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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 323 Ha! ?

The animation “Embrace a Better Tomorrow” has an original work, and the current chapter of the original work is far from insufficient.

The most important thing is that the original purpose of this animation is to increase the sales of the original work. When the animation series was formed, it would definitely not end with an ‘ending’. Not only would it not end with an ‘ending’, but it might even lead to another Big hole.

Therefore, there are no worries about the content. As long as these companies think it is worthwhile and are willing to pay, the animation will definitely continue to be made…

Well, say yes.

But in fact, just being willing to pay may not be enough. If you want to continue doing it, there is still a prerequisite, that is, the copyright owner must agree. But generally speaking, for this type of project to increase the sales of the original work, the copyright owner is the major investor. If the plan If there is potential, the copyright holder will continue to advance the plan without anyone else saying it. A second season, collaborations, and xxization will follow one after another, all of which are normal operations.

So this premise is generally ignored.

Others in the conference room didn’t think Miyamoto would object.

After all, now “Embrace a Better Tomorrow” is not as simple as it has potential.

Tsuki Masakawa, the producer of the figurine factory Movic, made a suggestion.

Miyamoto Fumihi didn’t even have time to express her position.

Others began to agree…

Their urgency is evident.

“I think it’s feasible.” Abred’s Yao Liang was the first to speak up. After pretending to think for a while, he said: “The best thing is to decide it today, just in time to catch up with the last episode of the animation. Isn’t the popularity of the animation not bad now?” ? Announcing the confirmation of the second season at the end of the credits can not only promote the animation but also increase its popularity, and the audience is happy to see it.”

“It makes sense.” Masakawa Yue quickly answered, “And I think we can put the expected broadcast time of the second season, which will make the audience happier.”

“Indeed, with a clear broadcast time, publicity is easier.” Masari Kosuda, the producer of the advertising agency HAKUHODO, began to answer.

Several people cooperated very well…

It was as if it had been discussed beforehand.

“In terms of time.”

Yao Liang pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and glanced at Takeda P and Kigami at the end of the conference table.

Mu Shang was about to speak.

“Next April.”

But Yao Liang didn’t want to ask them.

He glanced at it and immediately turned his head away, directly asking and answering his own questions.

Mu Shang: “…”

4. Broadcast in April?

It’s December now!

Damn it.

Why don’t you go to heaven?

“Everyone, the time sounds a bit urgent, but we have to take the actual situation into consideration. In fact, you all know that this project has an average budget, but the animation can be produced with such quality and the construction period can be controlled so healthy. It shows that CDD Animation Studio and Gu…Gu Xue Supervisor! They are really great. As for the second season, there are ready-made characters and a team that has been working together. I think the production situation will only be better than now, so there is no need Worry.”

“More importantly, we will increase the budget and we will fully support you, so overall, this broadcast time is quite reasonable.”

Perhaps seeing the incredible expression on Mr. Kigami’s face, Yao Liang explained a few words confidently.

When others heard what he said, they didn’t think there was anything wrong, and no one jumped out to refute. Instead, they nodded in agreement…

Miya Wenhui, who was sitting in the first seat, had an expressionless face and didn’t know what she was thinking.

Takeda’s face was ashen because of face issues.

So there were so many people present.

In the end, only Mu Shang looked confused.

A team that works together? Ready-made character? Will the production situation only get better than it is now?

Will there be no new characters appearing in the second episode? Don’t you need to write a script? Do you think the original artist is a spinning top? Do you think you can draw it with just one shot of storyboard brushing? Do you think people like the original storyboards of the show and so on can communicate through their thoughts?

Still from TM! You think animation production! Just like hand punching! ? All you need to do is prepare a notebook full of characters! ?

And… Gu Xue has already run away!

You bunch of idiots!

After the initial shock, Mu Shang was almost furious.

He was about to speak.

“Then April.”

“Okay, April is just right.”

“I agree.”

“no problem.”


Others have already agreed.

Finally, these people who agreed looked at Takeda from CDD Animation Workshop.

Takeda’s face was livid, but that was because of a matter of face, and he would not refuse a job.

Especially after hearing Yao Liang’s words about increasing the budget.

