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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 298 Crazy

Mr. Kigami pushed open the door of the conference room and looked at the still brightly lit CDD Animation Workshop, calming down his excitement a little.


Who says staff can’t be spectators?

Now Mr. Kigami is the audience.

What he wants to do most now is to share his feelings at this moment with his fellow fans.

He strode towards his position.

Passed by Gu Xue’s location on the way.

Gu Xue has already gone back.

The location has been tidied away, and the original paintings that were piled high during the day now only have a few cards left.

Mr. Kigami paused.

Then he returned to his position at an almost trotting speed.

Pulling out the chair with a graceful movement.

Sitting down.

Ignoring the squeaking sound of the chair, it sounded like a howl.

Mr. Kigami skillfully pulled out the keyboard, opened the communication software, and clicked on the fan group formed by the spat incident when the fifth episode was broadcast last time.


The animation has just finished.

The group was unusually quiet.

Mr. Kigami took a deep breath and asked, “Have you watched the animation?”

Press the Enter key to send.

Two seconds later.

The first message popped up.

Liu Guliang: “I couldn’t help but watched it on the TV station. Thousands of words condensed into one sentence… Damn it!”

With the first reply comes.

The group of friends who had just watched the animation and were still in a state of excitement reacted.

Dense information jumped out.

The icon of the communication software flashed crazily.

A lot of fish: “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that I’m going to die. I didn’t expect that. In fact, I had a hunch after seeing the last episode that the animation will explain it in this episode, but I didn’t expect it to be given like this. All the contradictions and emotions broke out. The male protagonist, the second male lead, Alice’s father, and the new character Lilith were also involved. I almost trembled all over when I watched it! Gu Xue! !!!!!! I really will always like you!”

Qianluo: “The quality of this episode is really amazing!”

Too deep into the drama: “Yeah, the second episode benefited from the excellent production. I was really mad at the time, but it was precisely because I was mad that I felt so shocked when I watched the sixth episode. Oh my god. The cowardly second male lead and the changed male protagonist, one staggering towards the depths of the misty forest, and the other lying on the ground facing the rain, that kind of indescribable friendship and mutual rescue, I love it!”

Teacher Cat: “The male protagonist and the second male lead are so excited in the rain. It’s so damn cool! Especially the close-up of the male lead and the second male lead’s movements with water droplets, it feels so cool that it’s almost overflowing! I just want to know how to draw that!” It’s really fun!”

Zhen: “And the fight at the beginning! The two of them fought so heart-wrenchingly, but in the end when the second male lead raised his sword and the camera slowly moved to focus on him, his expression! Damn it, my whole body was on fire! “

Carelessly: “Take all the threads from the previous five episodes! And this episode is better than the previous four episodes! Except for the first episode, but the first episode is the first time! I watched it, and this episode is Gu Xue’s Made by YUKI Studio!!”

Weeping Willow -: “Stop talking, I want to blast this animation. I misunderstood Gu Xue! By the way, who drew the card where the male protagonist goes crazy and rushes towards the male lead in the misty forest? Ju Shuai, that explosive feeling ! Oh my god!”

For example: “Episode 7! Episode 7! I want to watch Episode 7!”

Comet Tail: “Yes! Episode 7! Episode 6 tied up all the previous threads! And the second male lead went to the depths of the misty forest! The male protagonist said he wanted to slay the dragon! Is it revenge? Is it revenge!! ! I want to watch episode 7! I want to watch episode 7 now!”

PANG: “It’s really hard to describe the mood the hero felt when he said he was going to slay the dragon! That kind of excitement!”

Qian Luo: “Me too! The production is really great. It suppressed first and then promoted, but now it leaves such a big hole! I don’t want to do anything except watch the seventh episode of the animation.”

Asano Yu: “Damn! You did a great job, but I have a question. Why did the male protagonist say sorry to Lilith in the end? Does slaying the dragon have nothing to do with Lilith taking the dragon bones?”

Ryuuko: “In the first episode, all that was left of the dragon was its skeleton, right? Is there any revenge left?”

San value exploded: “What do you think we are excited about? Slaying the dragon! Revenge! Of course the ashes will be raised!”


The group of friends poured out their excitement wildly.

The information jumped wildly for a long time.

After everyone had vented their feelings, they slowly regained their senses and began to discuss the next plot.

And Mr. Kigami in front of the computer.

The pride of being a staff member is almost overflowing.

So cool!

Being sprayed for so long.

Comeback now!

He soon joined the discussion.

Of course he won’t spoil anything, he just wants to experience the carnival at this moment.

And at the same time.

In most ACG related forums, you can see the name of the drama “Embracing a Better Tomorrow”…

Posts are popping up like mushrooms after a rain.

Mr. Kigami’s group.

Everyone spoke freely for nearly half an hour before the pace of information slowed down.

At this time.

The sixth episode of the animation has been posted on the video website.

Many people choose to relive it.

That’s why the information in the group suddenly becomes less.


