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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 286 Too busy


It’s the same toilet, the same two people.

It took Gu Xue some time to recover from the state of brain freeze where she had no idea what was going on.

She was angry now.


This time it was really too much.



Gu Xue covered her chest and made it clear that her attitude was ‘I won’t listen, I won’t listen, the bastard chants sutras’.


Chisa Mihara took a step forward.

Gu Xue immediately took a step back and looked at her warily.

“……What are you doing?”

Chisa Mihara: “…”

Seeing Gu Xue’s face.

The blood receded slightly.

Sanity returns.

“What are you doing?” Gu Xue asked again.

Chisa Mihara said bravely: “…I will introduce my boyfriend to you.”

“I’m angry if you make such a joke again.”

Although Gu Xue is very slow about certain things, it does not mean that she will classify all Miss Mihara’s actions as a sign of closeness between friends. This time, she really got over it anyway.

“I am joking……”

“You can’t joke like this.”

“Like a boyfriend?”

“…The kind you just did!”


“Don’t pretend you don’t understand!”

Gu Xue looked really angry.

Chisa Mihara tucked her long hair behind her ears. After a moment of silence, she blushed and said, “I really don’t understand.”

“…” Gu Xue bit her silver teeth, “Mihara Chisa! You just, just pinched it, right!?”

“So this is what happened…”

Chisa Mihara tried her best to show the feeling of being calm and gentle.

Gu Xue took a deep breath: “You still don’t take it seriously…”

“Because it was an accident.” Chisa Mihara pursed her lips, “I didn’t mean to do it. I’m sorry, I turned my back to you and I don’t know where I put my hands…”

“Fart, you can’t even try to lie to me.”


“I do not believe.”


“I do not believe!”

“…” Chisa Mihara took a step forward and approached Gu Xue, “Really…”

“I do not believe!”

“Then how do you believe it?” Mihara Qiansha took a few steps forward again and approached Gu Xue, “I really didn’t mean it, and it’s not a big deal at all. Although I’m sorry, but… you really If you care, I, I can give it back to you…”

“Wha, what!?” Gu Xue’s tone changed, and she couldn’t keep the serious expression on her face, and her face turned red as if she was about to have a fever, “What are you talking about! Can this kind of thing be exchanged at equal value? The atmosphere suddenly became strange! Rolling, rolling…”

Mihara Chisa secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

I knew I had passed the test this time.


She didn’t expect Gu Xue’s reaction to be so big.

“Don’t you care…”

The test was passed, but Chisa Mihara didn’t seem to intend to pretend that nothing had happened.

It really can’t be treated as if nothing happened.

This has to be done by Gu Xue first, when will the head start…

So she took another step closer to Gu Xue.

“…Don’t come over.”

Gu Xue was still very wary, but compared to her previous attitude of ‘If you come near me again, I will break off our relationship with you’, her attitude this time was not so firm, and she was more shy.

So Mihara Chisa came to her smoothly.

He hugged her again smoothly.

“If you care, just take it back…”

“Can you please stop talking about this…Miss Mihara?”

Gu Xue held Miss Miyuan’s waist, thought for a while, and said helplessly: “Stop making trouble…and…”

Gu Xue paused.

Try to use tactful words and say: “Don’t you think this is a bit strange? I don’t care if you keep hugging me like this, but you are not afraid of others saying anything about you.”

Although what had just happened was over, Gu Xue calmed down and thought about it, and she still felt that this was not okay.

She and Chisa Mihara seem to be really close.

They usually hug and hug each other, sit on their laps, and occasionally kiss their foreheads.

This happened occasionally in the past.

Gu Xue didn’t even care.

But today I was troubled by Chisa Mihara.

Gu Xue found out.

What’s the difference between the two of them like this… and the light lily in some animations…

Don’t really bend Miss Mihara…

Even if there is no break, any bad rumors spread by then will probably trouble Miss Mihara.

And if it was true… what should she do?

She didn’t want Miss Mihara to be criticized.

Chisa Mihara said nervously: “No, there’s nothing strange about it.”

“It’s a bit strange…” Gu Xue struggled and broke away from Mihara Qiansha’s arms, “You will make people misunderstand. Let’s not do this kind of thing.”

“…Are you still angry? I was really…”

Chisa Mihara was a little panicked.

“No, no.” Gu Xue waved her hand, “I just knew you did it unintentionally, just…just…”

Gu Xue suddenly got stuck and couldn’t think of the right words.

“Hahaha, let me tell you, when I first came here, I saw Mr. Kigami. He looked like he was about to die suddenly.”

“You are too much…”

Good thing.

It just so happens.

There were voices outside the toilet door.

Gu Xue quickly stopped talking, patted her skirt, and said, “Miss Mihara, let’s go out. Anyway…that’s the way it is, go out and work.”

Say it.

Without waiting for Chisa Mihara’s answer, she opened the toilet door and ran out as if running away.

“Good evening, Director JK.”

