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Best wishes for animation production — Chapter 331 Doll

“Ahhh…it’s super unnecessary! Ahhhh!”

Saw the scene where the second male lead appeared.

The girl grabbed Li Yudu’s arm and shook it wildly.

It does look exciting.

The shouting has a rhythm.

Even the animation was paused.

Li Duduo: “…”

Zhuan Kai, you damn woman, don’t stop me from watching anime!

He really wanted to yell like this.

It’s a pity that he is too thin-skinned to dare.

Then you can only pretend not to hear it.

Facts have proved that placing PLAY works quite well.

The girl quickly calmed down and stopped grabbing his arm.

After all, it was really boring for Li Duduo to look at the phone longingly and remain indifferent, just being excited by himself.

The girl picked up the phone again and pressed the play button expressionlessly.

Although Li Duduo felt that the girl looked at him a little strangely, and vaguely felt that he had missed something.

But what the heck.

Watching animation is important.

The animation continues to play.

The barrage was dense.

This is an animation adapted from a comic book, so don’t think about it. The focus of the animation or Gu Xue has always been on ‘telling a story well and making it brilliant’.

The animation so far, including episode 12, has done quite well in this regard.

At least the second male lead’s rescue scene, a routine plot that has been used by countless people even in this world, has received… very good feedback.

In the play.

The male protagonist was leaning against the rock wall and was stunned when he saw a familiar figure, and then smiled.

He held his belly with the hole in it, took two steps forward, and stood side by side with the second male lead.

“It seems that I should be faster.”

“Are you competing to see who will die first?” The second man put down the long sword and glanced at the wound on the hero’s abdomen. His face was expressionless and his attitude was rude.


The male protagonist laughed, as if he couldn’t see the evil dragon in front of him who had climbed up again and opened his jaws to condense the shock wave. He turned his head to look at the second male protagonist and asked teasingly: “Is the sword easy to use?”


The second man seemed unable to see the evil dragon and replied lightly.

In front of the two of them, most of the head of the evil dragon serving as the background was obscured by a dark sphere formed by condensed energy.


When the male lead heard the second male lead’s response, he seemed to remember some happy past, smiled again, and then took a step forward.

“return to.”

“First come, first served.” The male protagonist twisted his neck and continued forward.

“Is this what matters when you die?”

“You really pay attention to this.”

The male protagonist stopped, turned around and smiled.

Then, he turned around, faced the evil dragon, and straightened his waist that was bent out of pain.

In the close-up shot, his shoulders are tense and his back muscles are holding up his clothes.


Gas explosion.

The male protagonist immediately jumped up and ran out. After spinning in the air like a small top, he appeared beside the evil dragon. He bent his right leg and hit his knee on the evil dragon’s head.

From extremely fast to extremely slow.

The knee and head made contact, and then exploded instantly.

Looking down at the camera.

The evil dragon’s head smashed to the ground. After a flash of black and white, the ground was lifted up, and all the regular clods of soil were shaken into the air as if they were jumping.

The condensed shock wave was thrown aside and hit the rock wall in the other direction.

Loud bang.

The earth shook.

The male protagonist landed and slowly walked out of the dust and mist.

Behind him are pieces of mud falling one after another.

“Saints will not be defeated twice by the same moves!!!”

He yelled out the line that Gu Xue added with a bad taste.

It’s quite burning.


The earth trembled and the mountains shook.

BGM is inserted at the right time.

The fallen evil dragon shook his head and used the iron chain to distance himself.

At the same time, dozens of iron chains stood up like tails behind it, swung for a while, and then shot away at the male protagonist.

The male protagonist yelled and started to rush forward.

The first chain hit the hero’s feet.

The male protagonist who was running wildly jumped to the side, staggered, and finally stopped his weight. The next one was already in front of him.

The chains gradually enlarged in the male protagonist’s pupils.

A stone passed by his ear at a faster speed, blowing his bangs, and hit the iron chain that was shot out.


The chain was pushed back and bounced to the other side.

The second male character held a sword and rushed over from the side, directly passing the male protagonist.

Stand still, hold the hilt of the sword with both hands, and lift it up.


There was a loud noise from the collision of iron tools.

Sparks flew.

The second male lead turned his back to the male protagonist: “If you can only be in a daze, get out.”

“Ha ha ha ha.”

The male protagonist seems to have returned to his arrogant appearance in the first episode.

Ignoring the second male lead, he continued to rush forward.

Next shot.

