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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 246 Da Qingyi and Daoma Dan

“By the way, when will you let me go.”

Gu Xue exuded a sunny aura. After giggling for a while, she was probably annoyed by Mihara Chisa’s annoying fingers. She came back to her senses, looked at the original drawing paper on the table, and wanted to get down to business. .

Because of Miss Mihara.

The slightly uncomfortable feeling in Gu Xue’s heart had disappeared just now. At this moment, she didn’t want to do anything but work.


Chisa Mihara was still holding Gu Xue’s face, but after Gu Xue came back to her senses, her finger movements no longer dared to be so obvious.

As for herself, she was absent-minded and in the midst of a battle between heaven and man.

Gu Xue turned sideways, held her waist, and said softly: “Why are you waiting? It’s very late. Although I am very grateful for you to accompany me, shouldn’t it be time for you to go home and sleep? Don’t worry, I’ve already It’s okay, I’ll go back after drawing this card.”

Gu Xue didn’t think much about Chisa Mihara’s intimate actions. After all, it wasn’t just a day or two.

Ms. Mihara sat on her thighs…

Gu Xue didn’t think there was anything wrong with letting Miss Mihara go like this. If it was a man who dared to do this, Gu Xue would have taken action long ago. If Sato Ei, that husky, dared to do this, Gu Xue would have taken action long ago, but If it’s Miss Mihara, forget it.

This is a silent and slow change.

Even Gu Xue didn’t notice it.

She wouldn’t have thought this way before. Miss Mihara would blush and be embarrassed if she was too intimate.

You may feel a little embarrassed when you interlock your fingers the first time, but what about the two times?

The first time Miss Mihara touched her forehead and touched her lips a little, Gu Xue felt so shy that she wanted to die.

But it got better after that.

The bottom line in her heart was getting lower and lower, but Gu Xue didn’t notice it at all.

This has something to do with Gu Xue’s trust in Mihara Chisa, and it also has something to do with Mihara Chisa’s unreserved dedication and unreasonable stand on Gu Xue’s side in any situation.

“Can’t you just paint again tomorrow?”

After hearing Gu Xue’s words, Chisa Mihara, who was holding Gu Xue’s face in the battle between heaven and man, chose to drag her.

“Although it is enough time.” Gu Xue glanced at the original painting on the table, “Even if I have to travel far next week to attend the premiere of “Little Witch Academia: Magic Parade”, it is still enough. . But for something like the original painting, after it’s decided, the sooner it’s done, the better. No one knows if there will be any accidents. What if I’m late when I come back? And finish it early, so as to reserve more time for the center cut later. Color photography, maybe the quality can be better.”

“Then there’s no need to wait all night.”

Chisa Mihara continued to deflect the topic.

In this way, Gu Xue, who talked endlessly about her work, would not notice the small movements of her fingers at all.

The fact was just as Mihara Chisa expected.

Gu Xue didn’t notice.

“It’s true that there is no need to rush this whole night, but…I won’t be willing to accept it, okay?”

Gu Xue took a deep breath and continued: “Now it is certain that someone has asked the navy to refresh our animation. I don’t know who that person is, and I have no way to do anything now, but I know one thing. Since the other party has hired someone to refresh our animation, , then you will definitely look down on the animation I am currently in charge of, that’s fine.”

“If you look down on it, look down on it, but the ratings and comments they give do not represent the thoughts of real viewers. I just look at how much money they have to spend. There are still eight episodes of the animation left to air, so I don’t believe that my animation is really as good as they say. It’s worthless, I don’t believe it. I don’t believe the animation’s rating will remain so low, so I’ll just use it up slowly. When the animation is finished, I don’t believe the rating won’t go back up, although it sounds like blind confidence without any basis. But I just don’t believe it! Now I’ve decided to slap the other person in the face with my work! Even though I don’t know who the other person is.”

Gu Xue raised her head slightly, her eyebrows raised, and her autumn-like eyes were full of stubbornness and confidence that were rarely seen in ordinary times.

Chisa Mihara, who kept whining and chirping but refused to let go of Gu Xue’s face, looked at Gu Xue like this, and the balance in her heart began to tilt sharply to one side.


Gu Xue soon achieved success.

One second she was full of confidence, but the next second she shrunk her shoulders and whispered like a thief: “I’m going to tell you this alone. Don’t tell anyone, otherwise the animation will be finished and the ratings will be lost.” If there is no recovery, it would be embarrassing…”

Chisa Mihara: “…”

“Why are you looking at me like this? What I’m telling you is the truth.” Gu Xue smiled, “Confidence is confidence, but I know very well that animation, or all literary and artistic works, has never been said to be ‘certain’. Animation made with masculine ambition and resources with the mentality of “I want hegemony” may not be liked by anyone. An animation made with the mentality of “I want to make some money” may also become the dark horse of the year. No matter who it is , I can’t say that I can guarantee that I can guess the audience’s thoughts and preferences. If there were such a person, the industry would have been full of original works.”

“But if you don’t have confidence in the work you create, that’s okay. I have always felt that it is a good thing to have confidence. Just like I know in my heart, the effect of the sequels of “Embracing a Better Tomorrow” will be No one can guarantee what will happen, not even me, but if even I don’t have confidence in the performance of the next animation, start to deny myself, hesitate, and tie my hands, what will happen to the animation? I don’t know. But I You know, whether the audience likes the animation produced like this or not, I don’t like it anyway.”

“But then again.”

Gu Xue put her arms around Chisa Mihara’s waist and seemed to have thought of something interesting. She said happily: “Confidence is self-confidence, but there is really no need to go around saying, “How many animations can I make?” How much, if I can’t sell, I will quit the group, etc.” If you tell me, it’s fine if you achieve it, but what if you don’t achieve it? Wouldn’t it become a joke…”

Chisa Mihara: “…”

Looking at Gu Xue with a cheerful expression, happiness replaced confidence in her brows.

During the battle between Zhengtian and others, one end of the scale in Mihara Chisa’s heart hit the bottom. When it hit the bottom, she also threw away another thought.

She even forgot to cover it up. Her thumb slid across Gu Xue’s red lips, landed on her teeth, and pressed down gently.


Gu Xue, who was about to say something, was startled. She stopped talking and glared at her, “It’s almost time to let go of my face, right? Can I still paint? How long has it been? And what are you doing?” Well?”

Chisa Mihara: “…”

Gu Xue saw Mihara Chisa staring at him like a piece of wood, feeling angry and funny. Thinking that Mihara Chisa didn’t have the guts anyway, she deliberately said like a little fox: “Speak, look straight. What are you doing with me? Do you want to kiss me? Then kiss me!”

Just say it.

Gu Xue still closed her eyes.

Chisa Mihara… directly and directly threw the balance in her heart. She took a deep breath suddenly, summoned up great courage, and put the possible serious consequences behind her. She really stood up slightly and moved her head closer. Gu Xue.


But at this moment…

A sullen voice sounded not far away: “What are you going to do to my sister!?”

This sound was like spring thunder exploding.

Gu Xue’s shoulders shrank.

Mihara Chisa’s body stiffened.


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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