“Good evening… But if you keep shouting like that, believe it or not, I’ll go there and file a lawsuit against you on the wood.”

“Sue it, he calls you that in private anyway…”


The voice of Gu Xue greeting the producer outside the door was clearly heard. After a few words of greeting, footsteps sounded and Gu Xue left.

The two people who were talking to Gu Xue outside the toilet door opened the toilet door. They were still talking and laughing at first, but when they saw Chisa Mihara staying where she was, their chatting and laughing stopped immediately.

Because Miss Mihara’s face is scary…

Sit back in your seat.

Gu Xue looked behind her and found that Miss Miyuan had not followed. She was a little worried and suspected that she had gone too far. She always felt like a big evil person…

“Supervisor, there is something wrong with the 288 card in the final episode of the animation. The original artist responsible for it said there is really nothing he can do about it, and Mr. Kigami is not here. Would you… like to take a look?”

It’s just that Gu Xue hasn’t been worried for long.

A production manager found Gu Xue.

Gu Xue put away her complicated thoughts, turned her chair and watched the production progress, and said, “Okay, let me see. Mr. Kigami has gone back to rest, right?”


“That’s good.”

Gu Xue responded, took the storybook handed over by the production manager, turned to the shot she mentioned, and took a look.

“Which original artist was responsible for this shot?” Gu Xue closed the storybook and asked.

“It’s Mr. Tanaka.”

“Is it Mr. Tanaka…” Gu Xue pondered for a moment, “It’s true that it’s a bit difficult for him, but let him try to draw it. It doesn’t matter how he draws it, at least he has to put pen to paper. Also, the painting supervisor of the final episode It’s Mr. Matsumoto, right? You asked him to draw too, bastard, it’s become a habit, he asked you to come to me, right?”

“As for the delivery date, you don’t have to worry, and you don’t need to contact other original paintings. I will be responsible for this card.”


The production manager breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s really great that the supervisor is all-round and reliable…

“Then you go and do your work first.”

Gu Xue handed the storyboard back to the other party, looked at the pile of original paintings piled beside her desk, and sighed: “I’m busy too, I shouldn’t have said that I wanted to check the original paintings…”

“Supervision is the strongest, come on.”

If Gu Xue remembers correctly, she was the newly arrived production lady. She raised her arms and made a cheering gesture towards Gu Xue with a red face.

The corner of Gu Xue’s mouth twitched: “Don’t…it’s better for you to act like a terrorist attack.”

“Supervisors are indeed the most venomous.”

Gu Xue: “…”

This kid… must be short-sighted.

Just when Gu Xue thought so.


Rapid footsteps sounded.

The innocent young lady in production was suddenly pushed aside, with a confused look on her face.

Chisa Mihara stood in front of Gu Xue and grabbed her little hand.

Gu Xue was a little surprised, raised her head slightly and said: “Miss Miyuan…”

Chisa Mihara puffed up her chest, took a deep breath, and suddenly shouted: “I want it.”

Because it’s too loud.

Most of the staff around Gu Xue raised their heads and looked here.

Gu Xue: “Eh…”

“I want it!”

Chisa Mihara yelled again stubbornly, this time in a smaller voice, but more excited.

There were tears in the corners of his eyes, and he was crying.

“Hey…Miss Mihara, Miss Mihara, don’t…”

Gu Xue was completely panicked and was about to stand up.

“Misunderstanding is misunderstanding! I…I originally…I wasn’t afraid of others misunderstanding!”

But Chisa Mihara pushed her back, sat on her lap, and hooked her neck with her hands…

Gu Xue: “???”


The confused production manager next to her came to her senses and said subconsciously: “Supervisors are indeed the strongest, and they are the most daring when it comes to boldness.”

Gu Xue turned her head and looked at the young lady who was doing the production, and said speechlessly: “Shut up…”

But fate seems to think the situation is not chaotic enough.

Just when Gu Xue was thinking about how to comfort Miss Mihara.

Another shout.

“Senior, you are not a human being! You always give up! You left me at home! But you and Miss Mihara are making love to each other. You are not a human being… Wow…”

Sato Ei, who was left at home by Gu Xue at noon and has now been completely forgotten, appeared in the hallway at some point, crying.


Gu Xue held Chisa Mihara in her arms and was facing the missing lady who was doing the production. She was surrounded by the curious eyes of the surrounding staff, and she also had to face the resentful eyes of Ei Sato…

“My life is over.”

Gu Xue suddenly raised her head and looked at the ceiling, feeling hopeless.

She could imagine what rumors would come out the next day if so many people saw this scene.

It is simply unbearable pain in life…


Gu Xue calmed down for a while and suddenly looked at Sato Ei.

“You guys are just too idle! You bastards! What are you doing! YUKI Studio will start a new project for me tomorrow! You, Chisa Mihara, give me money and find people. You, Ei Sato, enter the elementary school for me The original painting of Black House Painting, you! What do you call it! No matter, you are not from my YUKI studio anyway, so get out of here…”


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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