The second male held his long sword flat, slashed the iron chain forward, and then used force to flick the iron chain to the other side.

But he turned a blind eye to the other chain coming towards him.

The male protagonist rushed out from behind and stepped down the chain that he was ignoring.

【FOOTPRINT を辿ってきたほど】

【ゴールの见えないGet Lost】



The background music blends perfectly with the sound of iron tools clashing as the swords and chains scrape against each other.

Under a long lens.

The two protagonists help each other and rush towards the evil dragon.

Outside the underground city.

Because of the shock wave.

The ground shook.

The hero’s companions also felt it and were rushing towards the center of the earthquake.

“Hey, Lilith, what the hell is that idiot doing?”

“how could I know!”

“That idiot! Idiot! Isn’t such a person going to die!”

“…Maybe not alone.”

“Not the same person? What do you mean? Is Owen, who I heard is a nobleman, also there? Don’t they two have a grudge…”

Lilith stopped and whispered:

“Before there was hatred, they were brothers.”

In the underground city.

“Oh oh oh…”

The male protagonist is only one step away from the evil dragon.

And the evil dragon’s golden vertical pupils were suddenly and completely eroded by the black mist at this moment.

A chain suddenly appeared from the shadows.

It was so fast that neither of them could react.


The chain penetrated directly through the male protagonist’s abdomen.

The second male figure was also only one step away from the evil dragon, and was also passed through by an iron chain.

The two of them were abruptly positioned in front of the evil dragon.

As if declaring victory, the evil dragon roared at the two of them with great impact.

The BGM stopped abruptly…

for 20 seconds.

“What a coincidence.”

After the initial shock, the male protagonist, whose upper body clothes were completely soaked with blood, slowly raised his hand and grabbed the chain.

He threw his head back and laughed.

“It really is.”

The second male on the other side wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and also laughed.

The evil dragon did not understand the confusing behavior of the two humans in front of him.


【The scars are healed and the things are healed】

The male protagonist doesn’t need it to understand either.

The BGM sound gradually becomes louder.


The male protagonist’s hand holding the chain had veins popping out.

He grabbed the iron chain hard, looped it around his arm, and slowly ‘pulled’ himself towards the evil dragon.

“I’ve really been waiting for this day for a long time.”

The iron chain rubbed against the punctured wound. The male protagonist walked towards the evil dragon step by step and spoke word by word.

The male protagonist’s expression was distorted.

The evil dragon suddenly… stopped moving.

This allowed the hero to hit it with one punch smoothly.

A circular air wave exploded.

The evil dragon retreated several meters.

The chain that penetrated the male protagonist tightened instantly after he punched him.

The male protagonist is in a horse stance, pulling on the iron chain with his arms, pulling on the evil dragon at the other end of the iron chain, preventing the iron chain from moving, as if he is pulling on the last life-saving straw.

The evil dragon that was thrown away by the hammer shook its head, returned to normal, and roared at the male protagonist again.

Chains rose into the air, making the dragon look like a hedgehog.


The second male cut off the iron chain that passed through his abdomen, came to the male protagonist’s side, and helped him cut off the iron chain that was a restraint.

And then two men with holes in their stomachs.

Standing back to back, supporting each other to prevent each other from falling.

“Actually, I think Alice likes me.” The male protagonist grinned and suddenly showed an extremely ugly smile.

“Fart.” The second man gasped and cursed.

The camera pans over them.

Above their heads.

It’s the iron chains coming intensively.

In front of him was a roaring evil dragon.

BGM has reached its climax.

Gradually covering up the voices of the male protagonist and second male protagonist.

The audience can only see the two protagonists talking and smiling.

Then, turn sideways together.

The iron chain that struck above his head was bounced away in an instant.

A line between the evil dragon and the two protagonists.

Like a hurricane passing through.

The next second.

The two protagonists appear on both sides of the evil dragon.

Sword and fist.

It fell on the head of the evil dragon.

The evil dragon tried his best to raise his head.

The torso swung and the dragon’s tail swept across.

The male protagonist turned around and bumped directly into the dragon’s tail…

One person and one tail collided violently in the air…

The second man seized the opportunity, drew out his long sword, dived forward, and directly removed the evil dragon’s other forelimb.

The evil dragon fell to the ground again, raising a large amount of dust.

The male protagonist who got up roared silently and bumped into the evil dragon’s torso…

Again and again.

The evil dragon attacks all around indiscriminately.

