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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 178 Speed

How much fun Gu Xue had with Miss Mihara that night.

It was so painful the next day.

After all, what she has to face next is no longer the pretty Miss Mihara, but a group of very “cute”… but very otaku-looking animators.

The day after the voice actors were selected, the production of the first episode of “Embracing a Better Tomorrow” officially started.

In the first episode, in addition to storyboarding, Gu Xue also acted as a performer, so at the painting meeting, she had to explain her intention to design the storyboards in this way to a large group of people, and she also had to tell them the specific content of each shot. clear.

For example, in a scene where a certain protagonist is crying sadly, Gu Xue just drew a very simple crying expression on the storyboard.

In the actual painting, in order to set off the sadness of the male protagonist, what is the specific background of the L/O? How should the male protagonist cry? Should the tears flow continuously or fall one by one? Is it Kaneki’s sadness or vomiting? The soul has emerged… Wait, Gu Xue needs to convey these to the painters. After the painters have finished drawing, she has to check the actual drawings they submitted.

This is the job of the show. Of course it’s okay to say that you are the director of a single episode, but the show actually doesn’t have much say or decision-making power over the story, because the storyboards are determined, and the people who draw the storyboards usually follow the supervisor’s instructions. Intention and instruction to transform words into images.

This is why people like Hiroshi Misawa, who have many ideas, are reluctant to just perform.

This is also the reason why many supervisors are still called the soul of animation even though they do not participate in actual painting.

Of course, Gu Xue’s situation of supervising her own storyboarding and acting is another matter. In general TV animation, the two positions of storyboarding and acting are separate.

As a supervisor, Gu Xue is responsible for the storyboard performance of the first episode, which is to set a benchmark for other staff members and other episodes.

But this also means she has to pay more.

The internal atmosphere of CDD Animation Studio is also different from that of YUKI Studio.

During the painting meeting, Gu Xue was talking to the original painters very seriously.

But those people always felt like they were sleepwalking.

His eyes were unfocused and his expression was dull.

Gu Xue couldn’t bear it any longer, so she called out, and the other party said “Ah” as if she were waking up from a dream, and then said: “Supervisor, whatever you say will be what you say!”

It makes people very speechless.

Whatever I say is what I say, so listen carefully.

Gu Xue said this a dozen times.

If this situation didn’t only happen when they first met, and Gu Xue reminded them later, they would restrain themselves, and Gu Xue would really not be able to bear it and would get angry.

What kind of people are they?

Look at our YUKI studio… well, everyone in it is full of talents…

There were bumps and bumps along the way, and the painting meeting did not go smoothly, at least for Gu Xue.

But no matter what, it’s finished.

The first episode entered the painting stage.

And Gu Xue, after finishing the urgent work, took time out on the third day and sat down in his seat, ready to start drawing the original painting.

The first episode of the anime.

The scenes that Gu Xue was responsible for were mainly a series of fight cards after the three protagonists went to the dungeon and encountered Warcraft in the misty forest.

Gu Xue drew the storyboards herself, and of course she knew exactly what kind of scene she wanted.

But I don’t know if I am so busy that I have lost my wits.

Gu Xue sat in her seat and stared at the original drawing paper for more than ten minutes without writing or having any clue.

“emm…” Gu Xue found that she couldn’t remember how to draw anyway, so she simply dropped the pencil and ran to the toilet to wash her face.

After returning, Gu Xue found the headphones again.

After putting on the headphones and soothing music playing, Gu Xue reluctantly calmed down.

Picking up the pencil again, Gu Xue bent down, supporting the table with one hand, and finally drew the first stroke on the paper with the other hand holding the pencil.

Then it was smooth.

The protagonist’s back was quickly outlined by Gu Xue.

The card she is drawing now shows the trio of protagonists entering the misty forest and encountering a monster.

You should be able to guess it when you hear Warcraft.

The world view created by Shirakawa Rina in the comics is very traditional.

It’s that kind of clichéd Western fantasy world.

There are magic, knights, kings, commoners, and many races.

After calming down, Gu Xue became quite comfortable in painting…

After all, on Earth, this was the kind of animation she did the most.

With almost no pause, Gu Xue drew the card L/O Kaichihara where the protagonist and his group entered the forest.

This time “Embracing a Better Tomorrow” is a TV animation. Even if Gu Xue didn’t have any objections to L/O inspections alone, other staff members would. In the end, Gu Xue compromised.

Now that she has compromised, Gu Xue is no longer independent. Moreover, as a supervisor, she personally painted the original painting. It is estimated that few people would dare to say that something is wrong…

After checking the original painting for a while, Gu Xue put it aside.

Turned the storyboard to another page.

Gu Xue thought for a while and didn’t rush to write.

The card I just drew is actually not that difficult.

The real trouble with this anime is the fight cards.

Because of this traditional Western fantasy worldview, it would be difficult for the original author to build a believable and self-defeating combat system if the original author did not have sufficient abilities.

After all, there are so many races, so many professions, including magic and sword skills.

So is Rina Shirakawa, the author who looks like a blond mixed-race dog, capable enough?

The answer is no.

She simply can’t control it. In fact, the most criticized aspect of the comic “Embrace a Better Tomorrow” is the combat power system.

Gu Xue also complained several times when reading comics.

In the comics, Shirakawa Rina uses a very simple and crude way to build the combat power system.

Magicians can attack from a distance, and their sudden ability is extremely strong. Their weakness is that they cannot be approached because they are very weak.

The physical fitness of warriors is the same as that of supermen. High-level warriors can even catch fireballs with their faces, and their hair is not curly. Their sword skills are another type of magic. Their only weakness is that they are easy to be kited.

Most of the combat power systems in comics are built on these two points, and all combat plots are also developed on the basis of these two points.

The priest’s magic is another kind of magician, the knight is another kind of warrior, and the magic beast is the combination of warrior and magician… At first I thought there was nothing wrong with it, but after looking at it for a long time, almost every time the battle started, Gu Xue You can guess the ending…

This kind of combat power system is also very unfriendly for animation production, because it would be really boring to see a wizard release magic, a warrior roll around to avoid it, and then activate a sword skill that is still magic in a sense.

Doing this once or twice is okay, but doing it more often will really give people a turn-based feel.


Gu Xue just wants to look good.

To this combat power system that she didn’t know how to complain about, she added an element that she felt was necessary.


I’m sorry. It’s an update on Sunday. No matter what excuse I have, I don’t dare to say it. Come on, all the well-meaning book friends don’t have to speak for me…

Admit it when you are wrong, stand upright when you are beaten, and I will change it next time.


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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