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Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later — Chapter 229

Come here a few minutes later.

Bang bang! Bang bang!

I don’t know who was the first to clap.

In the quiet venue, it seemed very obvious.

Immediately afterwards.

Bang bang! Bang bang!

A second person applauded.


The third, fourth…

In the end, all the audience stood up and applauded very hard.

With tears in their eyes, they shouted loudly:

“Su Wenhao!”

“Su Wenhao!”

“Su Wenhao!”


Inside the live broadcast room.

While Su Wenhao was singing, the barrage in the live broadcast room was visibly reduced, as if the screen had been cleared.

However, the number of people online is constantly rising and has exceeded 10 million!

It wasn’t until the song ended that the barrage became active again。

“Wow! I actually cried when I heard it, this song is so beautiful。”

“As a middle-aged person, “The Wind Rises” is simply a description of my life and emotional experiences. The hesitation when I just graduated, and the weakness after middle age, and I always think of the person I love 057 in my mind from time to time. Everything is so heartbreaking!”

“After the quarrel with my first love yesterday, the two of us broke up. To be honest, I regret it a little now, but I don’t know if I should go back and reconcile. After listening to the song “The Wind Rises”, I decided to reconcile, because I didn’t want to wait until I was gray-haired before I had the opportunity to ask those words: Are you still willing in the name of love? ”

Netizens frantically sent comments to express their feelings.。


At the show, Su Wenhao stood up and bowed deeply to the audience.


The audience applauded more enthusiastically and cheered louder.。

“Su Wenhao!”

“Su Wenhao!”

“Su Wenhao! ”

After a long time, Zhang Xiaoxiao dared to step onto the stage.。

“It was so lively that I didn’t dare to show up and break the scene.。”

“But I had to show up!”

“Thank you Wenhao for bringing another high-quality original song! ”


Zhang Xiaoxiao paused.。

“Let’s continue with the flow of the show。”

“Applause to welcome contestant No. 1 back to the stage again!”

“Some spectators at the scene counted down to five with me. After the five count ends, the voting time will also end! ”

Then everyone at the scene, including the audience, including Yang Mi and the others, started counting down together.

Even the netizens in the live broadcast room were counting down with barrages.。






“time up! Voting channel is closed! ”


The scene burst into applause again.

Zhang Xiaoxiao continued:

“The voting has now ended and the results of the voting have come out.。”

“So what?”

“Who can win the first season of “Tomorrow’s Son”? ”


Contestant No. 1 sneered inwardly.

Who won the championship?

Do you even need to ask?

Just don’t go through the process and just give the award to Brother Hao.

Contestant No. 1 just thinks about these words in his heart and dare not say them with his mouth. came out.

Zhang Xiaoxiao continued to follow the process:

“Let us now welcome the three judges and two guests to the stage with the warmest app

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] lause! ”


Amidst the applause, several people came back to the stage.

Yang Mi, Deng Ziqi, and Zhang Shaohan, the three girls first gave Su Wenhao a big hug.

Then they gave Contestant No. 1 a cordial handshake.

Uh. (Read Baoshuang Novel. , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Contestant No. 1 was speechless in his heart.

The difference in treatment is a bit too big.

Xue Ziqian came to the stage and also gave Su Wenhao a hug.

The rain and dew were both wet. (abbh)

turned around and gave 1 Contestant No. 1 gave me a hug.


Contestant No. 1 was speechless again.

Although I really hope to be hugged by others, I still hope it is a girl, not a man!

I saw Su Wenhao being hugged by three beauties in turn. , the envy and jealousy in his heart was almost written on his face.

It was really just comparing people to death, comparing goods!

When he was put together with Su Wenhao, he knew why he lost. His

appearance could not compare, His talent couldn’t be compared, he was really crushed in all directions.

After everyone came to the stage, Zhang Xiaoxiao took the microphone and said:

“Miss etiquette, please bring us the final results of our competition! ”

A piece of music sounded during the show.

Two tall and elegant hostesses walked to the stage with exquisite trays in their hands.

There were two red envelopes in the trays.。

“First, I would like to invite Mr. Xue Ziqian to announce the vote share of contestant No. 1! ”


After Contestant No. 1 heard what the host said, he really wanted to jump out and shout.

Don’t announce it, I can’t afford to lose that person!

However, Xue Ziqian’s hand had already picked up the envelope, and it read Contestant No. 1 on the cover. name。

“Now let me announce the vote share of contestant No. 1……”

Looking at the numbers above, he looked at Contestant No. 1 next to him with some pity and sympathy.

After seeing that look, the audience knew the result.

Player No. 1 shrugged, mentally prepared to accept the result.


Xue Ziqian sighed silently。

“Contestant No. 1’s vote share……”




After hearing this number, everyone at the scene was a little confused.


Isn’t this even a 1% share?

Too exaggerated?

Xue Ziqian blinked and read it twice to make sure he read it correctly.

The result is then handed over to player No. 1.


When the results were announced, the audience gave warm applause.

Player No. 1 can tell that this is encouraging applause.

He bowed deeply toward the bottom of the stage.

Su Wenhao came over and gave him a hug。

“You’ve done a great job! ”

His tone was very sincere, without any sarcasm.

Player No. 1 accepted the hug calmly.。

“Thank you, I am honored to have the opportunity to compete with someone as powerful as you, even if I lose! ”

Su Xiaoxiao took the microphone and turned to look at Yang Mi:

“Mimi, you are the general star recommendation officer of “Tomorrow’s Son”, so it’s up to you to announce Su Wenhao’s final score!”


Asking for flowers, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for evaluation votes! .


Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later

Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later


Su Wenhao was only 8 years old when he traveled through time. It took 18 years for the system to be bound, and he was required not to leave the prescribed range during this period.

At this time, he received a donation from Yanjing, and the sponsor was named [Fox].

[Fox] supported him for 18 years.

After 18 years, Su Wenhao was finally able to leave the small mountain village, and he decided to find this kind man to repay his kindness.

Later, he signed into an entertainment company called Jiaxing Tianxia, ​​and later he was surprised to find that the person who had helped him for 18 years turned out to be the famous Yang Mi!

“Sister Mi, thank you for your help over the past 18 years. I am here to repay your kindness!”


Yang Mi asked breathlessly: “Is this what you call repaying a favor?”



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