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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 292 Prejudice and Wonderful Experience 2

“Can you please go home? What did you make of such a good comic? Just delete most of the story of the protagonist’s childhood in the first volume and make the protagonist a mentally retarded person. Are you worthy of the comics fans? ?”

“Damn it, I feel like this supervisor is just here to make fun of me. Comic readers think that the childhood of the three protagonists in the first volume is the most touching, so they deleted it completely. Okay, I can’t stand it. Now the two male protagonists are fighting each other. It’s just like that comic, so I’m convinced. The copyright owner of the original work doesn’t know what they’re thinking. Animation is a romance for men! Listen to my advice! Change the supervisor!”

“Who knows if she has some ulterior secrets with the investors [shh]”

“Supervisor Gu Xue, please stop ruining our comics!”


Gu Xue’s last tweet.

It was filled with such comments, and as Mr. Kigami turned the pages, they appeared one by one in front of Gu Xue and Shirakawa Rina.

“I…” Shirakawa Rina suddenly clenched her fists and trembled all over, as if she was angry.

Gu Xue was very calm. After flipping through it, she simply grabbed Mr. Kigami’s phone and replied directly.

“none of your business.”

“none of your business.”

“none of your business.”

“I will continue to be responsible for this animation, you bite me!”

But Gu Xue seemed very calm.

But it can be seen from the rapid tapping of her fingers on the virtual keyboard of her mobile phone that she is actually not at peace in her heart.

After replying to a few comments with the highest likes, Gu Xue ignored it and returned the phone to Mr. Kigami.

“Okay, this time Yin and Yang is much better than last time, and I know how to find reasons. The deletion of the comic plot is a good reason, but the other reasons are a bit poor. You can tell at a glance that you haven’t read the comics, so just go I just browsed the forum and couldn’t explain anything. I just want to say that the male protagonist and the second male lead in the anime are gay. That’s them. People who have read the comics don’t dare to say this. I don’t have comics that are gay… “

Shirakawa Rina: “…”

I don’t know whether it’s better to be angry or smile bitterly.

I can’t laugh or cry.

“Supervisor, are you okay?” Mr. Mu Shang took the phone and looked worriedly at Gu Xue, who seemed not to care at all.

“Of course there’s something going on. I don’t know which bastard hired the sailor, but his ghost is still there.”

“Then wait.” Mr. Kigami glanced at his phone, “I’ll notify the group and spray back…”


Gu Xue quickly stopped him: “You, a production director, do this sneaky thing every day and you don’t mind it. Don’t go. It doesn’t have to be so troublesome. Also, tell Gong Wenhui not to join in the fun. If others find out, it won’t bother you.” Shameless.

“and you……”

“I told you, don’t bother me, just wait for me.”

Gu Xue rushed out of the conference room at a trot.

Shirakawa Rina and Mr. Kigami were left looking at each other in the conference room.

“Gu Xue…are you okay?”

After thinking about it, Shirakawa Rina took the initiative and asked.

Mr. Kigami smiled bitterly: “I was so angry when I saw this, don’t talk about her.”

Shirakawa Rina: “…”

“Teacher Shirakawa.” Mr. Kigami looked at Rina Shirakawa, thought for a while, and said with some hesitation: “Has your relationship with Gu Xue gotten better recently?”

“Is there any?” Shirakawa Rina turned her head subconsciously, trying to avoid Mu Shang’s gaze.

“Didn’t you have a big fight at the beginning? I remember it was when you first met, and we had tit-for-tat confrontations several times after that…”

“That’s right.” Probably to cover up her embarrassment, Shirakawa Rina grabbed her ponytail and rubbed it gently with her fingers, “Because I don’t trust her. Gu Xue is too young. I really don’t think she can do animation well. , and it’s hard to think that she is right. If it were you, I might not have the guts to say, ‘I will never admit animation’.”

“what about now?”

Mr. Kigami asked cautiously again.

“She proved that she was right, and…” Shirakawa Rina glanced at the drawings on the table, paused, and then added: “She also proved that she is a monster hidden under the appearance of fraud.”


“So there is no such thing as you…” Shirakawa Rina glared at Kigami.

