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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 272 Wonderful Experience 1

Just when Gu Xue became angry and prepared to attack our friendly forces.

The other side of the city.

A navy studio.

There was also a group of people who stayed up all night and stayed up all night.

A night of fierce fighting.

The entire studio was full of haggard people, and the air was filled with a strong smell of smoke and taurine, which was pungent and choking.

But the people inside didn’t seem to notice it, or were already accustomed to the smell, and were unmoved, not even opening the windows.

Perhaps, many people think of trolls as robots that can only repeat a sentence like a repeater to achieve their goals.

This kind of trolls does exist, and repeaters are indeed machine-generated, like those that are the same and virally bombarded, such as the ‘Follow xxx’ in a newly launched live broadcast room, or under certain posts The ‘XXX sanctimonious bala bala’, or the ‘shady soldiers’ in certain voting activities, all belong to this kind of trolls.

But this is the lowest level of trolls. Although it is posted quickly and its coverage is easy to spread, it is also very convenient to attack. If you are willing, you can even block accounts and delete posts in seconds, because it is too easy to identify, and there are many People can tell at a glance that this is a brush, and the effect is average.

The main force, or the backbone, of the trolls still relies on manual publishing, such as generally brushing comments, brushing clicks, writing drafts, etc., which generally fall into this category.

This kind of trolls can easily drive public opinion.

That’s how people are.

Even if you don’t understand something or someone, when you see a post full of curses, you will be more or less affected. You will make subjective assumptions, take sides, and even curse one or two sentences.

In addition to the above two types of trolls, there is also a higher-end one. For example, if you want to smear someone, the other party can directly give you a package… including how many topic posts on which website, how many replies on each of them, and which ones. Self-media bloggers will post messages of support, etc…

Very expensive.

But this effect is excellent.

The whole incident of “Embracing a Better Tomorrow” being criticized this time actually falls into the third category. It is a ‘big package’, including lowering the animation score, barrage bombardment, disturbing the comment area, self-media posts, etc.

And the navy studio where Li Duduo and others had a fierce battle last night was just one part of the entire package.

However, although it is only one link, it does not mean that this navy studio is weak.

They belong to that kind of middle-class navy studio. They have thousands to tens of thousands of accounts on various well-known websites. They have a group of full-time hotshots, low-level people who can write hundreds of replies in a few minutes. There are also great writers who can write articles and talk about things in Xhu and the like. They have professional order management, and they also have more than ten groups and a “part-time navy army” of nearly 10,000 people.

Although in the troll industry, this studio is not considered top-notch, because the top trolls can even rely on public opinion to ‘blackmail’ others, but even if it is not the top, this studio is at least middle-to-upper-class, with some ordinary stars. They are fully capable of guiding public opinion.

Not to mention the ‘small job’ of writing animation reviews.

If it weren’t for the high money paid for this job, Brother Long, the person in charge of the studio, wouldn’t even look at it. The studio would just hire one person and two or three people to get it done.

But this ‘little job’ that Brother Long looked down upon had the biggest surprise since the studio was founded last night.

They actually lost the fight.

This sentence sounds strange at first.

As the saying goes, there is no first place in literature and no second place in force. In a confrontation like this, it is actually difficult to tell the winner. Even if one side is justified and convinced by most people, it is completely possible as long as the opponent does not admit defeat. They covered their ears and eyes, pretended not to know anything, and continued to talk in an “elegant and easy-going” manner.

Therefore, many times, the confrontation ends with self-victory and mutual hatred.

But how can the navy use this method of self-victory? Do they still need the money?

Of course we can’t do without it.

They, or the person in charge, Brother Long, has their own set of standards for winning and losing.

In his navy studio, the most important thing is the publishing speed and coverage. For things like posting comments, it must be done as quickly as possible. Within ten minutes, the entire comment area was filled with comments that were abusive, slanderous or provocative. It’s the best, because it allows the first person to see the comment section to form a subjective impression…of course in a bad way.

In fact, they did quite well before.

In the comments section of the animation “Embrace a Better Tomorrow”, they have absolute dominance in the previous episodes.

But in the comments section of the fifth episode aired last night, they lost their dominance…

As for how to lose it…

“Brother Long.”

A professional rusher below shouted.

Brother Long, who was sitting in his seat, smoking decadently, raised his head.

“I can’t stand it anymore.”

The man in charge looked tired and spoke concisely.

Hearing someone speaking out first, most people in the studio raised their heads and looked at Brother Long. It was obvious that they couldn’t stand it anymore.

How did they lose their dominance?

Because the audience of “Embrace a Better Tomorrow” are more like trolls than they are…

In the second half of the night, a troll wrote a comment saying “garbage animation”, and the next second.

There will be three replies.

They are ‘NMSL’, ‘NBSL’ and ‘WDNMD’, often followed by the sentence “The trolls will kill the whole family…”

If the trolls reply again, the audience will change the sentence and reply three more sentences.

In short, it’s one against three.

This is just the beginning.

After discovering that these “elegant and easy-going” words can only let some onlookers who don’t know the truth know that there is a navy targeting animation, it has little impact on the navy.

The audience at “Embracing a Better Tomorrow” began to change their strategy, directly bypassing the trolls’ comments, and turned around to attack the trolls themselves…

Great writers from all walks of life appeared one after another. They did not mention the animation and started describing it directly from the first point of view.

For example, there is a review article in which the protagonist is a sailor. In the article, the sailor is a middle-aged man. Not only is he bald and greasy, but he also suffers from yin and yang… The whole story is like a needle hidden in a cotton wool, a strange yin and yang.

Moreover, great writers don’t just stop writing one article. A new version comes out in just a few minutes, covering all age groups, and hacking the trolls who write comments.

Many professional hotshots sitting in the studio will be sore and angry when they see this.

Not to mention the ‘part-time navy’ in their navy studio group.

As long as the trolls care, roll up their sleeves and start complaining with self-awareness, they are no longer trolls. The audience of “Embracing a Better Tomorrow” used this trick to successfully bring many enemies to the same level, and then started to curse… …

One night, a lot of jokes were made.

And until now, it’s not over yet…

Just when Brother Long was looking at the exhausted face, he was considering what to do next.

Another hot seller and order manager raised his head and shouted: “Brother Long, it’s no longer possible. Dozens of people in the group quit.”

“What are you doing?” Brother Long’s smoking hand shook.

The shooter was a little embarrassed and said, “They said there was a personal attack from the other side.”

Brother Long raised his slightly trembling hand, put down the cigarette, and twitched the corner of his mouth: “What the hell…”

The sailor yelled that he was physically attacked by others. He was really in trouble…


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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