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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 263 It’s over


While the elegant, easy-going and polite Li Yuduo was furiously typing on the keyboard.

The other side of the city.


Gu Xue, who didn’t know anything yet, held her cheek with one hand and looked at Sato Ei and the other three who were changing cups and cups, with a look of lack of interest on their faces.

The food at the izakaya did not disappoint Gu Xue.

Very delicious.

It’s better to say it’s overly delicious.

Because Gu Xue was hungry and didn’t drink, she was half-full as soon as the food she ordered came. After all the food she ordered came, she was full.

But she was full, but Sato Ei and the three fish hunters had just entered the state…

So the next time.

Gu Xue could only watch Sato and the other three people changing cups.

To be honest, it’s quite boring.

But Gu Xue was not so embarrassed to say that she wanted to go back.

After all, it is rare to come out once, and people like Sato Ei are not unfamiliar people. Although Gu Xue seems to be dispensable now, it is the same whether he is here or not…

But whether she drinks or not is one thing, whether she leaves early is another.

Gu Xue can still tell this clearly.

As for joining the enemy army…

Don’t know why.

Gu Xue…no matter she is now or herself in her long memory, she doesn’t know how to drink.

Of course you can drink it forcefully.

After all, in theory, even if you pee, you can hold your nose and hold your nose firmly to make it stuffy.

Not to mention something as ‘edible’ as wine.

But Gu Xue couldn’t guarantee what would happen after drinking it.

Anyway, she vaguely remembered that in her distant memory, she had a very poor drinking capacity and a very poor quality of wine…

As for the current self, Gu Xue has no memory of drinking, and is probably still a weakling.

Therefore, it is impossible to join.

“Hey, can you give me back your phone?”

But if you don’t join, it would be really boring.

Gu Xuejue looked around with beautiful eyes, and finally stopped at Chisa Mihara.


Miss Mihara also drinks.

But there is no heroic atmosphere at all.

It’s worse than Gu Xue drinking juice.

It’s even more incomparable to Sato Ei.

Sato Ei… Just now, she probably had been squeezed too much, and now she wanted to take revenge or complain. She glared at Chen An and Sekiya Acheng, grabbed the cup and drank two glasses of beer. , and then turned over the cup very boldly.

His expression didn’t change.

When Chen An and Guangu Acheng saw this scene, their faces turned green…

And Miss Mihara always holds the cup with both hands and takes a sip. Those who don’t know think she is drinking warm water…

“I can’t pay you back…”

Mihara Chisa was stared at by Gu Xue, and she turned slightly to the side stiffly.

Gu Xue held her cheek and said boredly: “I can still watch it when I go back, why do I need to do this? Besides, I, Gu Xue, have never seen any big winds and waves, so have I ever been afraid of being brushed off. Besides, do you know that for modern people? Say, what does a mobile phone mean? It means a second life. Taking someone’s mobile phone is basically equivalent to taking someone’s beloved wife…”

Chisa Mihara: “…”

“Does senior have any shameful photos on his cell phone? Or is there a man!”

Sato Ei, who seemed to have no rival when it came to drinking, happened to hear Gu Xue’s words and immediately became excited.

She left Chen An and Guangu Acheng, who were both turning green, and turned to look at Gu Xue with bright eyes.

Gu Xue rolled her eyes.

About to answer.

But a step too late, Chisa Mihara answered for her.

“No.” Chisa Mihara took a sip of wine, “Just some… very strange pictures.”


With a look of disbelief, Sato Ei was keenly aware that Mihara Chisa had just hesitated for a while, and she immediately started to ask questions as she was full of gossip.

Chen An and Sekiya Acheng also secretly glanced at Chisa Mihara.

“…” Chisa Mihara thought for a while, but did not answer. Instead, she put down her wine glass and took out Gu Xue’s mobile phone.

Gu Xue rolled her eyes again when she saw this scene, but she was too lazy to stop it.

Anyway, there is nothing wrong with my mobile phone.

She hates taking selfies, and she has no interest in taking pictures of others.

Just a few people chatting.

There is nothing on her phone.

In other words… there are more emoticons and sand sculptures.

And what Chisa Mihara showed to Sato Ei, who was burning with gossip, was Gu Xue’s emoticons and sand sculptures.

And the opening was a lightning strike.

On the screen of the mobile phone, a little person who was obviously hand-drawn in pencil was facing Sato Ei. It was quite cute, but she raised her short middle finger to match the FUC*~

Not so cute.

The excited Sato Ei looked at the little man on the screen of his mobile phone, his smile froze.

The corners of Chen An and Guangu Acheng’s mouths twitched, always feeling like they were being scolded.

Chisa Mihara swiped the screen.

Next one.

The villain is holding what appears to be a mace in one hand and making a waving motion with the other hand.

“Put your head over here and I’ll give you a BUFF.”

Next one…

Dozens of emoticons with similar characters but different expressions and words were displayed in front of Sato Ei one by one.

Sato Ei finally couldn’t help it anymore, pressed the phone raised by Mihara Chisa, and said speechlessly: “Senior, what are you doing usually? These are all your drawings…”

Gu Xue held her cheek and said lazily: “Last time on the forum, someone competed with me for drawings. I couldn’t get angry, so I took some time to draw a few pictures during the break. How about it? Little Beifang is cute.”

“It’s okay to draw a little bit…”

Thinking of the dozens of emoticons he had just seen, and of the fact that Gu Xue’s usual break between work was only a few dozen minutes at most, the corner of Sato Ei’s mouth twitched again.

Dou Tu is okay!

I took the time to draw a few pictures, okay!

There’s not a single handsome guy on the phone, it’s just emoticons and sandbox pictures, so that’s okay!

They are obviously about the same age…

They are obviously all girls…



The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

Sato Ei was so cowardly that he ignored Chisa Mihara’s murderous gaze, picked up the wine glass, and handed it to Gu Xue with an expression that said if you don’t drink, I will fight you to the death.

Gu Xue: “…”

“Just one bite!”

Seeing Gu Xue’s face, Sato Ei suddenly and inexplicably softened her heart.

Gu Xue: “…”

Looking at the foamy beer in front of her, Gu Xue was actually a little curious about her current drinking capacity.

In addition, Sato Ei seems to have drunk too much.

The wine was served again.

Well, the main thing is boring.

So Gu Xue picked up the cup, thought about it, and took a sip.

It’s actually okay when you first enter.

So Gu Xue took another deep breath.

Not bad.

Take another sip.


One minute later.

Gu Xue put down the half-filled glass of beer and exhaled.

Chisa Mihara was a little worried. After glaring at Ei Sato, she moved next to Gu Xue and asked, “Are you okay?”

“Miss Miyuan.” Gu Xue turned her head and looked happy, “I seem to be able to drink…”

But he wasn’t done yet.

A bright blush crept onto her face.


Getting redder and redder.

at last.

Gu Xue even fell directly on top of Chisa Mihara who was sitting over.


Chisa Mihara hugged Gu Xue’s head: “…”

Sato Ei: “…”

Too good to die.

Just when Chisa Mihara and Ei Sato were messy in the wind.

The phone rang.

Gu Xue’s cell phone.

Chisa Mihara picked it up hurriedly.

One look at the name.

Her delicate body trembled.

Because the caller clearly wrote: Sister…


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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