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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 241 Elegant and easy-going

In the animation, various characters begin to appear one by one.

The entire fourth episode involves many people and things in the show. It seems to talk a lot, but Li Duoduo always feels that he has not watched anything…

This… is probably the transition back.

However, although Li Duoduo felt that he had not seen anything, he even felt that more than ten minutes of his life had been stolen inexplicably.

But the plot of the animation is not without advancement.

The second half of the animation.

The underground city has become a restricted area.

An indescribable monster that emerged from the miasma.

The male protagonist is sitting at the entrance of the misty forest, unwilling to leave.

The second male lead walked out of the house without a sword and with determination.

Including the news that Alice’s father, the Marquis, heard that the monsters in the misty forest began to mutate for the second time.

They all supplement and promote the plot.

By the way, I would like to remind the audience… our next episode will be very exciting, so be sure to remember to watch it.

As for the audience, Li Duduo still has a sense of expectation anyway. He also wants to watch the next episode at this moment, but the problem is that there is not one now.

Then the sense of anticipation is greatly reduced. After all, no matter how exciting the next episode is, you have to wait for a week.

how to say.

For episode four.

Now Li Duoduo is right in the middle between satisfaction and dissatisfaction.


There are only the last few minutes of animation left.

The camera suddenly turned.

Got to the port.

A merchant ship slowly docked. After it came to a complete stop, deafening cheers came from the ship, as if they were celebrating that the long journey was finally over.

After the cheers, there was noise and dense footsteps.

But the first person to step off the merchant ship was not the captain, nor the sailor, nor maybe even the passenger.

As for why you say that.

Because the first person to get off the ship jumped directly from the mast several stories high…

She jumped down in a posture similar to a leap of faith. She fell quickly and violently, but contrary to common sense when she was close to the ground, she suddenly became like a feather and landed lightly on the ground.

Stepping barefoot on the bluestone floor tiles.

The exotic brown skin is very eye-catching.

The camera slowly moved up and stopped on the particularly obvious female features.

The ‘ship jumper’ who was wearing simple leather armor and had brown skin twisted his shoulders and seemed to glance left and right, observing the environment.

But she hesitated, as if she didn’t know which way to go.

Just at this moment, a passerby who didn’t know the truth walked past her.

She turned her head, and after a moment of silence, she took a step forward, stretched out her hand and grabbed the other person.

Passerby: “…?”

“Excuse me, the gold mine…oh, no, how to get to the misty forest?”

It is accompanied by some lame words that make people feel as if they have just learned it.

The camera suddenly moved up and focused on the face of the ‘jumping ship’.

The beautiful face, long pointed ears, the quiver and long bow on his back, the strange decorations, and the long black hair with a small ponytail beside his ears all remind the audience that this is a foreigner all the time.

But the most attractive thing is her eyes.

It’s bright, and there seems to be gold coins painted on it…

The passers-by looked at this strange girl with a bright smile, but her face seemed to be engraved with the words “I want money”. They were stunned, and then raised their voice slightly.


And the fourth episode of “Embracing a Better Tomorrow”.

Just as the passers-by shouted “ha” in confusion, it was over.

Also after this ‘ha’.

The barrage of animations increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“New heroine? No, the new one should be removed. What kind of heroine is that woman who fell short in the second episode…”

“That’s enough for you upstairs.”

“Alice…you died so miserably.”

“Is this the heroine? Then who will she meet? The male lead? Or the second male lead?”

“Shouldn’t you be paying attention to her going to the misty forest now? In the second episode, the second male lead and the male lead were hung up and beaten, and now they go again. Isn’t it another scene of death on the spot?”

“If Gu Xue really wants to do this, I’ll show her the show on the spot.”

“Gu Xue is not a fool.”

“Not necessarily. Wait a minute, Gu Xue felt that the step-by-step plot was not exciting enough. She wanted to convey love to the world and thought, ‘Ah ha, I didn’t expect that the heroine is going to die again.’ This really made this new heroine Maybe even a dog leash [funny]”

“It’s none of my wife’s business. It’s the original author’s fault if she does this.”

“Can people nowadays call other people’s wives their wives at will?”


The barrage of discussion and complaints that had disappeared for several episodes suddenly appeared.

The audience seems to be quite excited. The ED is almost over and the barrage is still increasing rapidly.

Li Duduo could quite understand their mood.

Because he is in the same mood now.

“Ah Hanima, WDNMD.”

Li Duodu dragged the progress bar to the end of the animation, tapped on the keyboard, and replied elegantly and casually to the unknown fellow who just said that the heroine knew how to lead a dog.

And that fellow person seems to be of the same mind.

After Li Duduo finished replying, he dragged the progress bar back to the previous position, ready to watch the barrage for a while.

Below the barrage he just sent, there is a new barrage at the top.

“I’m just dnmd.”

Li Duduo: “…”

He replied again to the same elegant and easy-going colleague.

Li Duoduo wasn’t too angry, he even laughed.

Even though he doesn’t dislike animations that are all about men, if most of the animations didn’t have those grinding emotional lines, maybe he would be very happy.

But this animation is barely an exception.

At least that’s the exception in this episode.

Mainly because the previous episode of the anime and the first half of this episode seemed too depressing against the backdrop of excellent performances.

Whether it is the antagonism between the male protagonist and the second male lead, or the confrontation between the male protagonist’s father and Alice’s father, or the male protagonist suffering, these are plots that the audience does not like to see. Of course, they can be discussed, but in the end they usually end up with End of quarrel.

After all, the sudden death of the heroine in the second episode is still in the minds of the audience. Some people don’t care, and some people care. It would be strange if the two groups didn’t quarrel after discussing it.

but now.

A new character has appeared.

She is not a bitter and resentful type, nor is she a silent type. She has nothing to do with the characters in the play for the time being. The most important thing is that she is not a boy, but a beautiful girl.

She is also a beautiful girl with strong exotic amorous feelings.

This is what the audience likes to see…

In addition, more than ten days have passed since the second episode of the animation. Some things that were difficult to accept at the time have gradually been accepted or have been forgotten.

In addition, there is a sense of expectation of what will happen when the heroine meets whomever she meets.

All these made the audience come back to life, and after coming back to life, the desire to discuss and tell the story that had been suppressed for nearly two weeks could no longer be suppressed.

This is why things like Li Duduo and his colleagues greeted each other elegantly and casually in the barrage.

There are more and more barrages.

Li Duoduo pulled the progress bar back to the beginning of the animation.

I found that there are indeed a lot of barrages, and they are finally no longer about trolling. Most of the barrages are talking about or complaining about the current plot.

Everything seems to be going in the right direction.

Li Duduo glanced at it for a while, smiled, and planned to turn off the video and go to sleep.

After all, I have to be a social animal tomorrow.


Just when he was about to turn off the video.

Li Duduo suddenly caught a glimpse.

Among the peaceful barrages, there were suddenly a few abusive barrages, which were particularly dazzling.

He didn’t care at first.

But the next second, the barrage of insults suddenly began to increase. From just one or two at the beginning, to three or four, then seven or eight… more and more.

Wait for Li Duo to refresh the web page and play the animation again.

The barrage is already unreadable.

Li Duduo: “…”


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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