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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 328 Butterfly

Will Li Dudu refuse?

The answer is definitely no.

Although he is a little stupid.

But at this time, he would really be a fool if he refused.

So after shouting “I wipe”, he followed it up with another sentence.

“May I?”

Asking questions while moving forward, not giving the other party a chance to refuse at all.

Thief simply.

It seems.

Although the life of a social animal is difficult, it is not without its benefits…

Fortunately, the girl didn’t think of rejecting him. After nodding, she started playing with her phone.

Li Duoduo asked simply, but after he actually sat down, he felt a little embarrassed.

After all, he is also an old magician with more than 20 years of experience. This kind of scene happens to be the one that magicians like him are least good at dealing with.

The one in front is simply his last bit of stubbornness.

Now he was restless and squirming.

Looking at the girl’s profile, I wanted to say something, but I didn’t know what to say.

In the end, I could only ask the person’s name in a conventional way.

“By the way, what’s your name?”

“Su Yao.”

The girl was very generous and gave her name casually.

“Oh, Su Yao.”

Li Duodu nodded and wanted to say something sexy, but couldn’t think of anything. After holding it in for a while, he could only say this.

“what’s your name?”

The girl waited for a while and found that Li Duoduo didn’t respond, so she had to ask herself.

“Oh, oh, sorry, my name is Li Dudu. Nice to meet you.”


The girl who was looking at the screen of her phone and speaking seemed a little distracted suddenly turned her head and looked at Li Duduo.

“No, no, no, I’m not scolding you. My name is Li Duoduo, Muzi Li. Duoduo…duoduo is what you think of.”

Li Duoduo didn’t want to say anything sexy this time, but what he said was quite sexy.

The girl was stunned. What could she say? She could only nodded and continued to look down at her phone.

“I’ll wipe it.”

Li Duoduo almost regretted it to death and scolded himself crazily in his heart.

He wanted to stir up the topic again, but he was afraid that he would say the wrong thing.

Tangled and tangled.

The time before the animation started was wasted by him.

When the girl turned the phone sideways and handed him an earphone, Li Duduo woke up as if from a dream.

Even more regretful.

I don’t know if he is regretting that he didn’t live up to expectations, or if he is regretting that he didn’t take out his mobile phone and headphones first…

Well, the headphones handed over by the girl are Bluetooth, and Li Duoyu’s own headphones are wired…


No matter what little thoughts Li Duoduo had.

In the end, I had no choice but to take the headphones.

The animation is officially played.

To be honest, with the two of them staring at such a small mobile phone screen while still on the tram, the movie-watching experience was definitely not a good one.

But before the animation was broadcast, Li’s extra attention was on the girl. After the animation was broadcast, he had to focus part of his attention on the animation. How could he have time to care about these things.

The twelfth episode of “Embracing a Better Tomorrow” begins with a plot similar to the previous episode.

The male lead and the second male lead broke up and had a fight in the sixth episode.

The animation is divided into two lines.

The male lead’s line is the main one, and the second male lead’s line is the secondary one.

The former plays a dominant role, while the latter is only mentioned once in each episode.

And the further back, the fewer the scenes. After the male protagonist found all his companions, the second male lead’s line was simply broken.

But what’s interesting is that, looking at the comments, the audience is equally interested in the two lines.

Plot wise.

Because of the evil dragon, the elements in the area where the dungeon is located have become more violent and chaotic, and have begun to intensify their influence on the misty forest. Various monsters have mutated for the second time. The forest is no longer just a restricted area, and the monsters inside have begun to The attack on the seaport city near the misty forest is a real threat to human safety.

For this reason, the actual leader of the seaport city, Alice’s father, immediately cooperated with the Empire after resisting the first wave of attacks from the Warcraft, building a defense line at the edge of the foggy forest, and quickly lifted the restricted area order and opened up the fog. At the same time, he and the Adventurers Association jointly issued a recruitment order and gave a huge bounty…

The male protagonist is in this environment.

Teammates I met.

In the episodes after the sixth episode, the overall atmosphere of the animation is not so depressing. Various characters appear and can even bring laughter to the audience. However, it is more relaxing. The main line of the animation always points to the evil dragon in the dungeon. . In order to achieve this, Gu Xue greatly weakened the plot of the empire and focused on the male protagonist and his new teammates. The audience’s viewing experience has always been good.

And here comes the eleventh episode.

The audience’s appetite was finally satisfied.

The male protagonist leads his team into the misty forest.

Episode eleven.

The entire episode gave the audience a sense of closure.

The male protagonist has become mature and reliable.

Teammates are reliable and cooperative.

On the way, they also rescued an adventure group from a giant chief who the audience thought was the BOSS.

The fighting is cool and exciting, and the rescued adventure group is watching crazy rainbow farts.

The audience was satisfied.

Everyone thought that the next plot would be that the male protagonist led his teammates to fight all the way to the dungeon, cut off the head of the evil dragon, and then it was over.

But no.

After the male protagonist and his teammates advanced into the depths of the misty forest.

Suddenly it disappeared.

And episode 12.

After the plot summary, the plot continues immediately from the previous episode.

The hero disappears.

Teammates complained about the search.

The camera turned and showed the male protagonist.

Relying on the advantage of having been there once before, he came to the entrance of the dungeon again alone.

He stared into the bottomless entrance.

It’s like staring into an abyss.

The atmosphere is well created.

However, it caused a lot of controversy.

Especially after this shot, the OP was played immediately, giving the audience enough time to send comments.

A bunch of barrages suddenly appeared on the small screen of the mobile phone.

To put it simply, some people think this is unreasonable. If the male protagonist leaves his teammates and goes down alone, he will die.

Others think this is fine.

The two waves of people argued endlessly, but the smell of gunpowder was not strong.

“Actually, I think this is normal.” Li Duoduo looked at the barrage and suddenly whispered, “The male protagonist’s hand is broken and Alice is dead. This may have become his nightmare. He doesn’t want anyone to die anymore, and Choosing to face it alone is probably his growth.”


The girl responded.

Staring at the phone screen, a little absent-minded.

Conversation room.

The OP has finished playing.

The camera still stays on the male protagonist.

He stared at the entrance, raised his right hand, and grasped the hilt of the sword at his waist.

In the previous episodes, he was always bare-handed and equipped with a sword.

He is the son of a blacksmith.

The sword was struck by himself, and it was exactly the same as the one he gave to the second male lead.

But he never used it.

this will.

He drew his sword and stuck it at the entrance.

Then took a deep breath and took the first step.


The sound of shoe soles on the steps echoed in the darkness.

The male protagonist heads towards the dungeon.

The body shape was gradually swallowed by darkness.

Only the sword at the entrance was left standing alone.

A butterfly flapped its wings, flew from a distance, and stopped on the hilt of the sword.

The butterfly looked at the bottomless dungeon entrance, listened to the footsteps of the male protagonist getting further away, and flapped its wings.

Calm and calm.


The second man’s footsteps sounded from a distance.

The butterfly suddenly became alert and flew into the sky.

The footsteps are getting closer.

An arm appeared in the camera, after a pause in mid-air.

He held the hilt of the sword where the butterfly had rested.

Pulled out the long sword.


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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