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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 180 Poison Oath

The floating sword blade surrounded the evil beast that was watching eagerly.

In the anime, this is the long sword topping.

So is this magic?


Gu Xue didn’t know either.

Anyway, in the original work, this kind of warrior’s skill is called sword skill, so let’s call it sword skill, regardless of whether it’s magic or not.

Just be handsome.

Gu Xue drew a few key frames around the first long sword, then drew a few strokes around the first long sword, and then drew the key frame of the sword tip facing the Warcraft, ready to attack. The location is also sketched.

It is unrealistic and inefficient for Gu Xue to draw every long sword. The long swords are all the same, but the perspective is different. Gu Xue draws the key frames of each long sword and then sends it to the post-production process. It will save a lot of trouble and effort in processing.

After sketching out the approximate locations of all the illusory long swords.

Gu Xue flipped through the original painting and checked it. No problems were found, so he took out a new original painting paper and fastened it to the positioning ruler.

Next comes the more troublesome part.

The calm second male lead handsomely released his sword skills, making the monsters dare not act rashly.

But just coming of age, the male protagonist who saw Warcraft for the first time did not have the same mentality as the second male protagonist. He took the first step excitedly and started running towards the Warcraft regardless of the dissuasion of his companions.

It’s just this running around that’s a little troublesome.

After the male protagonist rushed up.

According to the storyboard drawn by Gu Xue, it will be three people with Warcraft as the main body, starting to fight against Warcraft. This is a shot with strong continuity, but this kind of rotating shot is really difficult to draw.

The most troublesome thing is the background.

The background and the original painting are different tasks, and are done by two groups of people respectively. The former is a still picture, and it is simply impossible to achieve the change of the camera movement.

If you want to solve the background problem here, the most labor-saving way is to use flow backing.

Fluid back is a streamlined background with different colors, but the performance effect in animation is similar. In animation, it is often used when the characters move too fast and the background cannot keep up with the characters. This is a performance method. But sometimes it is also a disguised compromise.

For example, on a terrain with a complex background, the character starts running. If this method is not used, the background will be very troublesome, because the background is just a picture and cannot change according to the movement of the character.

Here, Gu Xue originally envisioned using a flowing back.

But now she doesn’t feel like it’s appropriate.

Mainly because she felt the effect would be very bad.

In this battle, the camera will rotate with Warcraft as the main body. It is very important to not only explain the combat system that I don’t know how to complain about, but also to show the tacit understanding and emotion of the three protagonists.

But if Gu Xue really goes all out, there will be new problems. This is only the first episode…

Will it put more pressure on the staff responsible for subsequent episodes if the first episode is not satisfactory? Will the audience feel that they watched the wrong animation or something…

These are concerns.

Gu Xue was able to be free and easy when she was working on “My Uncle” before. When she was working on the eleventh episode of “Invasion”, she was also free and easy. She was painting and drawing back, and she had to paint all kinds of things to hit her face. However, this animation cannot do that. Because she is the animation supervisor and the person in charge of the entire work.

Gu Xue looked at the original drawing paper on the table,

Somewhat confused.

After struggling with it, Gu Xue started playing with her mobile phone…

More than ten minutes later.


Gu Xue woke up suddenly. She put down her phone, patted her soft face with both hands, and began to try to convince herself.

“How about… I will be stricter in the future to ensure the quality of the subsequent episodes? In this way, no matter how bad it is, it shouldn’t be much worse. And after the audience has finished the first episode, the second episode will only need to be online and the plot will unfold. After that, they should soon forget about the first episode, so I just need to control the quality of the second episode more strictly, right?”

“There is no one who is afraid of doing animation. What’s the difference between that and salted fish!”

“I don’t care, I want to trick the audience into it first.”

A set of three consecutive persuasion.

The effect is remarkable.

Gu Xue had already picked up the pencil again and bent down.

When Gu Xue drew his first stroke on the paper, the situation got out of hand.

The drawing speed starts to speed up and cannot be stopped at all.

The first is the preparation of the male protagonist to start running. Gu Xue quickly sketched out the outline of the character in this scene.

In this scene, Gu Xue placed the camera in a tricky position. It was placed just to the side of the three protagonists, including all three of them.

Here Gu Xue wants to set the camera position like this for the sake of continuity and to have a reference to highlight the male protagonist’s speed.

The shot conceived by Gu Xue was not complicated.

The male protagonist leaned back, gathered his strength and rushed out. The strong wind blew the hair of the male protagonist and the female protagonist Alice. They looked helpless, but the camera would not stay in place, but would quickly zoom out. He passed these two people and caught up with the male protagonist who had been in the camera all along, but as he ran farther away, his figure had turned into a small black dot.

There are many advantages to designing a shot like this. You can directly draw the reactions of the other two protagonists in this shot, and you can maintain the continuity of the shot of the male protagonist running wildly, so that after the male protagonist escapes, another two will be added. Shots of people’s reactions.

Of course there are disadvantages.

If we do it this way, the original painting will be difficult to draw, and the animation staff may go on strike…

For shots with tricky angles and high-speed movements, background animations are required.

It makes me sick just thinking about it.

The most important thing is that this is just the beginning. According to the storyboard drawn by Lu Xue, the subsequent shots will only be more troublesome.

The male protagonist approaches the monster and is thrown away by its tail, which is a scene of environmental destruction. The male protagonist stood up and rushed towards the monster again. Gu Xue planned to adopt the first perspective. Finally, there is another rotating shot of the three protagonists starting an alternating wheel battle with Warcraft as the main body…

They are all very difficult to draw.

But after Gu Xue put pen to paper, all worries were forgotten.

She had forgotten all about the second episode, the animation staff going on strike, and the increased pressure on the staff responsible for subsequent episodes. She wanted to draw the original painting now.

this is the last time! This is really the last time, and next time… and next time, if I show off my skills again, I will curse myself for letting Miss Mihara sit on Miss Mihara’s lap for three hours! Three hours!

Gu Xue viciously swore in her heart what she thought was the most vicious oath for herself, and then she began to go all out to draw the scenes she was responsible for with a clear conscience.

Just when Gu Xue went all out to draw the key scenes of the first episode with the momentum of “I won’t be the supervisor~”.

The other end of the CDD animation workshop.

Qianshi, who was responsible for the storyboarding and performance of the second episode, was drawing the storyboards… But before he even started writing, his eyelids began to twitch wildly. He put down the pencil, rubbed his eyebrows, and looked worriedly at the person who had only drawn three scenes today. Storyboard, vaguely aware of the dangerous atmosphere.


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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