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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 231 A good hand is played badly

Regarding what happened after Sato Ei went out.

Gu Xue doesn’t know yet.

She was also immersed in the news that Small Corporation, the investor in the theatrical version of “Little Witch Academia: Parade of Magic,” was filing for bankruptcy.

Gu Xue knew that the other party’s situation was very bad. When she heard some news from Miss Mihara a few days ago, she was mentally prepared.

But she didn’t expect it to be this bad.

I’m going to file for bankruptcy…

“Miss Mihara, what should we do… No, have their money been settled?”

Gu Xue looked at Miss Mihara with a headache.

It’s already the end of October, and in less than a month, according to Small’s wishes, “Little Witch Academia: Magic Parade”, which will premiere at the North American Comic Con, will be released.

The other party went bankrupt, which was really troublesome.

First is the announcement, and then there is the issue of docking.

Yuki Studio has very little involvement in the release of animation, or it has no control at all. After all, Yuki Studio is the producer and has been established for a short time. There is no talent in this field at all. This is why Gu Xue made up his mind to do it. One reason to find an investor.

But it’s fine now.

The investor went bankrupt… everything must be thrown back to YUKI Studio.

Negotiations with publishers, negotiations at comic exhibitions, various cooperations, etc…

These may all be taken over by YUKI Studio.

Gu Xue… Gu Xue has a bad person.

And even if there is someone, this is not an easy matter to deal with. What will the other party think if there is a sudden change of people on things that have not been discussed?

If you change the person you agreed on, will the other party change your mind?

In short… Gu Xue felt that it was over.

“…Don’t worry about the premiere.”

As if she guessed Gu Xue’s thoughts, Mihara Chisa put her hands on Gu Xue’s shoulders, pressed them gently, and then gave her a reassuring look.

“Mr. Osawa from Small Company is quite responsible. Some of the matters that he is mainly responsible for have been handed over to me. And I have repeatedly confirmed with the organizer of the North American Comic Con that there will be no problems at the premiere.”

Gu Xue grabbed Miss Mihara’s wrist. After a moment of silence, she said with a wry smile: “…This is good news.”


Miss Mihara changed the subject.

Gu Xue: “…”

“There is no publicity. Small originally promised that if we could agree to change the release date to November, they would add a large amount of publicity expenses for publicity in North America, but now Not to mention North America, there will be no announcements here in China, Small may have to be collected for debt… and our YUKi studio does not have much remaining funds…”

Gu Xue grimaced and answered quickly: “So there will be nothing at the screening of “Little Witch Academia: Magic Parade”. The most we can do is put up a banner at the door, right?”

“Yes.” Miss Mihara raised her hands on Gu Xue’s shoulders, pinched Gu Xue’s soft face, and responded.


Gu Xue wailed and laid her head on Chisa Mihara’s belly.

“What’s the difference between doing this and doing independent animation! What kind of investor went bankrupt? I shouldn’t have done it in the first place… So is Small a fool?”

Gu Xue rubbed Mihara Chisa’s belly and complained.

In fact, the reason for Small’s bankruptcy… Although there were external factors, the main reason was still themselves.

The company where Mr. Osawa works.


It is a small factory to begin with, but has always been inexplicably unwilling to cooperate with big manufacturers. It was okay at the beginning, with small but precise quantities, and it has a certain reputation in the industry.

But as their company boss was eager to expand the market, increase orders, and frequently reprint, problems arose.

The quality control simply collapsed, and there were big problems with the quality of the figures.

Because the foundry Small and the others found simply did not have the ability to handle large orders.

Because of these things, the reputation Small had finally accumulated was gone in an instant.

Revenue also plummeted.

Because of this incident, Osawa Ryo came to YUKI Studio to invest in “Little Witch Academia: Magic Parade”, hoping to regain its reputation with high-quality exclusive products and expand overseas markets.

Facts have proved that they made the right move.

Although Gu Xue was not optimistic about their decision at first.

But after they started pre-sales for the “Little Witch Academia” series of figures, the pre-sales were unexpectedly gratifying.

If nothing else happens, if they can do a good job in quality control.

Maybe it really becomes an instant hit.

Maybe he will become the fourth member of the Yusan family.

But not so many ifs.

The decision-maker of Small’s company knew that the reason for the collapse of the company’s product reputation was due to quality control problems at the foundry.

I still sent all the orders for the “Little Witch Academia” figure to that foundry like a stud.

The reason for doing this, I heard, is just because the nephew of the Small boss is a small leader of a certain department of that foundry…

And then…then it collapsed.

The first batch of figures are produced.

That quality.

The buyer will be heartbroken after seeing it, and the stylist will cry after seeing it.

And the quality of the subsequent batches is not much better.

Later, the owner of that foundry ran away.

Only then did Small learn that the president of the foundry was greedy for money and a gambler. He was in debt and had not paid his employees for nearly three months.

The reason why that foundry is still able to survive is simply by taking advantage of the fool Small.

Small, the enemy, came forward.

In the end, the boss of the foundry took the money and ran away.

Small paid part of the money, but the product was not produced, and they had problems with their revenue. I heard that the money invested in animation was also borrowed, which caused a chain reaction.

All is lost.

Small now not only has to find a way to refund the money to those buyers who ordered the “Little Witch Academia” series of figures, but he even has to be asked for wages by the employees of the foundry…

All in all, it was a really good hand played badly.

“I don’t know what Small’s decision-makers are thinking. I should have discovered this kind of thing earlier. I should have investigated it when the first batch of orders came out. I have to wait for others to run away before they think of investigating. Where did they come from? You are confident, does the company have Naoki Hansawa?”

Gu Xue hugged Miss Miyuan’s waist, with a look of hatred on her face.

Miss Mihara: “Naoki Hansawa?”

“It’s nothing… I just think it’s a pity that they ruined a good hand. They were about to take off with the help of the “Little Witch Academia” series of figures, but they did something like this. If it were me…”

Speaking of which.

Gu Xue suddenly stopped talking.

A crazy idea came to me.

Now that the market has proven that the “Little Witch Academia” figures have the ability to attract money, and Small just happened to go bankrupt, can I…


Gu Xue was silent for a moment.

Suddenly he shook his head vigorously.

Forget it, she is not this material.

She might also go bankrupt…

Moreover, the acquisition also requires money. She has no money now. If she wants it from her sister, it will not be as simple as holding Gu Rou and begging her to agree.

The amount was so large, even if Gu Rou was really willing to give it, Gu Xue didn’t think she had the ability to operate it.

Unless my sister comes to YUKI studio, or Aunt Miyamoto…

It’s a pity that the possibility of these two people coming to YUKI Studio is zero…

“Forget it.” Gu Xue thought for a while and put down the idea for the time being. “Ignore Small’s side. Let them deal with their own mess first. We can handle the North American Comic Con premiere alone. Anyway, the date can’t be fixed. Postpone it again.”


Miss Mihara responded softly.

“There’s still half a month left…”

Gu Xue was tired of being paralyzed. She let go of Miss Mihara’s waist, stretched, and said: “It’s been a hard day, Miss Mihara. Let’s go out for a walk tomorrow and have a good rest for a long time… By the way, I’ll check if I’ve done anything yet. As for banners, make a better banner and bring it to the comic expo. If there is no announcement, we still have to put up a banner to tell others what animation to show, right…”

Chisa Mihara: “…”


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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