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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 277 I like it

“gone back!”

Shirakawa Rina’s voice was not loud, but it could be heard that she was very angry.

And when she turned to leave, Gu Xue certainly wouldn’t stop her.

Neither will Chisa Mihara.

If there were only three people here, the matter would probably end here and break up on bad terms.

Fortunately, there are more than just three people here now.

There is also Miyamoto Fumihiro.

“where you go?”

Miyamoto Wenhui, who had just smiled like a young girl in Gu Xue’s eyes, suddenly put on a serious expression.

Shirakawa Rina suddenly stopped and said with a slightly trembling voice: “She said that we have a grudge and she won’t help me. Besides, she may not be able to help me. Sister Miyamoto, thank you, but… “

“Are you a three-year-old?”

Miyamoto Fumi interrupted her unceremoniously, and then said in a leisurely manner: “Did she reject you personally? She just asked in a low voice and really couldn’t stand it? You’re going to leave if you don’t even count the yin and yang.” !? She just dared to call me a fool, and I can bear it. Now you haven’t even said the request yourself, why should you leave!”

Gu Xue: “…”

Shirakawa Rina: “…”

“Don’t say such angry words to me as, ‘I don’t want her help.’ Now that we’re here, there’s no point in acting like that. We’re not here for a walk, and I don’t have a rein around my neck.”

After a pause, Gong Wenhui made another stab.

That’s really rude to say.


Shirakawa Rina’s shoulders shook, she took a deep breath, seemed to have made up her mind, and suddenly turned her head to look at Gu Xue.

A little aggrieved.

But fierce.

“please help me.”

He stuttered out.

Although the emotions contained in it are complex.


And Gu Xue.

He nodded directly in agreement.


Shirakawa Rina, who was about to face Gu Xue’s ridicule, was suddenly stunned.

The growing momentum of ‘I will fight you tooth and nail’ disappeared in an instant.


Miyamoto Megumi rubbed Shirakawa Rina’s head.

A little helpless, but also a little funny.

In a small reception room in a corner of the CDD Animation Workshop.

Gu Xue sat on the sofa, arms folded in front of her chest, with a serious look on her face.

Bai Chuan sat at the other end, holding a drawing and looking at Gu Xue.

She straightened her back as much as possible, trying hard to create a feeling of ’50/50 split between me and the other person’.

But it’s very realistic.

Gu Xue was taller than her, his waist was straighter than hers, and his aura was stronger than hers at this moment. Even his breasts… well, in short, she had no chance of winning when sitting with Gu Xue.

Chisa Mihara brought two bottles of green tea, but she did not stay in the reception room. She was taken away by Miyamoto Fumi.

As the door closes.

Gu Xue and Shirakawa Rina were the only two people left in the reception room.

The two were silent for a while.


Shirakawa Rina saw that Gu Xue had no intention of speaking, and was about to bite the bullet and speak first.

“Qiaodou Mada.”

Gu Xue raised her right hand to stop her from speaking, “Let me make a statement first.”

Shirakawa Rina: “…?”

“Let me make a statement first.”

Gu Xue repeated it, then glanced at the door of the reception room, and then continued with a straight face: “Now there are only two of us left here. I don’t know what you think, but if you take advantage of Gong Wenwen, If Hui is not here and acts petty again and says something like, ‘Humph, I don’t want your help,’ I will throw you out…”

Gu Xue imitated Shirakawa Rina’s tone and read out “Humph, I don’t want your help.”

Lifelike and very artificial…

“…” Shirakawa Rina’s eyes widened suddenly, and she said word by word: “I don’t know how to say such disgusting words!”

“Pfft…it’s really disgusting, I’m getting goosebumps.”

Gu Xue maintained a serious expression for a while, but finally she didn’t tense up. She rubbed her arm that had goosebumps and laughed.

Suddenly like a flower blooming.

Shirakawa Rina: “…” What kind of person is this!

“No kidding, show me a new chapter.”

After Gu Xue lamely enlivened the atmosphere, she immediately showed her true nature. With expectation and a little excitement, she leaned out of the long table in the reception room with both hands, and after saying “I’m not welcome”, He snatched the drawing from Shirakawa Rina’s hand.

Shirakawa Rina: “…”

Who is this!

We have a grudge! There is a grudge! There was a quarrel at the beginning of the animation! Add insult to injury before the show starts! I still feel unhappy with you!

Please respect my enemies!

“Following last month’s plot?”

After Gu Xue took the drawing, she asked casually.

Shirakawa Rina was stunned: “…you still read my comics?”

“Of course.” Gu Xue admitted readily.

Hearing Gu Xue’s answer, Shirakawa Rina was stunned again. She didn’t know what to say for a while, and finally she just squeezed out one sentence:

“We have a grudge.”

Gu Xue relaxed on the sofa and said lazily: “Even if you have a grudge, it can’t change the fact that I am the animation supervisor. You have to read the original work. Besides, the comics are also quite interesting. I like it so I’ll go see it.”

Still very refreshing.

Shirakawa Rina: “…”

Who is it…


Gu Xue opened the sketch of the new chapter brought by Rina Shirakawa, took a look at it, and changed the topic: “The storyboard is still like shit, and the drawing is not very good…”

“You!” Rina Shirakawa, who had just let go of her grudge, was so angry that she almost shouted and returned my emotion to me…

“It’s just bad.” Gu Xue turned over a page of drawings and said without raising her head: “Especially in the past few months, it’s all a mess. Sometimes I don’t even know what you drew if I don’t think about it carefully. The style of painting is also becoming more and more strange, and the plot is also very nonsensical…”

“…If you don’t like watching it, you can stop watching it.”

Shirakawa Rina took a deep breath and tried to maintain a calm tone.

Only in the case of comics, probably because of pride, she didn’t want to back down or get angry.


Gu Xue turned over a page of drawings again.

At the same time, he responded casually.

Shirakawa Rina: “…”

“Just wait a moment.”

I found that Shirakawa Rina finally stopped talking.

Gu Xue looked away from the drawing and raised her head, “I’ll finish reading what you brought before we talk. It’ll be soon. Please feel free to do it first.”

Say it.

Gu Xue ignored Shirakawa Rina and curled up at one end of the sofa, concentrating on reading the drawings that the latter brought.

Time passes slowly.

In fact, the drawings Shirakawa Rina brought were not many, almost equivalent to three episodes of the series, but Gu Xue did not read them quickly.

She occasionally frowned, occasionally showed a confused look, occasionally chuckled, occasionally yawned charmingly…

I don’t know if it looks good or not…

Shirakawa Rina, who was sitting across from her, wanted to look at her nose and nose, but it was really hard not to care about Gu Xue’s expression.

After all… the drawing Gu Xue is looking at now was drawn by her! Still very confident.


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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