reaches the top of the championship night!”


Zhang Xiaoxiao looked at the camera and said:

“First of all, congratulations to both of you for successfully advancing to next week’s championship and runner-up competition! ”


The audience burst into applause in cooperation.

Zhang Xiaoxiao continued.。

“Next, I will announce the format of the next program。”

“There are two rounds of PK for the championship and runner-up competition. One is for guests to sing, and the other is for the contestants to sing solo.。”

“Now the two contestants need to match up with the two singers in the guest seats, choose one of them to form a team, and prepare for the next singing competition. ”


After hearing this, Su Wenhao finally understood what Deng Ziqi and Zhang Shaohan just said about choosing me. It

turns out that they already knew the competition system.

That’s right.

As artists, any cooperation between them and the program team will They all signed the contract in advance.

Because they had to adjust the schedule and arrange the time.

If you don’t want to have any disputes, just act in accordance with the contract.

Sure enough.

After Zhang Xiaoxiao finished the novel, Deng Ziqi was the first to raise his hand to speak.。

“Writer, we just agreed, you want to choose me.!”

“During the singing session, you will definitely not be held back! ”

You’re just kidding.

Asia’s little queen!

There must be no problem with her singing skills. She is confident that she can cooperate very well with Su Wenhao.

How can Zhang Shaohan next to her agree?

“eh eh eh。”

“Wait, why did I choose you? I just ran out of the olive branch!”

“Choose me, choose me. Although I only met you in this program, your singing has already impressed me deeply.。”

“So after knowing the competition format, I am very much looking forward to cooperating with you. I believe that the cooperation between the two of us will be wonderful! ”

As he said that, he even winked at Su Wenhao!


I have to say that the electric eyes of this electric eye leader are really not good at all.

Who can be calm after looking at this look?

Su Wenhao felt like his heart was pounding. Feeling.


After Deng Ziqi saw it, she immediately refuted:

“Shaohan, you are going too far!”

“How can you seduce?”

“I am actually a great writer too! ”

As she said that, she also threw a wink.

Although she was almost inferior to the electric eye leader Zhang Shaohan, she still had some charm.

In the judges’ seat, Yang Mi saw the two beauties trying their best to seduce Su Wenhao, and she couldn’t help but pursed her lips. Jealousy arose

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] in her heart.

Isn’t this bastard too lovable?

Fortunately, she knew the format of the next round, otherwise she would have stood up to protect her little puppy.


Contestant No. 1 standing next to Su Wenhao , the corner of his mouth twitched.

Although Brother Hao is very good, but the two female singers also look at me?

After all, I am also the one who advanced to the finals!

Zhang Xiaoxiao said with a smile:

“It seems that the literary giant is very popular with the two guests, and they are competing for cooperation. ” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“However, our choice of singing support is not a matter of choosing and being chosen.。”

“How to pair?”

“As the saying goes, fate is tied by a thin thread!”

“Next, let’s invite the etiquette lady! ”

After the words fell,

a hostess came up pushing a cart. There was a red box on top of the cart, with two holes cut on the opposite sides. Four

rope ends leaked out of the box.

Zhang Xiaoxiao said:

“Two guests are invited to the stage. ”


Amidst the applause of the audience, Deng Ziqi and Zhang Shaohan stood up and came to the stage one after another.。

“Hello, writer!”

“Hi! ”

The two of them waved hello to Su Wenhao as they walked, and then smiled at contestant No. 1.

Zhang Xiaoxiao controlled the flow of the program, putting his hand on the red box and saying:

“This is our fate box。”

“`.Which two guests the two contestants can pair up with depends entirely on fate.。”

“There are four rope ends on the fate box. Everyone grabs one rope end and pulls it hard.。”

“If the guests and contestants grab the same rope, even if the pairing is successful, you will perform a show together in the next episode. ”

The rules are very simple.

Everyone will understand after listening to it.

Zhang Xiaoxiao said:

“Next, ask the contestants to stand here, and the guests to stand here, and each choose a rope end to grab! ”

Su Wenhao was not very particular. After listening to what he said, he just grabbed the rope closest to him.

Opposite him was an Asian little queen and the other was the leader of the electric eye.

They are both stars with both good looks and strength.

With them No one will suffer from cooperation.

When both of them offered him an olive branch just now, he was indeed a little entangled. Only

children make choices, of course adults have to make choices!

The problem is that multiple choices are not possible. (Good Zhao )

Fate is destined.

Since I am also very entangled, it is better to leave it to fate. Whoever can hold a rope with me, then I will cooperate with him.

Soon the other three people also made their own choices.

Deng Ziqi caught and For the rope head opposite Su Wenhao, Zhang Shaohan can only choose the rope head diagonally opposite. There is a

50% probability for each.

It is really destined by fate.

Zhang Xiaoxiao said:

“Four people please my slogan, I count one, two, three, and then pull the rope head together hard。”

“One, two, three, start! ”

After the slogan was shouted, the four people pulled back together.

Under the tug, the red box broke, and it turned out to be a paper shell.


Seeing the person on the other end of the rope, Su Wenhao couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

It turned out to be Electric eye teacher Zhang Shaohan!


Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and review votes! .


Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later

Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later


Su Wenhao was only 8 years old when he traveled through time. It took 18 years for the system to be bound, and he was required not to leave the prescribed range during this period.

At this time, he received a donation from Yanjing, and the sponsor was named [Fox].

[Fox] supported him for 18 years.

After 18 years, Su Wenhao was finally able to leave the small mountain village, and he decided to find this kind man to repay his kindness.

Later, he signed into an entertainment company called Jiaxing Tianxia, ​​and later he was surprised to find that the person who had helped him for 18 years turned out to be the famous Yang Mi!

“Sister Mi, thank you for your help over the past 18 years. I am here to repay your kindness!”


Yang Mi asked breathlessly: “Is this what you call repaying a favor?”



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