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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 267 Witchcraft

No matter what happened.

Time will not stop.

The night passed quickly.

This night.

Of course everyone’s feelings are different.

Some people may simply take a nap.

Some people find it difficult.

Others feel that the sky is falling.

And Gu Xue…

He is the kind of person who ‘simply slept and didn’t know anything’.

When Gu Xue woke up, it was already noon.

Wake up without any pain.

Gu Xue had not experienced this feeling for a long time.

What could be more satisfying than sleeping until you wake up naturally?


Anyway, for Gu Xue.


In this kind of weather that can already be considered winter, hiding in a warm bed with an even warmer ‘cuddle pillow’ next to it is simply heaven.


The only flaw that Gu Xue felt was probably that the ‘cushion’ next to her was too tight and a bit strangling…

I felt fine when I first woke up, but I couldn’t stand being held for longer.

“What is this for…”

Gu Xue complained softly, held Gu Rou’s shoulders and moved back gently.

She could only complain in a low voice.

Although Gu Xue was drunk last night, she was not completely drunk. She vaguely remembered that… she seemed to have done a lot of stupid things, and she had troubled Gu Rou for a long time.

If this wakes up Gu Rou now, and the two of them look at each other on the bed, Gu Xue has reason to believe that she will be dealt with…

Therefore, the movements must be gentle…

While Gu Xue was thinking about something, she moved back, broke away from Gu Rou’s arms, and got out of bed lightly.

The process was quite smooth.

Gu Rou was probably so exhausted that she showed no signs of waking up.

Just after getting out of bed.

Got into a little trouble.

Gu Xue found that she could not find her mobile phone.

As a modern person, waking up without finding your phone is, in a sense, even more unacceptable than waking up and finding yourself transformed into a girl.

At least this is the case for Gu Xue…

But she searched around and couldn’t find the phone.

Could it be that Chisa Mihara didn’t come back?

Just when Gu Xue thought that the phone was not in this room, she was about to give up.

Gu Rou suddenly turned over and stretched out a white arm from the quilt.

What she was holding tightly in her hand was Gu Xue’s cell phone.

Gu Xue: “…”

Carefully spread Gu Rou’s fingers.

After a little effort, Gu Xue finally got her phone back. After confirming that there were no signs that Gu Rou had woken up, she carefully stuffed her arms back into the quilt. After doing so, she exited the room.


Close the door gently.

Gu Xue breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, I no longer need to be cautious.

She combed her long hair that was fried after a long sleep with one hand, and woke up her phone screen to look at it.

The phone stays on the text message page.

But Gu Xue looked through it, but found no record of sending or receiving letters, so she simply thought that Gu Rou accidentally pressed the wrong button, so she didn’t pay much attention to it. Jogged downstairs.

It’s just that Gu Xue hasn’t been wild for a few minutes.

I was shocked again by the scene in the living room.

Suddenly I found two people lying on the sofa at home…

Who wouldn’t be shocked?

Gu Xue just saw this scene and almost called the police…

If Sato Ei hadn’t been dishonest when sleeping, she would have fallen off the sofa, allowing Gu Xue to see her profile.

I actually called the police.

“Today is full of surprises…”

Gu Xue looked at Sato Ei’s very restless sleeping figure, and then at Miss Mihara who was breathing slowly. She smiled and did not disturb them. Instead, she slowed down and walked into the toilet as quietly as possible.

It was more than an hour later when Gu Xue came out of the toilet.

Mainly because I went to an izakaya last night.

Although she didn’t drink much to get drunk, the smell of cigarette and alcohol on her body was a bit unpleasant after staying there for a long time.

After using the toilet.

Gu Xue thought that she might as well take a shower.

Then she thought that she had to take a shower, so she might as well wash her hair…

She lingered in the toilet like this for more than an hour.

It’s been a long time.

But it feels good to come out refreshed.

It was a bit difficult for Gu Xue to forget to bring a change of clothes. In the end, she had no choice but to run out wrapped in a bath towel and planned to go upstairs to change again.

Gu Xue walked out of the bathroom.

The living room was quiet.

She glanced at Sato Ei and Mihara Chisa who didn’t seem to have gotten up yet on the sofa, and walked softly towards the stairs.

Chisa Mihara and Ei Sato were lying on the sofa without any movement.

He seemed to be still asleep.


Just then Gu Xue breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately approaching the stairs.

There was a sudden pull at the end of the bath towel…

Gu Xue’s delicate body trembled and she almost died of fright.

She quickly raised her right hand to hold the joint of the towel on her chest, otherwise the towel would fall off. Then she quickly turned her head and glared at Chisa Mihara who was lying on the sofa.

“What are you doing?”

Chisa Mihara, who had woken up at some point but was motionless, looked at Gu Xue, blinked and said, “Good morning.”

“You’re welcome, it’s noon now, and you don’t have to pull my bath towel to say good morning. It’s about to fall off, let go!”


Mihara Chisa blinked again, looked at Gu Xue, whose skin was white and rosy because she had just taken a shower, and seemed to have ‘steam’ rising all over her body, and said, “Give me your hand.”


Although Gu Xue looked confused, she still subconsciously stretched out her little hand.

Chisa Mihara let go of the towel, grabbed her hand, sat up from the sofa, and pulled hard.

“Come here for a moment…”

“I’m better than you! Don’t go too far, Chisa Mihara. What are you doing? I’m going to change clothes.”

Gu Xue staggered towards the sofa, trying to break away from Mihara Chisa’s hand, but she had no energy left to protect the towel, so she was pulled over in the end.

“Soon, just in a while…”

“Wait a minute, do you know that your tone of voice is very dangerous? It always makes people feel like those little girls who lie to others and say, ‘I won’t go in for a while.’ You should be more normal, Chisa Mihara!”

Chisa Mihara: “…”

Although Gu Xue seemed to be resisting, what he said was not… that pleasing to the ear.

But Chisa Mihara pulled her over surprisingly easily.

This is probably because…his mouth is too honest for his body.

“Tell me what’s going on.”

Gu Xue, who was finally pulled over, held the towel and sat at one end of the sofa, looking at Chisa Mihara who was sitting up.

Somewhat helpless.

But Chisa Mihara didn’t do anything strange.

She just reached out and touched Gu Xue’s rosy and slightly hot face, and said with concern: “It’s cold now. If you don’t apply some skin cream just after taking a shower, your face will feel uncomfortable. Wait a minute, I remember Sato Ei You brought a bag, let me look for it…”

“You…” Looking at Chisa Mihara who was about to lift the quilt and get off the sofa, Gu Xue had a question mark on her head, “Is this why you did it? You pulled me here just because of this? Just lie back!”

Gu Xue pushed her back speechlessly: “Don’t bother me, and don’t worry about my face. Gu Rou will put something unknown on my face every night, just like performing some kind of witchcraft ritual.” Same……”

“…So I’m an old witch, right?”

Gu Xue hasn’t finished speaking yet.

A voice full of resentment came from the stairs.

Gu Xue was shocked.


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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