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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 232 Wit

The third day after the latest episode of “Embrace a Better Tomorrow” was broadcast.

Gu Xue kept her promise and put down everything. After leaving home, she did not go to YUKI Studio and CDD Animation Workshop. Instead, she took the train to the most prosperous area of ​​Setagaya District.

Although at this time, during the broadcast of the animation, as a supervisor, Gu Xue went out to play, which was a little unnatural…

But after all, Gu Xue is not a god.

Gu Xue has not taken a break since the premiere of “Embrace a Better Tomorrow”. Recently, because of “Little Witch Academia: Magic Parade”, she has to go back and forth between CDD Animation Studio and YUKI Studio every day. She has accumulated a lot of money. A lot of pressure.

And… although “Embrace a Better Tomorrow” has never received good reviews since its launch, and its journey has not been smooth sailing. Even now, many people are still concerned about the death of the heroine in the second episode of the animation. Worried about it.

But actually the animation production was quite smooth…

This was mainly due to Gu Xue’s explosiveness and strict requirements on the construction period. The first episode of the animation was produced very early, and the sixth episode, the key episode in the middle period of the animation, was outsourced to YUKI Studio…

So the animation schedule is really not tight.

The audience actually has nothing to say about the quality of animation currently produced.

What they were dissatisfied with was just the plot.

This is also the reason why CDD Animation Workshop’s reputation for the animation suffered a setback when the second episode of the animation was aired, and everyone showed mourning expressions.

Because they are really working hard to do it.

But what I received was a violent squirt…

But it’s much better now, because the third episode of the animation is still at the top of the list of views, which gave the staff a hard blow.

The fourth episode to be broadcast this week has been sent to the TV station, the fifth episode is finishing, not to mention the sixth episode that YUKI Studio is responsible for.

The animation is being produced step by step, and there are almost no problems with the construction schedule.

This was one of the reasons why Gu Xue dared to come out and play around with Sato Ei.

The tram stops.

Gu Xue followed a few passengers and got out of the car.

Because today is a working day and it is not working time, there are not many people on the tram.

Gu Xue stepped on her slippers and walked out of the station very comfortably.

However, compared to the very comfortable off-peak trams, the weather outside is a bit unbearable.

There were dark clouds, and occasionally a few muffled thunders could be heard from the thick clouds.

The heat and moisture in the air cannot escape, making it stuffy and hot.

It’s really uncomfortable to be in this state where it’s about to rain.

When Gu Xue came out, in addition to complaining, “It’s a bad weather, it’ll rain soon,” and she also praised her own wit.

Before going out, she felt that the weather would be very hot and stuffy, and she felt that playing should be fun, so she didn’t even wear small leather shoes. She just wore very casual hot pants, a T-shirt, and slippers before going out.

Although she was stared at for a while on the tram because of her cool outfit…

Gu Xue felt quite ashamed at first…

But now it turns out that she is still very prescient.

How cool it is…


Just when Gu Xue praised herself, a shout came from not far away.

Sato Ei stood in front of a convenience store next to the station, waving to her.

Miss Mihara also stood beside her.

Gu Xue came to her senses and walked towards their location.

“So fast.” Gu Xue came closer and stood still, saying hello to them.

Sato Ei put down her raised right arm and looked Gu Xue up and down.

Beautiful face, proud bust, and casually tied ponytail.

Because the legs of the hot pants are not long, most of a pair of round and slender thighs are exposed, and they are dazzlingly white.

Then the sandals gave her a girl-next-door feel.

In short, the feeling is…JK goes shopping on weekends.

The kind of person you expect to meet and stare at on the street, whether they are peers or older people…

“…” Sato Ei glanced at Gu Xue up and down. After a moment of silence, he suddenly gave Gu Xue a thumbs up and said, “Senior, you did a great job.”

Gu Xue was stunned for a moment, then glanced down at her outfit, and then a small vein popped out on her forehead.

“Sato-chan, do you believe that I beat you until only the sauce is left?”

Gu Xue held down Sato Ei’s head with one hand and shook it slightly.

“Eh…” Sato Ei shrank her shoulders.

Look at her scared expression.

Gu Xue was too lazy to argue with her.

She let go of Sato Ei’s head and said dissatisfiedly: “My dress has nothing to do with you. Go on a blind date quickly and get it over with! I have something to do with Miss Mihara, so I don’t have time to keep looking at you.”

It’s just that Sato Ei doesn’t really buy it.

“Add +10 to your charm value.”

Sato Ei glanced at Gu Xue and whispered bb.

“…” Gu Xue took a deep breath suddenly.

Sato Ei finally gave up and turned around and left.

While leading the way, he said hurriedly:

“Go, go, go… let’s leave now.”

Gu Xue looked down at her clothes again, a little worried, but she suppressed it. She looked at Sato Ei’s back and said fiercely to Miss Mihara who came to her: “I will definitely buckle her next month.” salary……”

However, Miss Mihara did not answer her words. Instead, she was worried and said: “The pants are too short…”

“Oh, you’re so annoying. Didn’t I do this just to cool down…” The uneasiness and worry in her heart were amplified. Gu Xue looked around at the entrance of the station, which was not very crowded, and did not dare to stay any longer. She pulled Miss Mihara, Quickly catch up with Sato Ei.

The three of them moved forward.

No surprises.

Except that Gu Xue was stared at all the way and found that she was not smart but a fool…

Sato Ei went in first to meet her blind date.

Gu Xue didn’t go in with her, which was what she had agreed to. She didn’t want to go in with Sato Ei and have her blind date stare at her.

Although she thinks this is unlikely.

But the stares along the way stopped her from taking any chances.

Waited outside the door for a long time.

Gu Xue felt that time was almost up.

Then he pulled Miss Mihara and pushed open the door of the cafe.


The clerk in the store heard the bell ringing at the door and immediately bowed and said hello.

Gu Xue nodded, pulled Miss Mihara to find a seat, and at the same time began to look for Sato Ei out of the corner of her eye.

It didn’t take much effort.

Gu Xue found it quickly.

Sato Ei is in the corner.

She was sitting opposite a man who looked about the same age as her.

The man was gentle and handsome.

He should be her blind date.

the other side.

When Sato Ei heard the clerk’s welcome, she also knew that it was Gu Xue who was here. She was about to find an excuse to turn around and take a look, and at the same time, she lured the man in front of her to look over.

It was true that she had lied to Gu Xue, but there was indeed such a thing as a blind date…

But she looked up.

But found that the other party had already looked over.

He still stared at Gu Xue as if he was possessed…

“Holy shit…”

Sato Ei took a deep breath suddenly, and for some reason, she was very angry.

She suddenly couldn’t control her right hand, raised it suddenly, and punched the table.


The loud noise startled everyone in the store, including of course the man in front of her.

“Ahem…what’s wrong?”

The man came back to his senses, looked at Sato Ei, coughed awkwardly, and asked.

Sato Ei’s cheeks bulged and she said angrily:

“Nothing, just swatting flies.”



Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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