“…No, what I mean is, if possible, if you are not biased against Gu Xue now, can you do me a favor? Use your account to make a statement or something, so that you can divert the fire, although… “

“That’s right.” Shirakawa Rina dropped her ponytail, woke up from a dream, took out her mobile phone, and said, “You told me earlier, I forgot about it.”


Shirakawa Rina had just finished speaking.

Gu Xue opened the door and returned to the conference room.

She lowered her head and tapped the screen of her phone quickly while walking towards Shirakawa Rina and Mr. Kigami.

Shirakawa Rina held her mobile phone: “Gu Xue…”

“No need.”

Gu Xue sighed and turned the phone over so that the screen faced the two of them.

There are four words written on it: cancel account.

“I’m going to pull the trigger.”

The other side of the city.

Brother Long’s navy studio.

The heat is on at the moment.

Everyone was full of energy, and they had the momentum to avenge their past humiliation and make everyone feel ashamed.

“Hurry up, hurry up, make it fast, just spray according to the points collected on the forum! Squirt hard! It must be yin and yang, and it must be rhythmic. It is best to let the animation supervisor and the comic author quarrel.”

Xiao Li, who is responsible for order management in the studio, shouted loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, there were responses from all around.

It seems that after a day of rest, these professionals have regained their energy.


Brother Long, who was sitting on the boss’s chair, lit a cigarette, looked at the energetic navy and navy contractor Xiao Li, and nodded with satisfaction.

Just say it.

Flying dragon riding on the face, how to lose!

“Ask everyone to like it and downvote that comment about my roommate dying. What the hell, the more likes the better. Let everyone like it. I don’t believe it. Those people like to watch it. All the fat nerds in animation can have access to Twitter!”

After thinking about it, Brother Long added another sentence.


The most active sailor below responded in a long tone.

Xiao Li and Brother Long looked at each other and smiled.

But before their smiles were fully revealed.

The sailor who responded in a long tone suddenly changed his tone.


Brother Long: “…” Somewhat unhappy.

“What’s wrong?” Xiao Li asked quickly.

“Um, Brother Li, Brother Long.” The navy soldier looked at the computer screen and said in disbelief: “Twitter has been logged out?”

Xiao Li: “…Huh?”

“That supervisor logged out of Twitter! We can’t post anything!”

Brother Long: “…”


Xiao Li: “…Brother Long! Brother Long! Your cigarette fell into your crotch again!”

“Stop yelling!”

Brother Long wiped the cigarette off his crotch, stood up, and quickly came behind the troll who said he was logged out of Twitter, and asked one word at a time: “Logged out?”


The troll refreshed it, and sure enough, Gu Xue’s Twitter homepage could no longer be opened.

“It’s so shameless! How shameless it is to cancel your account after just a few words!” The veins on Brother Long’s forehead popped out, and he felt like he was about to use the knife to avenge his revenge, but he turned around and was handcuffed. , the aggrieved feeling of being reported to the detention center.

Yesterday I was pushed to the ground and sprayed.

It looks like we are going to get back on track today.

But the mighty naval force was gone as soon as it put in its efforts?


Frustrated! !

That sense of suffocation made his head swell, like falling into a sea of ​​fire, and he wished he could go to the real person involved to compete on the spot.

“Go! Let everyone go to the comment section of that shit animation and criticize them one by one!”

Of course, Brother Long will not go to real-person PK. He is still used to using navy to solve problems.


“Report Brother Long, you can’t beat him.”

The normally active troll raised his hand, “Now the comment area for episodes one to five has been occupied by the enemy, and the officials are helping them delete our comments. We are totally unbeatable!”

“…” Brother Long’s eyes widened, and his veins popped out again, “Oh my god… let’s forget it? Just like that? Are we just staring at each other like this!?”

No one dared to speak.


The aggrieved Brother Long was furious. He took several deep breaths, and after barely calming down, he suddenly said loudly: “When will the next episode of this animation be broadcast? When will it be broadcast!”

Xiao Li: “This week…”

“Then prepare for me! Prepare for me! I want the speed and quantity of postings to be unstoppable even if the official help deletes the posts! Spray me to death, smear me to death, I won’t believe it! I’m a troll! I Brother Long! He will be pushed to the ground and rubbed by a bunch of spectators!”


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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