Anyway, he doesn’t need to be involved in the specific production.

Moreover, although he was unhappy looking at Gu Xue, he had to admit that Gu Xue was still somewhat capable.

His idea was very simple, just leave all the animation production to Gu Xue. He would give Gu Xue a huge favor by not getting involved.

As for what happens next, let Mu Shang be responsible for it, and he can do it himself.


Takeda, who was watched by everyone, nodded and did not refuse.

Mu Shang: “…”

He couldn’t hold it in any longer.

“Everyone, isn’t this playback time a bit unconscionable? Animation production is very troublesome…”

“I know animation production better than you.”

Takeda interrupted.

She glanced at him with some dissatisfaction.

“No, Takeda P, April is too late anyway, and Gu Xue…” Kigami whispered, trying to explain.

“I understand, but I believe you.”

Takeda interrupted him again, and then whispered: “It’s all for the company, you have worked hard for a while, and isn’t that Gu Xue very powerful? Please ask her to work harder, please.”

Mu Shang: “…”

Grass mud horse!

Grass mud horse! Can you hear me?

A hard time? It’s almost dark and dark!

Sudden death may not be possible, unless the animation is made into a PPT!

What nonsense!

Furious, Mu Shang was about to get up and leave.

But he didn’t make it.

Because Gong Wenhui spoke.

“Everyone, I haven’t spoken yet, right?”

Miya Wenhui smiled, and after attracting everyone’s attention, continued: “I very much agree to continue doing the second season, and I also hope to see the second season, but now there is a problem…”

Gong Wenhui paused.

“Supervisor Gu Xue has made it clear to me that she will no longer serve as the animation supervisor. In other words, she has resigned.”

Everyone: “…”


Especially Yao Liang, who has just become confident.

Everyone knows the strength of CDD Animation Studio.

The graphics and paintings of “Embracing a Better Tomorrow” have been wildly praised, and the construction period is so healthy. No matter how you think about it, this company can’t do it.

Most people also know Gu Xue’s previous resume, so why the animation painting is so well received, you don’t have to think about who takes the credit.

But now, Gu Xue resigned.

This is a bit embarrassing.

“How could it be possible?” Yao Liang wanted to struggle, “This is a good opportunity. This kind of project doesn’t happen often.”

“That’s what I said too.”

Gong Wenhui showed a wicked smile, took out her mobile phone and opened the communication software.


Gu Xue’s clear voice came from the phone’s speaker.

Yao Liang: “…”

other people:”……”

“Then we can change the supervisor.”

Masari Kosuda, the producer of the advertising company HAKUHODO, didn’t seem to know much about animation production. Seeing everyone froze, he said directly: “Isn’t Kei Narita quite famous? Then we can just make an announcement explaining the change of supervisor. , this matter is not troublesome, after all, the other party gave up a great opportunity and took the initiative to resign. A supervision will not have much impact, as long as the quality does not decline, we will broadcast as usual in April.”

The others looked at him with a strange expression, then turned their heads and looked at Takeda.

Takeda was about to speak.

“OP’s storyboard performance original painting, episode 1 storyboarding performance, half of the original painting of episode 1, most key shots of episode 3, all A.C (battle) cards of episode 5, episode 7 storyboarding performance, episode 8 , nine, ten, and eleven, all the key A.C cards that no one else can draw or no one wants to take, the storyboard performance of the final episode, plus the original painting of half the episode!”

Mu Shang was the first to speak, and began to recite a person’s ‘accomplishments’ without expression.

After reading.

After making sure everyone is looking at you.

Mr. Kigami took a deep breath, looked at everyone with confused faces, and said softly: “This is what Supervisor Gu Xue does in addition to his own job.”

Takeda: “…”

“Changing the supervisor will not have much impact? Will it be broadcast in April as usual? The quality will not drop? Ha!?”

“Let me tell you bluntly! If you change the director, if the animation can be broadcast in April next year… No, the year after that! If it can be broadcast in the year after that, and the quality of the animation does not decline, then I… …”

Mu Shang stretched out his head, raised his right hand, and suddenly stamped his neck with a knife.

“I’ll chop my head off for you!”


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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