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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 12 Contradiction

Seeing that Misawa Hiroshi finished speaking, he looked like a salted fish who had lost his dream. Gu Xue thought about it for a while, turned around, flicked his ponytail, and said directly: “I can take it, but I do have a request. , the storyboarding this time is too messy.”

“Say it.” Misawa turned over like a salted fish, his fighting spirit rekindled on his face.

Gu Xue smiled. In fact, it was not that she really didn’t want to take it. As Chisa Mihara said, it was just that time did not allow it. She was not qualified to work on the floor in the company, and she was not that enthusiastic. She actually hated “Uncle Ben” This animation, because of the rhythm of Toe Master…

But if she was given time for the theatrical version, she would definitely take over the original painting job without hesitation. He is well-known in the industry on Earth for having very high demands on the picture and himself. As long as he takes over the number of cards and time permits, , I will never give up until I get the best or satisfy myself.

But now that Misawahiro has agreed to make concessions, Gu Xue can also consider taking the job.

“I hope I can change the storyboard myself…” Gu Xue made her first request.


Before Gu Xue could say anything, she was simply rejected.

Sure enough, the bastard spirit, as long as the opponent shows off his skills, he will accept them and worship him. This is all a lie…

However, Gu Xue doesn’t really want to drastically change the storyboard. If a show can really let its original animator mess around at will, and his ability is worrying at a certain level, or he has no confidence in his own work, such a person is not a qualified creator.

Since Hiroshi Misawa chose to draw the storyboards himself instead of entrusting it to others, he must be a person with dreams and high requirements for the picture. He is also very confident in the storyboards he drew and the final performance effect. Raising people is the most difficult thing…

As for the two-card original painting of the sixth episode, it was Gu Xue who cut off first and played later, forcing him to go to the end of the mountain, and it was indeed outstanding.

But now that Gu Xue bluntly said that she wanted to change the storyboard, of course she would be rejected. Gu Xue is not a national treasure with a Chinese prefix…

“The overall picture will not be significantly changed. It will be based on your ideas. It will just make the picture smoother. For example, shortening the time of the protagonist’s physical fight with the Four Heavenly Kings will make it easier for me to draw.” Gu Xue explained.

“Sorry to trouble you.” Misawa Hiroshi was still deep in thought. Supervisor Nozomi Abe answered on his behalf, but he added at the end, “We will check it carefully.”

The implication is…if it’s not good, just give me a good repair! No complaints even if it is corrected!

Misawa Hiro has no problem with this.

Gu Xue didn’t say anything. She wasn’t the kind of person who was too strong and couldn’t say anything that would make things difficult for others, such as “I can paint, but you can’t change my original painting.”

“Are there any other requests?” Misawa asked nervously as he watched Gu Xue pondering.

“There’s another one.” Gu Xue came back to her senses, picked up the storyboard and opened it, pointing at a certain card she was responsible for next, “I’m not good at explosions…I can’t say I’m not good at it, but when I draw it, it takes time It’s definitely not in time. I suggest you not pursue such a big scene, just discard this shot, or let me play freely, and I will try my best to draw it well.”

This half-bald man really knows how to perform. There are a series of explosions. The performance instructions also say that landslides, dust, and gravel are flying. He is crazy. If he wants to see explosions, he will not buy a pound of dynamite. He can’t draw faster than me. too much……

For this kind of large-scale explosion special effects, in order to achieve the desired effect of the performance, it took only half a month to paint several layers of original paintings, and there was no need to even think about it.

“I know.” Hiroshi Misawa is also a painter, and he is very aware of the difficulty of this card, but he still seems unwilling to give up just like that, “You try your best to draw well, the only requirement is to shock people’s hearts, and I also I will make some preparations.”

Gu Xue didn’t know what he was preparing for, so she didn’t say anything. She nodded and said, “Then I’ll take it. Next, please confirm the schedule and requirements with me. As for Eryuan… I’ll figure it out myself. You guys can handle the price.” Just figure it out.”

Chisa Mihara, who had been silent all this time, interjected: “Is it really okay? I mean you cleared Nihara yourself.”

She seems to be more inclined to Gu Xue’s approach of painting the first original painting and letting others clear the second original painting.

“I will try my best to catch up with the delivery date. Believe me, the quality of Qing Eryuan’s work will be better.” When it came to the work, Gu Xue patiently explained it.

To be honest, although only painting the first original painting saves time and effort, the final quality cannot be guaranteed. Nowadays, the quality of many second original paintings is quite poor. When problems arise, some unscrupulous second originals will even shirk the blame. Responsibility, saying things like “The first original painting is like this”, Gu Xue is not willing to experience this kind of thing.

