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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 291 ゴゴゴゴゴ

“I’m still fine.”

The nosebleed slowly flowed down, and there was a moist feeling on her lips, but Shirakawa Rina still pretended to be calm and raised her hand to signal Gu Xue not to panic.

“No, what’s wrong with you like this?” Gu Xue was not as calm as she was. Seeing her like this, he quickly dug into his pocket, found a tissue, hurriedly pulled it out, and wiped her nosebleed.

But nowhere to wipe it clean.

Gu Xue wiped to the right, and there was a bloodstain on the right side of Shirakawa Rina’s face. When she wiped to the left, there was a bloodstain on the left side of Shirakawa Rina’s face.

Directly symmetrical…

Then the nosebleeds continued to pop out…

Gu Xue: “…”

Momo tore a piece of paper in half, twisted it into a spiral with his fingers, and blocked Shirakawa Rina’s nose.

The nosebleed was effectively controlled.

It just makes Shirakawa Rina look a little stupid and makes her unable to breathe…

“I can’t breathe, Gu Xue.” Shirakawa Rina’s chest rose and fell, trying her best to breathe fresh air through the blocked nostrils, looking miserable as if I was about to die…

Gu Xue held her forehead.


What a fool…

“You’d better go to the toilet first.” Gu Xue couldn’t see it, pulled her up from the ground, and pointed in the direction of the toilet, “wipe the blood on your face and see if you fell anywhere, I I’ll wait for you in the conference room. By the way, don’t pull out the paper until the nosebleed stops. Also, you can breathe through your mouth…”

Follow Gu Xue’s fingers.

Shirakawa Rina, who pretended to be calm, finally discovered the fact that she was being watched.

His face turned red immediately.

She stuffed the drawing she was holding into Gu Xue’s arms and rushed to the toilet.

Gu Xue didn’t even have time to say, “Be careful where you step.”

Fortunately, she didn’t fall again…

When Shirakawa Rina came back, the blood on her face had been wiped clean, her nostrils were no longer bleeding, and she looked youthful and beautiful again.

Just a little reserved.

She opened the door of the conference room and almost moved to Gu Xue’s side.

“Don’t worry, there are no cabinets in the conference room. Just order some chairs…” Gu Xue turned around and made a joke.

“Can we not talk about this topic…” Gu Xue started to speak, but Shirakawa Rina became bolder, pulled out the chair next to Gu Xue, and sat down, looking very depressed.

“Then change the topic.” Gu Xue picked up the drawing on the table and waved it.

“Have you seen it?” The depressed look on Shirakawa Rina’s face disappeared immediately, she leaned forward and looked at Gu Xue expectantly.

“I saw it.” Gu Xue nodded and said without mercy: “As expected, the painting still looks like shit.”

Shirakawa Rina: “…”

“It can be seen that you have put your heart into it. Compared with some scenes in the comics, it feels a bit improved.” Gu Xue explained, “But I am confused. Even if you are in school, the teacher will not teach you fancy things.” Yes, I should have taught you the basics of human body structure, right? Why do the people you draw feel so strange…”

When she left yesterday.

Gu Xue gave her a card of original paintings that she wanted to draw.

It was probably the scene where the male protagonist stepped on the iron chain, turned around, dodged another oncoming iron chain with a sharp front end, held it, leaned forward, and then showed a furious expression.

The movements are not too violent, and the focus of this card is not the evasive movements, but the final furious expression. Those evasive movements are not difficult at all.

But what can I say about Shirakawa Rina’s painting? She feels like a little girl skipping rope…

Shaking and shaking, it felt like it was going to topple over at any moment.

“I have taught you…” Shirakawa Rina was a little embarrassed, “But I don’t know why…it’s just…”

“Then I have no choice but to read more and draw more.” Gu Xue turned over her drawing, picked up a pencil and started drawing directly on the blank space on the back. “You know the structure of the human body, but you can’t draw a coordinated picture. I don’t understand the movements. In fact, the movements are easy to draw. I don’t ask you to draw them more realistically, as long as they are coordinated. Did you know? Some cartoonists even draw some strange movements against humanity. They are all able to be coordinated and handsome, you see.”

Gu Xue kept moving her hands as she spoke.

Brush brush brush.

A strange-looking figure appeared on the paper.

Next to him is the serious and solemn Kokoro.

Well, JOJO stands…

Shirakawa Rina leaned over and looked at the figure on the paper with a strange posture, but also made people feel very coordinated, and the unique charm of the human body, and was speechless for a moment.

She even touched Gu Xue’s head subconsciously.

Gu Xue: “What are you doing?”

“I want to know how your head grew…”


Gu Xue knocked her hand off mercilessly, rolling her eyes and saying, “They say it’s another cartoonist.”

Shirakawa Rina: “Who believes it…”

Fighting, robots, storyboards, composition, comics, plot…

It seems that there is nothing that Gu Xue is not good at.

Really destroys confidence.

He obviously looks so young.

“believe it or not.”

“I drew these just to explain to you that no matter what kind of action you are drawing, coordination must be the most important thing. Look at the actions I just drew? They are a bit strange, but you can’t tell what is wrong, right? In fact, they are still beginners. Level. But don’t underestimate the entry-level. Even if you are entry-level, you may not be able to do it. Let me show you.”

Gu Xue said, probably because of excitement, maybe also because she felt that Shirakawa Rina was not a threat by herself.

Anyway, she stood up, twisted her waist, and made a big JOJO stand…

Very middle-class…

But when Gu Xue makes it, it feels special and cute, which is very strange.

Shirakawa Rina: “…”

“Supervisor, what are you doing?”

Just as Gu Xue was maintaining Da Qiao’s classic JOJO moment, the door of the conference room was suddenly opened. Mr. Kigami had an anxious look on his face, but after seeing Gu Xue, he was confused.

Everything was forgotten.


Gu Xue shrank her shoulders, turned around silently, sat back on the chair, and then said: “No, nothing happened just now.” Shirakawa Rina: “Pfft.”

“Have you learned?” Hearing the laughter, Gu Xue became angry and glared at Shirakawa Rina.

“Learned, learned.”

Shirakawa Rina nodded desperately.

The two lower ponytails swayed as she nodded…

“Then what’s the matter with you, Mr. Kigami?”

Gu Xue turned her head and took the initiative to talk, trying her best to eliminate the embarrassing feeling of being seen in the second scene just now.

“Almost forgot.”

Something really happened to Mu Shang. After the initial shock, he came to his senses and hurriedly came to Gu Xue’s side. He said anxiously: “Supervisor, have you seen your Twitter account?”

“Twitter account? Is my phone at my location? What’s wrong?” Gu Xue was a little surprised.

“It was swiped.”

Mu Shang smiled bitterly and took out his mobile phone.


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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