Switch Mode

Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 210 Oh…

“Here, this part, please switch a little faster.”

Gu Xue stood up and pointed at the screen.

She has already seen the photo-processed OP, because when she drew the original painting, Gu Xue wrote the requirements in detail on the rule sheet, so the image processed by the photography guy is quite good, and most of it conforms to Gu Xue’s requirements. expectations.

There is very little to change, except for the very beginning.

In Gu Xue’s opinion, the career pattern of “Embracing a Better Tomorrow” is actually very similar to the command spell in the Earth Fate series. Out of some indescribable feelings, she gave this element that was not very important in the comics, Zoom in a little bit.

Except for the close-up of the professional patterns on the three protagonists in the first episode.

Gu Xue also incorporated the professional patterns on the three protagonists and several subsequent characters into the op.

Still at the beginning.

The method is to gather all the protagonists together, then focus the camera on the professional patterns on various parts of their bodies, and quickly switch the camera to go over it.

Gu Xue subjectively thinks this is quite cool.

Although the setting of being able to identify professions by looking at patterns sounds silly…

Later in the manga, for unknown reasons, Rina Shirakawa seemed to have given up on this setting. The characters who appeared later did not have any special descriptions of their professional patterns.

But this does not affect animation production.

Animated plots can’t be that late.

Since there was this setting in the early stage, Gu Xue thought it was cool, so he amplified this element.

Now the place that Gu Xue asked the photography guy to change is the place where the professional pattern is switched.

She wanted to speed this part up a bit.

It’s no fun if you can see the pattern carefully, and the effect of a sudden glance will definitely be better.

Anyway, that’s what Gu Xue felt.

Hearing Gu Xue’s request.

The photography guy didn’t have any objections and quickly corrected it.

Then the play button was pressed.

OP played it again.

Violet and crossed spears, a two-handed long sword held by a heavily armored swordsman, a rough battle axe, an open ancient book…

After all the professional symbols flashed by, what appeared on the screen was an animated logo specially designed by an outside company – Embracing a Better Tomorrow.

After modification, the effect looks good.

Gu Xue finished reading the op and nodded, feeling that nothing needed to be changed.

“Thanks for your hard work.”

She nodded to the photographer, thanked him, stood up, and walked out the door.

“Come on, supervisor.”

The photographer saw Gu Xue leaving with a disappointed expression on his face, but he didn’t know what to say to keep Gu Xue, so in the end he just said “Come on.”


Gu Xue didn’t think much, turned and smiled at him.

She really needs to cheer up now.

op/ed completed.

But Gu Xue’s work is not over yet.

Then she returned to her seat and began to draw the storyboards for the final episode of the animation.

Except for the first episode to be broadcast and the second episode to be broadcast next week, the storyboards for the remaining episodes are either being drawn or have been completed, and only the last episode is left.

This is as important an episode as the first episode of the animation, so Gu Xue kept it to herself.

I painted all the way from noon to evening.

After most of the people in the cdd animation workshop came to work, Gu Xue put down her pencil and devoted herself to working on other episodes.

The post-production meeting for episode 4, the storyboarding for episode 9, the storyboarding meeting for episode 11 and all kinds of trivial things…

Time flew by so fast, and it was already past ten o’clock in the evening.

Gu Xue packed up her headphones, left the cdd animation workshop, and headed to her own studio.

In addition to the episodes produced by CDD Animation Studio, the sixth episode outsourced to Yuki Studio is also very important. Gu Xue should watch it both emotionally and rationally.

Take the tram to the building where Yuki’s studio is located.

Gu Xue took the elevator upstairs. As soon as she walked into Yuki’s studio, she felt familiar…

Well, except for the layout, the animation companies actually give people the same feeling. Gu Xue is now like walking into another CDD animation workshop. The working environment switches seamlessly, making people feel heavy…

“Supervisor Gu Xue.”

Gu Xue stood in YUKI studio with a subtle expression.

After a while someone came over to say hello.

Gu Xue glanced at the little boy standing in front of her.

do not know.

But Gu Xue still nodded towards him.

The little boy left happily.

Gu Xue stayed where she was, looking around the YUKI studio and found that there were many new faces in the studio.

Although Miss Mihara had told herself about this, Gu Xue still felt a little complicated when she saw so many new faces.

YUKI Studio has grown.

This is an undoubted fact.

When he was working on “Little Witch Academia”, Gu Xue split the original animation department into two, threw all the original animators with little experience together, and even gave them a commercial to practice on.

Now these people have all grown up.

These original animators who almost caused Hiroshi Misawa to have a cerebral hemorrhage are now outsourced to draw Thief 6.

They were carefully taught by other seniors in the studio.

Not only can I draw quickly now, but the quality is much higher than the industry average. I am the kind of person who says if you give me five yuan, I can make you six yuan of quality.

Plus because of Gu Xue.

Now YUKi’s reputation has been established.

YuKi Studio likes to outsource animation advertisements and animation original paintings. Now, in addition to the sixth episode of “Embracing a Better Tomorrow”, the studio has also taken on a lot of outsourcing.

Although these outsourcings did not make the studio much money, they almost doubled the staff of Yuki Studio, and many departments were hired.

Then more people will mean that the studio can take on more outsourcers and then recruit more people.

The current yuki studio.

Gu Xue doesn’t recognize some people anymore, which is normal.

Just when Gu Xue was looking around at the door, trying to recognize someone.

A beautiful figure trotted over.

Miss Mihara’s short hair has grown a lot since she last had it cut.

I can barely reach my shoulders again.

So she tied her hair up.

As she ran, her pony tail swung around, like a squirrel’s tail, which was quite cute.

Gu Xue looked at her and smiled.

Miss Mihara met Gu Xue’s gaze, rushed to her at a trot, and then stopped suddenly.

“I’m home.”

After Miss Mihara stopped, she put her hands on her chest and took a deep breath. When her breathing calmed down, she asked with a smile.

“Yes.” Gu Xue nodded, then looked around again and sighed: “Miss Mihara, there are a lot of people in the studio.”

“Yeah, new recruit.”

Miss Mihara responded quickly, then looked around and found that most of the newcomers were secretly looking at Gu Xue…

She shook her ponytail and seemed a little unhappy. She took Gu Xue’s right hand and dragged her towards the office. As she walked, she said: “Let’s go in and talk…”



Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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not work with dark mode