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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 266 Kuo Nai

inside the room.

Gu Xue, who had been making a fuss for a while, rubbed her cheek against Gu Rou and asked, “Sister, am I rich and patient?”

“Lovely Lovely.”

Gu Rou hugged Gu Xue and replied helplessly.

Gu Xue, whose face was red, nodded with satisfaction, lay back on Gu Rou, and closed her eyes.

But she didn’t calm down for a while.

“Then why don’t you hold me tight!”

Gu Xue suddenly raised her head again and glared at Gu Rou.


Gu Rou glared back at Gu Xue.

Gu Rou has experienced such nonsensical conversations many times.


Gu Xue just didn’t want to sleep peacefully.

And Gu Rou.

He also has no temper at all.

Gu Rou glared at Gu Xue, but finally failed to lose her temper. Instead, she comforted her softly: “I’ll hold her tight.”

“No, you didn’t.”

Gu Xue shook her head, broke away from Gu Rou’s arms, turned over, supported the mattress with both hands, and stuffed herself into Gu Rou’s arms again with a little effort.


Gu Xue got a ‘mattress’ that was softer than a mattress…

“This is how to hold tight!”

Gu Rou: “…”

“Hold on tight!”

Gu Rou: “…”


Wait a minute and I will really call the police! !!

Gu Rou was about to collapse upstairs.

Sato Ei and Mihara Chisa in the living room downstairs were very calm.

After all, they didn’t know what was going on.

Although they are only one floor apart, the sound insulation effect is still good after closing the door.

That’s right.

Although Gu Rou looked wary.

But in the end, she agreed to let Chisa Mihara stay.

Probably because she was a girl and it was so late.

As for Sato Ei, seeing that Chisa Mihara was staying, of course she didn’t want to go back alone, so she naturally stayed there.

Gu Rou introduced them to the house, took down a lot of bedding from upstairs, and then went upstairs.

At this moment, Chisa Mihara and Ei Sato are packing the bedding on the sofa.

One sofa per person.

They complement each other…

“Hey, Miss Mihara, is there still an empty room upstairs?”

Sato Ei, who was packing the bedding, glanced secretly in the direction of the stairs and asked cautiously.

Not that she complained.

She just felt a little strange.

Chisa Mihara said softly: “Didn’t Gu Xue’s sister just say that? There is no bed in the room, and it is full of sundries. It is not as comfortable as a sofa.”

“There is another room there. I just saw Sister Gu Rou entering the same bedroom as my senior… Senior also often said that he slept with his sister…”

“We are staying the night.”

“That’s right. I’m not complaining or anything. It’s really not the case. The sofa is quite comfortable. I don’t have any dissatisfaction. I just feel weird.”

Sato Ei packed up the bedding, took off her coat and sat in. After covering herself with a small quilt, she continued: “Don’t you think so? When I looked at Gu Rou and let us sleep on the sofa, I hesitated for a while. It was obvious that there was She meant to let us stay in the room. But then she glanced upstairs, and for some reason, she showed a wary look the next second, left us and ran away…”

“Made us look like the bad guys.”

“Even if we are bad guys, we are not enough to fight her…”

“What does she need to guard against? It can’t be because of seniors, right? Then there is no need to guard against us. What can we do, although I really want to see seniors get drunk and crazy… Eh? Miss Mihara, why are you blushing?”

Probably because of drinking.

Sato Ei was lying on the sofa and was particularly talkative.

But talking and talking.

Sato Ei discovered something that made her feel even stranger.

Miss Mihara blushed inexplicably.


Chisa Mihara ignored her.

He quickly took off his coat, lay down on the sofa, and covered his head with the quilt.


As soon as she told her about staying overnight at the door, Mihara Chisa regretted it.

After all, she was caught by Gu Rou holding Gu Xue’s face in the company last time. Although Mihara Qiansa was not sure that Gu Rouqing didn’t know her intentions, she was sure to be on guard.

If you rush to stay overnight now, it might make the other party’s impression worse.


If everything could be treated rationally, Chisa Mihara would not be a woman…

After seeing Gu Xue saying goodbye silently, as if she was drunk but not drunk.

Chisa Mihara immediately didn’t want to leave…

I even want to stay longer…

She wanted to be closer…a little closer.

So as soon as her mind got hot, she expressed her desire to stay.

Then…then she was naturally guarded by Gu Rou…


Seeing that Chisa Mihara suddenly covered her head with a quilt and was going to sleep.

After drinking, Sato Ei felt a little disappointed as she still had nothing to say.

She begged a few times.

Chisa Mihara showed no reaction.

The only audience is gone.

Sato E felt uncomfortable holding back again.

at last.

She simply started talking to herself…

She rambled on and on a lot.

Chisa Mihara, who was actually not asleep yet, hid under the quilt, listening silently but not speaking.

Time passes slowly.

Just when Chisa Mihara felt tired, she was really about to fall asleep.

Sato Ei, who was in high spirits, suddenly changed his mind.

“Hmm… Actually, I don’t blame Gu Rou for being so nervous and guarding against us. After all, she doesn’t feel safe. Although it’s the first time I’ve met her, I know that her father is a scumbag and her mother is also a scumbag. The two of them can play off their invisible marriage…and her dad is not only a scumbag, but also a person who wants me to sleep with him…ah, it’s so annoying anyway.”

It was clearly Sato Ei who was the first to complain, but now she is comforting Mihara Chisa…

But these are small things compared to what she said.

When Chisa Mihara heard Sato Ei’s words, her sleepiness disappeared instantly.

She suddenly lifted the quilt, sat up and looked at Sato Ei: “What did you just say!?”


Sato Ei didn’t seem to expect that Chisa Mihara would have such a big reaction, or she didn’t expect that Chisa Mihara was still asleep. In short, she was startled. At the same time, this scare also woke up her groggy head. Finally realized what I just said…

“…I, I, I’m so dizzy! I’m going to die! Ah~”

The stunned Sato Ei paused for a second.

Measures were taken immediately.

She began to pretend to be crazy, and before Chisa Mihara continued to ask questions, she pulled the quilt over her head at lightning speed.

The next second.

A gentle snore came from inside the quilt…

Chisa Mihara: “…”

For many people, this night was an ordinary and quiet night, no different from countless nights in the past.

But for some people.

Tonight is another special night.

For example, for the audience of “Embracing a Better Tomorrow”.

For example, it was the first time for Gu Rou to deal with a drunk sister who was hopeless.

For example…for a certain scumbag named by Sato Ei.

In a veritable ‘manor’.

The scumbag described by Sato Ei opened the fifth episode of “Embracing a Better Tomorrow” in a happy mood.


It’s a bit strange that a middle-aged man over fifty would click on this, but when you think about the supervision of this animation, it makes sense…

The animation plays.

This scumbag is in a good mood.

Didn’t last long.

Staring at the screen attentively, he soon saw dense barrage.

The scolding of the animation, the cynicism of the production team, and the slander of Gu Xue… This scumbag’s face slowly turned livid.

The more I look at it, the greener it becomes…

Struggling to survive until the end of the animation.

This scumbag couldn’t bear it anymore.

He… nervously took out his cell phone and dialed a number that he had originally planned not to contact.


The call got through.

But after two rings, the call was hung up without mercy.

at the same time.

A text message was sent.

Be concise and to the point.

“Dead pinch.”

Gu Xiao: “…”


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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