The original painting that she worked so hard to draw was destroyed, and she was denied a knife. Gu Xue couldn’t guarantee that she wouldn’t go berserk.

Therefore, after all the above mentioned, Gu Xue still feels that it is better to finish it all by herself, and she does not want others to touch her work.

Seeing that Gu Xue insisted on clearing Eryuan by herself, Mihara Chisa was silent for a moment and said stiffly: “I hope you can deliver it on time.”

Gu Xue: “…”

It’s okay once or twice, but again and again, no matter what, even if you give in, you still have this attitude, which is a bit annoying.

Gu Xue could not help but be a little dissatisfied with Mihara Chisa, but considering that the other party also wanted to deliver the animation on time, Gu Xue said nothing and went directly to Misawa Hiro to confirm the painting requirements.

But on the way, Chisa Mihara stood in front of her and added another sentence.

“If you insist on clearing Eryuan by yourself, there is nothing I can do, but please let me know as soon as you complete the card. I will immediately bring it to the performance and supervisor for inspection in case the progress cannot be caught up. Also, if the progress really cannot be caught up, Please bring it up immediately. This is for your own good. Please don’t show off. This will not make the situation better, it will only harm everyone. And… to be honest, I don’t trust you, please don’t give it. I’m causing trouble, please.”

Gu Xue stopped when she heard this, bit her lip and took a deep breath before suppressing the anger in her heart.

What kind of people are these? They start attacking others before they even draw a picture.

Besides, who wants your trust?

“Got it.” Gu Xue gritted her teeth and replied without even looking at her. She looked straight ahead and walked around her to find Misawa Hiro.

Chisa Mihara stood where she was. Even if she noticed that Gu Xue was angry, her expression remained unchanged and she still looked calm.

But the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became a little stiff.

Suddenly no one spoke.

The original painter present speeded up his movements, quickly found the part he wanted to draw, confirmed some requirements with Hiroshi Misawa, and quickly left the scene.

Everyone is not KY, and they all know how to read the atmosphere.

More and more original animators left, and as time went by, only Gu Xue, the performance director, and Chisa Mihara were left in the conference room.

Because the card that Gu Xue was in charge of had high expectations, and there were a lot of nonsense and requests for the performance, she had to accept and reject certain requests based on the specific situation that could not complete the painting task on time, so it was postponed until the end.

Gu Xue will not find an excuse to escape just because she has conflicts with others. She can do it in daily life, but not at work. She is responsible for herself and her own work.

However, Chisa Mihara was even more amazing. Even though her relationship with Gu Xue had almost reached a quarrel just now, she still dared to come up and lecture Gu Xue…

Gu Xue didn’t even know what expression to put on when facing her…

However, it was Chisa Mihara who left first in the end. She confirmed the number of remaining shots and schedule with the performance supervisor, glanced at Gu Xue, who was looking down at the storyboard with a serious face, expressionlessly, and opened the door of the conference room. ,gone.

There were only three people left in the conference room.

Because a series of storyboards is really troublesome, Gu Xue wanted to modify some parts. Instead of being sent back to full revision if it did not meet the performance expectations during the L/O stage or even the original painting stage, Gu Xue simply followed the original storyboards. , draw your own storyboard and let the show check it first. If there are any problems, you can change them immediately, which saves trouble.

So, Gu Xue started painting on the spot.

The performer, Hiroshi Misawa, and the supervisor, Shinichi Abe, were chatting while waiting for Gu Xue to draw the storyboard. However, the two women were in the conference room just now and spoke very restrainedly. It was not until Chisa Mihara left that they breathed a sigh of relief. , let go a little bit.

Gu Xue was not affected at all and listened to their conversation as background sound.

Occasionally, when I hear a topic about the industry that I am interested in, I will slow down my painting speed a little, and then continue painting after listening.

The two of them were talking about each other, and for some reason, the topic suddenly came to Chisa Mihara.

“The company hired Chisa Mihara to prepare for you, right? Is it the future plan of animation?” Abe Shinichi suddenly asked in a confused manner.

But Misawa Hiro understood, and he laughed at himself: “I mentioned it to me, but Miss Mihara is quite tough. When she first came here, she was willing to lower her salary to be responsible for the production of this episode, and she also gave us a good lesson. class, I don’t know if I can persist in future collaborations.”

“Aren’t you happy using public money to make animations?”

Abe Shinichi teased him, and then glanced at Gu Xue, who had his head lowered and seemed to be drawing the storyboard seriously, but in fact he was listening to them with his ears raised. He thought for a while, raised his voice slightly, and said with a smile. : “As for Miss Mihara, she is indeed quite tough, but you may not know that Miss Mihara used to be a very gentle producer…”


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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