This situation did not last long.

A lot of fish: “Damn it, those sailors, what the heck, are they finished?”

Bai: “What’s wrong…”

A lot of fish: “Marine troops! I went to the comment area under the sixth episode again. The sixth episode has just been online, and the comment area has been destroyed.”

One sentence.

Stirring up waves of thousands of stones.

The originally quiet group suddenly started to buzz with messages again.

“The barrage has also been occupied!”


“Spray it back!”

“I’m following the clue and trying to figure out the IP! Don’t let me find their real location!”

“I followed suit too! I got into their group first! I endured it last episode, but you still came out to cause trouble!”

“Look for it! Send it out as soon as you find it!”

The crowd was furious.

This is when the audience is most excited.

Brother Long’s navy office is now pouring cold water on it, which is tantamount to poking a hornet’s nest.

The comments section of the barrage website was taken back by the audience almost instantly.

And this side of the group.

More than ten minutes.

An IP address is sent out, and then there is the actual address corresponding to the IP address.

Gong Wenhui, who had been silent but had been watching the messages in the group, spoke.

Do you want a small skirt: “Let’s chat first, don’t go to the real person PK, just leave this to me.”

at the same time.

The other side of the city.

Brother Long’s navy studio.

The chicken is flying and the dog is jumping.

“Brother Long, these people are crazy! Why are there so many people? It’s not possible anymore.”

The sailors below began to complain and cry.

Start with just one.

Gradually increase.

Then all the sailors complained.

After a full week of preparation, and just about to enjoy the fruits of victory, Brother Long, who was smoking a cigarette… the cigarette slipped from the corner of his mouth again and fell into the gear.

This time he didn’t need to be reminded.

Because this time he stood up in shock.

The cigarette butt in his crotch fell to the ground smoothly.

He hurriedly ran behind the complaining sailor, “Are you kidding? Didn’t we attract a lot of people again this week? Now you’re telling me there are so many people on the opposite side?”


The troll did not explain, and directly clicked on the comment area of ​​the sixth episode of “Embracing a Better Tomorrow”. He asked Brother Long to take a look at a certain troll’s comment and then refreshed it.

Just click refresh.

Under that troll comment, there were more than twenty replies, all of which were trolls.

Brother Long: “…”

My heart suddenly became cold.


the phone is ringing.

Brother Long answered dully.

The person on the other end of the phone spoke in a depressing tone, as if he was about to erupt a volcano: “Are you the one who is supervising Er Xiao… that animation?”

Hear the voice on the other end of the phone.

Brother Long’s eyes regained some color.

This is dad’s voice, this is the client’s dad’s voice.

“It’s me, it’s me, how do you feel?” Brother Long seemed to have grasped the last straw, “If you are satisfied, I can continue to work hard. Don’t worry, things like animation reviews will never happen again. …”

The words are not finished yet.

“You.T.M.” The other end of the phone interrupted him with a roar, as furious as a volcano erupting.

Brother Long was confused.

“Just wait for me! Just wait for me! Just wait to die!”

The other end of the phone said a harsh word and hung up the phone.

Brother Long was confused.

I don’t know where I made my client’s father angry.

And before he could figure it out.

Doorbell rang.

Brother Long came back to his senses and frowned.

His navy studio is hidden in the city, and no one usually visits it.


Brother Long was in a bad mood and yelled.


“Someone reported you gathering people to sell silver.”

The person outside the door replied calmly.

Brother Long was stunned, looked around, and glanced at the group of men in the studio.

Eyes widened.

“What the hell…”

The night the sixth episode aired.

Many people were awake.

Many things are far from over, and the aftermath is still brewing.

But none of this has anything to do with Gu Xue.

That night, after Gu Xue finished watching the animation, Gu Rou forcibly dragged her to the bed, where she slept soundly…

She was full of energy when she went to the CDD Animation Workshop.

good mood.

However, when she came to the CDD workshop, Gu Xue’s good mood disappeared.

Because she felt murderous.

Since she came in.

It felt like everyone was looking at me.

It’s strange that no matter what you are doing, you will put down your work and look at yourself.

“What are you doing?”

Gu Xue looked around and complained.

That’s when she complained.

He bumped into someone head on.

Gong Wenhui.

Gu Xue raised her head to see clearly Gong Wenhui’s appearance.

Just saw it clearly.

He was hugged.

He was hugged directly…

Gu Xue was stunned.

“It ranks 17th in pre-sale across all categories and ranks 1st in animation category! The first release is predicted to be at least 30,000 pieces!”

Gong Wenhui held Gu Xue’s armpits with her hands and looked very happy.

Seeing that Gu Xue was about to fall, Gong Wenhui quickly pulled her towards her, then turned around and said proudly: “Let’s go! Auntie will take you to buy a small skirt now.”


Gu Xue came back to her senses instantly.

His calves kicked wildly and he struggled violently.

“Go away! You are crazy!!!”


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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