The roars of the male protagonist and the second male lead, at this moment, overwhelmed the BGM.

The fists and swords fell on the evil dragon again and again.

The evil dragon’s tail was cut off.

The price was that the two protagonists, who were all bruised and bruised, were knocked out together.

“Do you still have the strength?” The male protagonist climbed up and gasped violently.

The second man inserted the long sword into the ground and supported himself to stand up.

Then, he raised his right hand.

The male protagonist was stunned and raised his right hand tremblingly.

Two beams of light.

It penetrated all the obstacles and penetrated the ceiling of the last floor.

It fell into the palms of the two raised right hands.


The moment the light beam falls.

Both of their arms were bent.

It was as if what they caught was not a beam of light, but an extremely heavy object.

“Yeah, yeah, other people have big breasts, just look at it, it’s okay.”

“If you call me a long-eared monster again, I’ll… forget it.”

“…The No. 1 Priest in the Mainland!”

“Are you tired?”

Alice’s voice.

The voice of Alice that exists in the minds of the hero and the heroine.

“The last move of the Goddess Cult doesn’t seem to be unusual.”

The male protagonist looked at his right hand, looking at the identical beam of light, with red eyes, and said with a smile.

The second man let the liquid that was either blood or tears slide down his cheek, looked at the light beam, and murmured: “Even an idiot can do it.”

The evil dragon supported himself with iron chains.

The two people wanted to escape from being bathed in the holy light.

And the male lead and the second male lead.

They clenched their fists almost simultaneously.

It’s like holding the beam of light and the most important thing in the palm of your hand.


Catch up with the evil dragon.

The two protagonists in the shot leaned back together and then punched together.

Two white torch-like fists zoom in on the camera.

Finally it landed on the head of the evil dragon.

An extremely miserable roar.

The white bones that made up the evil dragon disintegrated inch by inch.


“Oh oh oh!!!”

The two protagonists roared.

Use all your strength to push down.

The evil dragon’s entire head was smashed into pieces.

Turn into powder.

The holy light in their hands exploded.

The entire underground city was instantly enveloped.

Outside the dungeon, in the sky.

The holy light suddenly exploded.

A cross starts from the underground city and extends all the way to the clouds.

On the tram.

Li Duduo looked at the phone screen and was stunned.

But after the shock.

What arises is an exciting and hearty feeling.

Li Duoduo took a deep breath and wanted to talk to others. He wanted to tell others that he had watched an awesome animation!

But reason stopped him.

This will be considered perverted.

Fortunately, the girl next to him helped him solve the problem of his desire to talk.

She grabbed Li Yuduo’s hand, her eyes were red, and she didn’t yell this time, but gently shook Li Yuduo’s arm.

Li Duoduo was also excited this time. He also grabbed the girl’s hand and shook it gently.

it is more than words.


A passerby sitting not far away said: “…”

From the perspective of passers-by, the two of them grabbed each other’s arms and shook them without saying a word, looking like fools…

CDD animation workshop.

Gu Xue was also troubled.

Everyone was watching the animation very seriously, but she was distracted.

It’s not that I don’t want to see it…


“Hey, this auntie.” Gu Xue gritted her teeth and said, “How long do you want to hold me!”

“Xiaoxue, don’t talk.”

The aunt Gu Xue mentioned was interrupting a certain production in the CDD Animation Workshop with dissatisfaction. She stared at the screen and watched the animation seriously. Not only was she unmoved, but she also held her tightly.


It’s like being choked! How to watch animation!

Gu Xue was a little angry and stepped on the opponent secretly.

But this aunt, I don’t know if she was too focused and didn’t respond at all.

Gu Xue: “…”

Just when Gu Xue was studying how to escape.

Someone else came over from the side.

It’s Rina Shirakawa.

Staring at the screen, she suddenly grabbed Gu Xue’s right hand.

Very hard.

Still two hands.

Gu Xue: “…”

Do you think I am a stuffed toy?

Do you think I have no temper?

No matter, no matter, I give up.


Best wishes for animation production

Best wishes for animation production

Status: Completed Author:


She is one of the best painters in the industry.
Fighting, daily acting, special effects, carrot transformation...
She is also one of the best storytellers in the industry.
Passionate, deep, warm, healing depression, campus...
She is also the most popular supervisor in the industry, bar none.
Because she is the mother of many genre films, one of the dead-at-home wives...
Her name is Gu Xue, and this is the story of how she worked hard to make animations.


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not work with dark mode