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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 243 Heroic

“Embrace a Better Tomorrow” was criticized, making many people feel uncomfortable and unhappy.

But when the animation was first brushed, it was not that no one gloated or thought it was a good thing.

For example, a certain person was full of sarcasm and kept saying “The audience is my wings”, but in the end his wings were torn off by Fu Qing, the director of “My Harem”.

He was very happy when he first saw that “Embrace a Better Tomorrow” was rated only 1.7 points.

Although his emotional intelligence was not low enough to raise any flag and add insult to injury, when “Embracing a Better Tomorrow” encountered such a thing, he laughed like an old hen.

Afterwards, he also said something like, “The audience is indeed my wings”, “They criticize me for being arrogant, but they still love me”, “Don’t mention the views to me, I, Fu Qing, never look at the views when I make animations. Just do it!” These are difficult to understand words.


As the fourth episode of “Embracing a Better Tomorrow” was officially aired, the trolls who had been invited by someone who had been taken advantage of were followed like a ghost, and the comment area and barrage of the animation were filled with smoke.

Fu Qing couldn’t laugh anymore.

After all, some of what they said did go a bit too far.

Even if he had wings, even if they were torn off by the fans of “Embrace a Better Tomorrow”… he never said this about Gu Xue and the animation she was responsible for.

At that time, he even inexplicably complained to his production director about the animation that Gu Xue was responsible for.

Was he really being tricked by the production director?

In fact, Fu Qing knew better than anyone else that he was leading him into such a pit. Otherwise, who could have led him into the pit…

He didn’t want to scold Gu Xue and say that the animation she was responsible for was really rubbish?

Yes I do.

But TM can’t say it out loud. If he says that the animation the other party is responsible for is rubbish, then what is the animation he is responsible for? Isn’t the trash non-recyclable?

As for the relationship between the original manga and animation…

Fu Qing has never read comics, but he has been in the industry for so many years and knows better than anyone the difficulties of adapting works.

This type of work.

One side is a fan of the original work, and the other side is a passerby who has never read the comics. If you are not careful, you will be in a miserable situation where you will not be pleased by both sides and be criticized by both sides.

In the end, you might even be criticized by investors.

The animation is completely based on the comics. The quality of the animation is not good because of the lack of money. The plot problems are the fault of the original work. Anyway, I followed them all. Even if there is no other way, I deleted the plot for the sake of space and chose some that no one likes and no one loves. The plot that I watched was cut out, in short, all the responsibilities were completely passed off. Is this easy?

Of course it’s easy.

No merit, no fault.

For a certain episode of the animation and a certain card, if you work harder and the original painting is more colorful, you might even get praised.

But it’s easy to be relaxed like this, but… the supervisor is not a fucking foreman with no affection, the supervisor is also a human being.

Who doesn’t want to make excellent works, but most of the time TV animations only have so little money and the construction schedule is so tight, where can you find people? How do you find someone to convince them to take the job? And even if the two most troublesome issues of people and money are solved, the plot of the original work cannot be changed as the supervisor says. There is still a production committee hanging above the head, and there are a bunch of big guys who paid for it.

Not to mention meeting an idiot or the original author who is difficult to talk to.

So say it.

Who would be willing to be that bastard unless forced by the situation?

Gu Xue served as a supervisor for the first time, challenging the original author, convincing the production committee, and at the same time keeping the quality of the animation stable.

The last two points are due to other people’s contributions, and Fu Qing knows this.

But Gu Xue, a girl, could do this, and before the trolls appeared, the audience had nothing to say except complain about the plot. He felt it was amazing.

What’s even more amazing is that after the audience finished watching the plot, they can still follow the animation every week.

To be able to do this is even more remarkable.

Fu Qing didn’t know who hired the navy, and he clearly targeted the girl Gu Xue. He probably didn’t know such a shameless person.

But it is indeed too much to seduce a girl on such a large scale and tell her to go home.

Because after the animation started airing, the barrage and comment area were filled with chaos.

No one associated with animation is happy right now.

Except for those gangs of sailors who don’t want feelings, don’t want to rest, and don’t want to be shameless.

No, to be precise, he is the leader of the navy.


In a rather grand-looking mansion.

Yao Wan clapped his hands, and after dozens of employees below looked at him, he shouted angrily: “Brothers, thank you for your hard work. This month’s bonus will be doubled.”


As Yao Wan finished speaking, cheers immediately erupted from below.

“But.” Yao Wan waited quietly, and until the cheering stopped, he continued to laugh and curse: “You have to do a good job this time, and do it well, otherwise let alone the bonus, you will get the shit.”

Hearing his words, an employee below was holding a cigarette and typing on the keyboard with his fingers and said without looking back: “Don’t worry, boss, how could this not be a good job? We are not the only ones now. I heard that there are many All my colleagues have joined in. If this messes things up, we will really have to eat shit. You see, even the barrage and comments are turned off on the other side.”

Yao Wan glanced at the computer screen, nodded, and acknowledged what the other party said.

As far as he knew, there were indeed many colleagues… or more appropriately, members of his own family who were also involved.

Nowadays, most of the trolls involved in this “work” are managed by the same company. They just talk about the company, but what they do is not visible to the public, so they usually have very little interaction.

There is no need to meet.

Because even though they are ‘family members’, there is only so much business, and there will always be fights, and those who stand in the way of people’s wealth are enemies.

The reason why several “family members” can cooperate sincerely this time is also very simple.


The person who invited them this time was very rich. He waved the banknotes in his hand and said, “I want them all.”

It’s not easy to meet someone who has been taken advantage of, so how can you not satisfy him?

It is a must.

So all the ‘own family’ were dispatched.

Originally, there was no need for so many people. He, Yao Wang, and a group of brothers would be enough. Don’t look at the fact that there are only a few dozen people here. These dozens of people are just leaders. There are countless people working for him below, like For a person like Yao Wan, who has been active in the battleground of major celebrities’ fights and tricks all year round, such things as lowering the animation rating and blowing up the barrage and comment areas are really not a big deal and can be done in minutes.

But I can’t stand the amount of money they give me.

If the other party gives money, then the other party is the boss, and the boss has the final say.

And so many people came out, it was indeed quite spectacular, but the other party’s request was a bit strange. In addition to the basic requirements, they also specifically told them to emphasize the word “go home” when they were brushing, but they were not allowed to insult the young man. Beautiful animation supervision.

I don’t know whether I want to blackmail the other party or protect the other party.

But Yao Wan couldn’t care about this matter, and he didn’t want to care about it. He just did it and made money.

“The next thing is Twitter.”

Yao Wan came back to his senses and looked at the brothers below.

“no problem.”

“Do not worry.”

“It’ll be fine in a moment.”

His employees responded one after another.

Yao Wan nodded and turned to leave.

But before he could walk out the door, an employee suddenly laughed and said, “Hey, I didn’t expect that the audience for this shabby animation is quite cohesive. A lot of people actually trolled us.”

Yao Wan heard it.

He stopped abruptly, turned around, and said: “Then spray them back! Spray them until they dare not speak. Damn it, when it comes to spraying people, who do our navy have to be afraid of?”

When he said this, he was so proud.

Just when some people feel uncomfortable because of animation, some people are happy because they caught a thief and made money.

Gu Xue is sitting in her seat, drawing her best original painting.


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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