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Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later — Chapter 231

Originally, Deng Ziqi came to this show because she wanted to sing a duet with Su Wenhao.

Because before that, the two of them recorded “Longing for Life” together.

In that program, Deng Ziqi felt that Su Wenhao was a talent, especially when Su Wenhao played and sang “An Ordinary Day” by himself.

She felt that this boy had his own style and characteristics.

After the Mushroom House recording ended, she deliberately listened to all of Su Wenhao’s songs, including some clips from the talent show. The more she got to know him, the more interested she became in this boy.

Later, when the program team of “Tomorrow’s Son” came to see her as a guest, they also said that they would sing with the contestants in the finals.

After Deng Ziqi heard this, she immediately agreed.

However, things went against expectations. In the end, Su Wenhao teamed up with Zhang Shaohan. Thinking of “853” made her very depressed.。

“If I had known earlier, I would have chosen Zhang Shaohan’s rope! ”

Su Wenhao saw her somewhat disappointed expression, so he smiled and said:

“I am very happy and honored to be favored by the Asian diva。”

“But this time, after all, you can only choose one of the two singing support, and you can’t choose more than one of the things that are either/or.。”

“Otherwise, only children make choices, and of course adults have to make choices! ”


After hearing Su Wenhao’s serious words, Deng Ziqi was laughed at again.。

“Want both? Do you want such good physical strength? ”

Su Wenhao clenched his fists and moved his arms, showing off the muscles on his arms:

“What do you think? ”


Seeing the toned muscle lines on her arms.

Deng Ziqi couldn’t help but sigh in her heart. She really wanted to reach out and touch the lines of the muscles.。

“Okay, I agree for now that you have good physical strength.。”

“I just came over to see you and complain. It’s getting late now. I have to go with my agent.。”

“If you have a chance in the future, you must collaborate on a song with me! ”

Su Wenhao nodded very seriously:

“certainly! ”

He is not making a random promise, but is thinking carefully about the answer he will give.

Because he happens to have a song here and needs Deng Ziqi’s voice.

But it is not the right time to talk about cooperation.

Deng Ziqi said with a smile:

“Then we’ve settled on it. You must give me a chance to sing with you in the future.。”

“Zhang Shaohan feels so good when singing a duet with you, I want to feel good too! ”

One of the most enjoyable things about being a singer is to compete with others in singing.

It’s not just about who has the loudest voice, but also about singing skills, coordination, etc.


The door to the lounge was suddenly pushed open.。

“Cool? What’s cool? ”

Yang Mi shouted in surprise.

After she completed the follow-up work with the program team, her work in “Tomorrow’s Son” was over. She came here

specifically to see Su Wenhao, but when she walked to the door, she heard Deng Ziqi’s voice behind her a word。

“What are you two going to do in the break room? There are cameras here! ”


Su Wenhao couldn’t help but twitch the corners of his mouth.。

“We are talking about our next cooperation.。”

“It was a pity that I didn’t sing a song with Ziqi this time, so I made an appointment to sing together

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] in the future. ”

Yang Mi felt a trace of embarrassment in her heart.

After hearing Su Wenhao’s explanation, and seeing the two people so far apart, it didn’t look like they were trying to be ambiguous. What’s more

, this is the recording venue for “Tomorrow’s Son”. The most indispensable thing is the camera.

In this lounge alone, there are four.

It can almost be said that 360-degree shooting is possible here. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even if Su Wenhao and Deng Ziqi It’s impossible for these two people to do anything here if their brains are twitching.

I am indeed too impulsive.。

“Can you two stop saying such ambiguous things? ”

Yang Mi defended herself feebly.

Recalling the scene where she suddenly rushed in just now, she really wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

Deng Ziqi chuckled:

“I think the writer and I are quite normal and don’t say too much.。”

“Why it makes you think too much is unknown. ”


Yang Mi was at a loss for words and wanted to fight back, but she couldn’t make up for her mistake, so she might as well use strong words to explain herself.。

“Huh, I’m worried that you will bring disaster to the artists of my company!”

“Su Wenhao’s entertainment career has just started, and I don’t want him to fail halfway through his career! ”

Uh 0.

After hearing this, Su Wenhao couldn’t help but twitching at the corner of his mouth.

How could I become Liu Bei?

How could I die in the middle?

Deng Ziqi nodded in agreement:

“That’s right, it’s unknown how far the draft picks will eventually grow. After all, there are too many such examples.。”

“When a writer’s wings are not full, one should indeed be more cautious。”

“But, again, I am very optimistic about his future. This is a treasure you picked up, so you must cherish it! ”

Yang Mi smiled coquettishly:

“Don’t worry, you don’t need to explain this kind of thing, I will do it. ”


Deng Ziqi’s cell phone rang. She took it out and took a look.。

“Message from my agent, it’s time for me to leave!”

“Goodbye, don’t forget our agreement, and cooperate if you have the opportunity! ”

As he said that, he waved gently to Yang Mi and Su Wenhao, then turned around and left the lounge.。

“I can’t tell, but you are quite popular with girls! ”

After Deng Ziqi left, Yang Mi said to Su Wenhao in a slightly jealous tone.


Su Wenhao couldn’t help but lightly shrugged his shoulders.。

“Is this a compliment to me? If so, then I will accept it without any hesitation! ”

2.9 Girls like him?

Who doesn’t want to?


Yang Mi didn’t expect that this guy is quite thick-skinned. It is estimated that many female stars will offer him an olive branch in the future, so she has to take good precautions.。

“After packing our things, we are leaving for Hengdian. ”

Su Wenhao nodded, opened the suitcase, and stuffed the trophy and certificate inside.。

“Sister Mi, are you going to Hengdian too? ”


Yang Mi nodded:

“Although I won’t have my part in the show for two days, I still have two business matters to discuss in Hengdian.。”

“Let’s go, the “Tomorrow’s Son” competition is over, the next focus is the filming of “Sword and Sword III”。”


Asking for flowers, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for evaluation votes! .


Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later

Being funded by Boss Yang, I will repay the favor eighteen years later


Su Wenhao was only 8 years old when he traveled through time. It took 18 years for the system to be bound, and he was required not to leave the prescribed range during this period.

At this time, he received a donation from Yanjing, and the sponsor was named [Fox].

[Fox] supported him for 18 years.

After 18 years, Su Wenhao was finally able to leave the small mountain village, and he decided to find this kind man to repay his kindness.

Later, he signed into an entertainment company called Jiaxing Tianxia, ​​and later he was surprised to find that the person who had helped him for 18 years turned out to be the famous Yang Mi!

“Sister Mi, thank you for your help over the past 18 years. I am here to repay your kindness!”


Yang Mi asked breathlessly: “Is this what you call repaying a favor?”



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